What is your opinion on /r/cumtown and their users?

0  2019-11-02 by SpacePanther17

They seem sort of similar in terms of overall vibe so thats why I'm asking.


I don't know and I don't want to know.

I wish I could find a better source and expanded clip from this, what I consider to be one of the best scenes in cinematic history. I'm too lazy to do all the work to pull it and put it on youtube, someone would probably dmca it anyway. This is from the Edge of Tomorrow, and Cruises' and Paxton's characters are talking about where they are from, and Cruise asks "Why do they call it Science Hill?" Paxton says "Never asked. Don't care."


Despite how short it is, this is one the great moments, taken in context, of cinematic history.

And The Edge of Tomorrow is a great movie, for those of you who didn't know that.

Nah. I can’t do these “le epic funny man” podcasts anymore, I’ve hated every one that has been recommended. Cumtown folks can be funny, but I think most of their banter is from the show, also way too much “bro DRUGS” posting for me.

All in all I’d say they are 8/10 compared to most Reddit communities.

overall vibe

/r/drama has a vibe?

First time I hear about this ...

Vibe check

Aggressive queer cynicism is the readout I’m getting.

The sub is worse than the podcast.

Nick Mullen is one of the most based men alive. Adam Friedland is the only good Jew. Stav is alright and has a great laugh, but every time he sings it's the unfunniest shit.

Cumtown fulfills a very deep desire to see pabg posts, make up songs about gay sex, and make fun of the mentally handicapped. It's a sanctuary of sorts.

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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I literally have no idea what cumtown or breadtube are, and I hope to never find out


Podcasters of sports and comedy or anyone from Brooklyn can hold hands on the bottom of the ocean together for all I care

all i know is ive got enough podcasts as it is

They are ok and can come in, provided they go in the shower first.

podcast plebs, no. they eventually will turn into chapo or mde

We've had a "chapo check" for a long time to purge the chapo horde, and lately have been mocking the mde-ers. It's a pretty good balance for a sub based on a podcast about having gay sex with your dad.

it was swinging chapoid before that, but now it seems to be swinging MDE to overcorrect now. I've been seeing unironic "protect white culture" dogshit there and that's usually the first sign a forum is about to go /pol/jr



Reddit needs more censorship, unfortunately the admins don't have enough balls to ban and censor like they should.

And to even remotely see any similarities indicates a few holes in your brain and knowledge base.