Oh bernie is a landlord

207  2019-11-02 by collectijism


Oh no! You mean his campaign HQ isn't really run out of the same rusty VW van he drove to Birmingham, Selma, and Woodstock?! That fascist!

You say Woodstock like it's anything else other then a reason not to vote for him.

Country music is trash.

This but unironically

You're mad for real?

Yeah buddy

You say that but commie contempt extends to landlords with a sort of ferocity that doesn't apply to other ways of making a living.

Not this time though.

commie contempt extends to landlords with a sort of ferocity that doesn't apply to other ways of making a living

Lol. These are probably the same people who call Bernie "center left" (and think Warren is basically a GOP shill).

Maybe he can educate his people as to how there can be ethical ownership and rental of property

Have you even read the das kapital? Its not another one of those 100s of years old books written by some old dead white man maybe you should give it a try

Isn't that a Nazi book? The name sounds Nazi.

It's about capitalism and it's benefits. It's right in the name.

but those books are exceedingly lindy

*our people

You're referring to marriage and prostitution?

Post this to Chapo lol

Imagine not being banned from chapo

Love this shit.

Hes a good troll but using pols law on commies is like dunking on trannies for having man hands. Its a little too easy to be commendable

What's pols law my dood

Glad you asked. pols law is when your so retarded you go full circle back to being accidentally correct. Ask pols_invictus Hes on the sub

Thanks buddy

Jew does jew things

All these skinny commies pretending to understand black culture consists of using black chad basketball players as commie resistance fighters in shitty memes is more cringey than jacking it to the fantasy of one of these monsters actually sexually pleasing your live in gf for once

I mean just look at this manlet.


Like how is the copywriter for Nike a corporation that sells child slavery wear preaching commie memes and you smooth Braintards are retweeting him and calling yourself a worker?

pictures/names of people in political conversations that make you go HMMM

Jews rock!

Can shoot the rock, I promise

I’m sorry but they need to take away the three pointer and bring basketball back to being a mans game. They let the manlets think they have a use by shooting the rock from 3. But in reality you should of stuck to playing the video game not real basketball your 5 foot nothin

Who are these tards that think rent control is good for anyone besides those with the controlled rent?

Sweaty if rent control was universal then everyone would have an apartment they could afford. Economists are all wrong

Aren't basically all of them landlords? Pretty much anyone with money is.

You do realize landlord is just the word jew re arranged maybe you didn’t know that but uh

My uber driver was a landlord. He said his mate owned and rented out the property opposite mine. I don't understand.

Of course (((he))) does.


Of course someone tweeted this

Somehow I've never seen this posted by people who want to improve our society. It's always by people who want to violently destroy our society. 🤔

Because the comic is a strawman of the righty response to lefties who are, anti-capitalists and yet buy the most expensive iphones and other products. Lefties, as usual, interpret the response in the most extreme sense possible because nothing is nuanced to them. They believe a 800$ iphone is essential to fighting the capitalist machine.

No, they believe that the $800 phone is the equivalent of food - they can't live without it. Of course, their response to this injustice is to follow the ideology that inevitability leads to starvation, because they're fucktarded.

calling it a strawman

its the real rightoid response to a bunch of things, half the complaints against al gore is that he flies in a jet,.

you care about the poor? yet you dont donate all your salary and work at soup kitchen

you care about the enviroment? yet you dont live without electricity and grow your own food

t. lefty

moderator of /r/conservative

holy shit its an actual boomer brain zoomer, no wonder you got mad at me shitting on the rightoid response to any argument

Because I just explained how left have 0 nuance and you literally just did that exact 0 nuance strawmanning.

boomer brain zoomer

You are trying very hard. Is this the new incel? lmao.

Because I just explained how left have 0 nuance and you literally just did that exact 0 nuance strawmanning.

This is why we need mayocide.


i didnt even notice im that used to rightoid delusion, lmao.

you said its a strawman like rightoids dont actually argue like that, except they do you literally mod a sub where most of the arguments are in retarded facebook meme format

calling someone a boomer is trying very hard

ok boomer

you literally mod a sub

I have like an average of 0 mod actions across the board of all the subs I mod.

most of the arguments are in retarded facebook meme format

Not my problem you get baited by Chab, you retard.

ok boomer

cope more

I have like an average of 0 mod actions across the board of all the subs I mod.

so not only do you mod a boomer burgerstani sub you are bad at it or you are such an insane rightoid you got awarded it for being a retard among retards

Not my problem you get baited by Chab, you retard.

good to know that the sub is only pretending to be retarded and endlessly obsess over trannies, what a convincing and long running joke

cope more

ok boomer


subreddit commented in

Libertarian 143 14


i go there because they dont ban people for shitting on their dumb ideas unlike other subs which need to be special safe places where boomers can peacefully post a 3 page essay about transgender school hypnosis.

https://i.redd.it/j3nyqhdmjat31.jpg literally the top keyword lmao "anti idpol conservatives" talk entirely about idpol

Its almost like they don’t understand their own ideology they preach in so far as it’s the fastest way to their own rape limo

Every tankie thinks he's going to be chairman Mao with his plethora of sex slaves.

Yet I already claimed dibs on being Mao. Not interested in a harem though.

we must not violently destroy feudalism. Instead, we must focus on improving it

tbh there's a fair argument to be made that gradual change is better than short, sharp, bloody, but effective revolution.

Tell that to the blacks raping 100% of women in South Africa now that the evil whites left

Based and Burkean

"Wait, when we started this revolution, nobody told me I'd have to sacrifice things!"

I don’t get the comic maybe I need to read more marx

It means you can complain about how society doesn’t do X while you yourself don’t do X because expecting people to follow the rules that they desperately try to force upon others is bad.

Thanks for the explanation I made it halfway through then got lost. Maybe I would get it if I read more marx. Nice try though thank you for taking the time to explain

Well if you want to improve your reading comprehension, you should join the /r/drama book club. We’re on page five of The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

If I may interject a moment. It's actually in response to people saying that you can't be socialist and also argue for socialism while using the internet, a computer, a phone etc. because those are made under capitalism. However, there isn't a single thing on this Earth that's not made under capitalism, so that'd naturally result in any and all discussion becoming impossible unless you're okay with debating a naked stone-axe wielding Commie with unkempt beard and enough chest hair to cover his schlong, which tbh I could see certain Marxists doing.

It's poking fun at people who are like "Oh, you hate slave labor? Then why are you using Apple products/(insert product mad with low-cost wages here)?"

medieval peasant: it depends on time and place, but probably bound to the land by some combination of force exercised by their liege, roving bands of hostile raiders and bandits, the fact that their language and culture doesn't extend far out of their village, and being at the mercy of growing seasons

Modern leftoid: lmao you can literally fly to Cologne, Germany, and fit in with an anarchist commune where everyone has a functional grasp of English

Yeah but the medieval peasant can use the weapons, castles, food, printing presses etc. produced by other peasants under feudalism to fight against feudalism, as indeed quite a few peasants did. They all fucking failed, but they did try.

That picture legit needs to be banned from the internet. Internet communists would be helpless without it.

The landlord meta has been delightful.

Chapo check

0 of high_side's last 987 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Swing and a miss.

Carry on

How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


  1. Oh bernie is a landlord - archive.org, archive.today

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