Australian retards argue over a 3 year old rightoid 4chan meme.

100  2019-11-03 by T-800_101


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When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression

If this was ever true, the people who would gain from this message never will. It's like concern trolling with the only audience being yourself. You'll only understand this post if you agree with me.

If this were true then the civil rights act would have never happened.

Civil Rights Act of 1866 was virtually ignored for a century because the white supremacists won the civil war.

Oh I’m talking about the MLK jr thing

We don't talk about that one.

white supremacists won the civil war

So what I'm taking from this is you wish the Confederacy won the war.

Tarrant was Australian

When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression

Best thing about this is that almost always the retards parroting this shit are some upper middle class white people, preaching to working class people below them.

You just explained social media inadvertently

implying bussy blasted mayo manlets screaming about white oppression arent an infestation that needs to be cleansed.

Manlets need to be cleansed

They’re not screaming white oppression, they’re trying to turn normies from doormats to aggressors.

We cause nothing, we only reveal what was always there but hidden. You people come out in the open like retards and screw yourselves when in previous times you'd stay silent while actively working towards white supremacy. We make the crypto white supremacists honest.


If you measure by effort expended vs drama created, it might be the greatest troll ever created

4chan shit like this pure genius, the 👌 sign, this, pools closed..

Wow I'm a reactionary and I think reactionaries are genius XD

Only ironically though even though I'm being entirely unironic XD

Its ok to be a retard

I can't prove that "Islam is right about women" is one of theirs, but it has all the hallmarks.

I feel like the islam one has underperformed.

Even normies can see through the Islam one, the way it's phrased is obviously just rightoids starting shit. Okay to be White worked because your average dumb normies were confused at it being offensive to the left.

I think the real problem is that the hyper-woke left can't engage lazily with that one. It's funny when all they can (lazily) say in response is "I don't know what that means," but it isn't the kind of response that carries anything forward. For this lind of "campaign" to work you need something that can be easily "dunked on" in a way that only looks good to the already hyper-woke.

well that one news story of the islam one was filled with normies literally confused and not knowing what NPC response to react with, i think it worked better than you give it credit for.

"saying islam is right about women is clearly being misogynist, but wait, it's also saying islam is bad, hmmmmm", literally dozens of them utterly confused. the purpose of it obviously is to get normies questioning why they should be defending this horrible religion constantly when their views on women are bad, like just saying "yah i agree with their views on women" gets their noggins joggin.

Oh dang, that's good.

Pool's closed is my all time favorite.

i want nothing to do with that, im not even white. i just took a picture of the absurdity of it and the irony that is this fucker spreading the word so proudly but not showing his face.

But nobody says anything when antifa carry around BB guns and batons and fully masked, kek

"Its ok when we do it!"

“Why would he cover his face when all I was doing was taking his picture to show to an online community to try to find out who he is and ruin his life?”

'It's okay to be white' is such a great line. Obviously it's retarded and wrong but the leftist media can't say that outright. Quality troll

So it's not okay to be white?

🤢🤢 disgusting


You whoosh, motherfucker! I like pocket pepperoni at the checkout.

I like to eat it in such a way as my churning lips clamp and unclamp along its meaty length as I chew in a motion that resembles a half-oval shimmy of the jaw, drawing the pepperoni into my mouth further with each successive hands free bite. It really make me feel like I’m in control of my life, and not an impulsive pepperoni purchaser.


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Australian retards argue over a 3 y... -,

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People getting triggered by this unironically pushes those who are susceptible to it more towards white identity politics.

I thought that was a dead by daylight killer tbh

It's not ok to be Australian

Guy there gives a really good explanation. Not something you see on that subreddit a lot.

Noticed quite a few solid comments.

Those who are being discriminated against so often are like children caught in the middle of an argument between two egotistical parents who neglect their welfare for wanting to get the satisfaction of demonising the other party and having their vindication.

Not bad but I have to ask - what else is there to do for those "egoistical parents"?

Best part it goes like this

somebody says"4chan meme intended to make leftist spergout" the leftist still reply with spergouts. Like wtf?

they're retarded, I see no hope for them.