Redditors are fucking nasty 🤢

109  2019-11-02 by Ghdust2


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Shit it’s like day 4 and time for a shower. What do you people do that is so intense you need to clean that much.

If you run, go to the gym, bike etc. you’ll need to shower lmao. Fat ass confirmed.

I’ve got the feeling people take a rinse. Kinda hit some areas and get out.

Nigga just take a shower

I wait 3 days; do a few passes on each section then rinse. More than that drys me out and I get acne.

Imagine putting this much thought into showering.

The acne is definitely not from him showering every day.

you can if you over wash your face, but most people don't wash their face enough so I doubt that's the cause for his acne

I used acne scrub on my face but noticed my face would dry out so much that I would have flakey dead skin + oily skin around it.

Acne scrub + face lotion fixed it

replace both with animal semen.

If you run, go to the gym, bike etc. you’ll need to shower lmao.

It's reddit. The only physical activities these people do are typing on their keyboards and getting up to go to the door to get the food from the delivery guy.

I've worn the same outfit for...5 days and counting? A "Morticia skirt" and a purple t-shirt. I've just changed underwear and socks. Hair is pretty greasy. The "brushing out" trick stopped working yesterday, so now it's in a ponytail. Sprayed all over with a cheap body spray and used a makeup wipe...then stopped wearing makeup. Not even fucking with face creams or SPF or whatever else. Brushed teeth this morning, but didn't for 24 hrs before that. I re-applied some deodorant over sweaty pits, this a.m.

And this is actually not as bad as it gets. This, for depressed, is half-way trying. But not like, "fuck it, I will just live in caves now"...more like "ugh...I still...have to be around humans? Why? Do I have to smile?" You, having to maintain a job...


My family disowned me long ago, and I have no friends. I suffer from severe agoraphobia and rarely leave home. They force me to let someone in my home to care for me 8 hours a day bcuz they cant put me in a facility due to my agoraphobia. I have a degenerative spine condition that is inoperable due to a blood disorder and I'm slowly losing my ability to walk. I'm also schizophrenic, and my health insurance won't pay for my anti-psychotic meds any more. So the visions, and voices are bad, and my perception of reality is usually so distorted I never know what's real anymore.

It just keeps getting worse.

I doubt half this is true tbh

We've seen what these people look like.

I believe it.

I think they are probably just fat but make up a litany or medical conditions to blame it on.

Every Redditor is so “disabled” it’s unbelievable

And it’s never something like Crohn’s Disease, it’s always got to be some super specific, wordy disorder that sounds like it’s name was ripped from a Harry Potter spell, which, knowing redditors, it probably was.

They'll pay for an expensive-ass home health aid but not for antipsychotics that cost 14 cents a pill? Yeah that's entirely made up.

Sad thing is that this sad sack of shit would probably be fine if his folks cut him off. Unless he's getting neetbux and in that case then if the gov cut him off he'd probably get his shit together at least enough to pay his bills and do a 9-5.

If you aren’t washing your body every day you are a nasty motherfucker not shampooing is one thing its ok to let some natural oils build up for a day or two but god damn these some nasty bitches letting the chunk funk build up in their ass crack and pits and man titties

if you live an inactive lifestyle you can get away with every other day. But these guys are talking about taking them after 3 to 5 days. Showers are 5 minutes and feel good. wtf is wrong with these people.

I specifically meant hair only I alternate between using shampoo and just rinsing it. Helps the scalp not get dried out

Hm, maybe I should start trying that. Might actually reduce my need for moisturizing shampoo.

I don’t use shampoo anymore because it makes my hair dry and brittle. I switched out to using hair conditioner only, and it’s much better

I’m on the same thing. I just use conditioner and my hair is softer and nicer now

It’s hard to get used to it but every other day at least is good. Not showering for days is just disgusting.

Yea shampoo just kills all the oil your body produces for your hair (this doesn’t apply to black people obviously) so you shouldn’t do it every single day

You should, especially if your shampoo is expensive.

I shampoo every day, but it's definitely not good for your hair.

Look at this dude not taking 15+ minute showers. I bet you dont play in the tub either huh faggot?

I sit on my ass all day and I still some days have BO to high heaven by the end of the day. .

if you live an inactive lifestyle you can get away with every other day.


because if you lead an inactive lifestyle you get fat and need more showering not less.

Redditors out here acting like taking a shower is some kind of punishment instead of one of the best parts of the day.

Nigga just laying around sweating into your fat folds all day like this guy does is enough to necessitate a shower lmfao

exactly, you don't need to shower everyday you stay at home all day, but if you have healthy practices, go out then yeah you gotta shower everyday or more after workouts

but if you have healthy practices

Most of reddit is from the US

I've worn the same outfit for...5 days and counting? A "Morticia skirt" and a purple t-shirt. I've just changed underwear and socks. Hair is pretty greasy. The "brushing out" trick stopped working yesterday, so now it's in a ponytail. Sprayed all over with a cheap body spray and used a makeup wipe...then stopped wearing makeup. Not even fucking with face creams or SPF or whatever else. Brushed teeth this morning, but didn't for 24 hrs before that. I re-applied some deodorant over sweaty pits, this a.m.

All right tell Jim Crow it’s time to bring back the waterhoses

Sad that r/drama is stealing so much from r/deuxrama at the moment 😔


If I were modded there again I'd put up the wall to counteract these transgressions

I was gonna _slide_into your DMs and say it’s because submissions are restricted but lo and behold they’re unlocked! When did this happen?!

They use less water? Wtf does that mean? I want a personal waterfall in my house.

What you need is a steam shower.

Waterfall shower head, ceiling rain shower option, wall jets, jacuzzi jets, back acupuncture jets, remote controlled lighting options in various colors, surround sound music system, interior television / computer screen, sauna capabilities, aromatherapy vents, a built in telephone, aqua-pressure foot massagers, and some models even come with a mini fridge for all your alcohol needs.

No lifestyle is complete without one.

Oh fuck

You can actually get a fairly good one for only around 4-5 grand. It's the greatest purchase you'll ever make.

Can I find one without some of the tech options for cheap?

You can get a basic one for like 1,000-1,500 depending on the site.

I doubt you'll be able to find anything worth buying under 1k though.


I’d love a shower head that was like a nicely flowing waterfall. The more water the better, as far as I’m concerned.

Yessir. I live in a state chock full of water, so all these crybaby drought states can fuck off because I want to chill in a high pressure shower for inordinate amounts of time.

It’s like California just mismanaged water in every way possible. Arizona has TOO much water and they store it up in underground aquifers for future use if needed. Yet California is running out. I don’t get.

California uses a gorillion times more water than AZ. Way more bodies and agriculture

They also have way more supply

Arizona doesn't have a fraction of the agriculture that Cali does you mong.

Californian COPE

Lol SEETHING over agriculture. This is peak Reddit

I’m sorry Arizona is a shithole state that doesn’t produce anything of use, and whose only offering to the rest of the country is that they are quarantine site for boomers.

Lmao California coping. What’s with all the Californians moving to AZ, NV, ID, and OR

Excuse me sir, I heard you disparaged California. Did you know that many popular bands made songs about California, and that it is the home of Hollywood and Silicon Valley? It is the sunshine state, and no one would ever leave (until they move to your state).

5tH lArgeSt EcONOmy iN ThE WorLD

And yet everyone I know who's left CA never wants to go back

Yeah but they don’t they just cope

I'm not a calicel, I just acknowledge the fact that they do more for this country than Arizona.

for to


I can't wait till Uncle Chong nukes your shitty state.

Damn those are nice. I wonder if I have enough water flow to my shower tho.

You'd be surprised. They require a lot less water pressure than you'd think. They're also not terribly expensive either. You can get a decent one for under 100 I believe.

EDIT: Forgive the gussy, but I found this 16 inch showerhead on Amazon for 53 bucks. It's called the 'Suguword LED 16 Inch Square Rain Shower Head' if you're interested. There are smaller ones that are only 12 inches, too. If you've got the spare cash it's worth looking into.

I actually had a whole setup at one point where I put one of those reclining beach chairs in my shower, attached multiple waterfall heads on both ends of the shower, set up a tv screen on one end and a margarita bar next to it and would watch Netflix laying down under all the warm waterfall water while drinking.

It was fucking incredible. God I miss that house.

Brb, stealing your old shower set up and scaring your neighbors

Ironically that shower did actually have a 5'x5' giant clear window that took up a large portion of one of the walls. Like not one of those frosted blurry windows, but a straight up normal one. It was never an issue because it was overlooking an empty lot so we never cared, but then someone bought that lot and built a house a few years back and if they were in their backyard while I was showering they has front row seats to my wang.

Thought about buying curtains but never got around to it.

Showering with your junk on display to the neighborhood is the best way to assert your dominance your community

i like these ones

the fine mist spray does a better job of fully covering your body in water spray, so no cold air spots, and if it's a hot summer day you can blast full cold water


also it doesn't create direct streams of water so overspray won't hit the wall or random shampoo bottle and deflect out of the shower getting the floor soaked


1st one looks really nice.

Idk how much they cost but waterfall showers were a thing in Italy half a decade ago. It was nice, I'm considering putting one in when I remodel my master bathroom.

They're honestly not expensive unless you go for the really high ends ones.

You should do it.

Literally am, the the first one you linked in the series is what I'm going for. The current space is kind of weirdly set up and not totally enclosed. It feels small due to that and kind of looks out of place/cheap. I think that enclosing it, rennovating the interior, and using the waterfall showerhead will do wonders for the master bath.

I can't think of the last day I didn't shower.

People don't know anything about hygiene. If you do it properly there are zero downsides to showering every day

How much knowledge is required to properly shower?

Tbh, I didn't expect the title to refer to personal hygiene.

These people are just lazy and making excuses for their laziness.

Deep down they know we can smell them.

Well, my nose got smashed sideways while being born. Most people can smell them easier, but I can smell the stank if it bad enough.

OT, my husband has these socks where the dye reacts with his feet. He tries to sneak them by me, and he's all like "but you don't have a good sense of smell." I'm like, "and what should that tell you?" I tried wearing a pair once, and they ruined a pair of shoes.

What the fuck

Just don't buy those black socks with gold toes. They aren't even cheap, but they mix with sweat to make the worst smell ever.

I wore those when I was younger, I think.

Do you happen to look like Jesus, perchance?

In middle school I kind of did.

A shower is 10 minutes maximum if done right, these people are so weird

Having to look at their own naked body is an ordeal for them.

They should just shower in the dark then.

Also, but for real, showering in the dark is incredibly serene. If you've never done it you should try it. It's fucking incredible.

But I like long showers. It's like a morning sauna.

Long showers are the best showers, especially when stoned or crossfaded imho. Opens up the pores, relaxes the skin, you can enjoy a nice shave while you're at it if you aren't a retard, and you can top it off with a nice a wank

Steamy showers when you have a sinus infection are fucking otherworldly.

you like shooting boiled eggs? I cant fucking wank when im on the shower, its almost impossible to edge with the hot water

In time you too shall have this power

First top post is from a “tree guy,” second is from a carnie.

What fucking audience is Reddit marketing to?

People who rarely shower, apparently.

I showered a lot when I was a carnie. But as a stay home dad now

Imagine being an unemployed carnie 😂

he doesn’t know about the Tree Circus.

Johnson get the hose, some piggies need a wash.

LPT: Go spend $30-$50

Oh. Thanks for the tip.

Just don’t be poor lol its that easy

It is that easy you NEET.

There's poor and then there's not being able to scrounge together 30 bucks for a shower head.

Two different categories.

$30-$50 to make every morning nicer and to improve your home is a reasonable price, like skip your soy latte with extra soy for a week and that will cover the price.

dude soy lmao

only good use for soy is soy sauce.

But that's 50 bucks that could be spent on weed.

You can't expect the average redditor to make that kind of sacrifice.

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Redditors are fucking nasty 🤢 -,

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Absolutely degenerate and disgusting.

Unironically this. I've met literal afghan bussyboys who somehow manage to get the dirt and cum off of them and stay clean in the middle of an arid mountain desert and these NEETs can't manage to waddle into the shower.

I don't know if we all see the same image in the upper RH corner, but the one I'm looking at goes well with this content.

