Shitliberalssay gets posted on AHS, but the tankies invade

41  2019-11-03 by typicalwwemark


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Eating their own

Only in the context of american politics, outside of "everyone left of reagan is a leftist" burgersphere the center exists and really doesnt like commies.

The libs don't like commies either of you haven't noticed. Big divide in the Democratic party right now, progressives vs liberals

Only in the context of american politics

What other politics matter?

a real connoisuer of drama follows it everywhere, Indian parliamentary fistfights, literally all of the UK for the past three years.


This is an American subreddit and while you're not explicitly barred from posting here as a foreigner, you should keep the American cultural, social, linguistic and sexual norms in mind when you do post.

suck my chode yank


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Shitliberalssay gets posted on AHS,... -,

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