Audio leaks of punching bag rightoid Richard Spencer having a spergout. The voice cracks make it!

115  2019-11-04 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Is this guy supposed to be the ideal [[[Aryan]]] übermensch? I've heard Karens sperging out at cashiers sound more intimidating.

He just wants to play find the Anne Frank with his cadre of Nazi boy toys. He's an Ernst Rohm, waiting for his Hitler

He will be eliminated by Nick Fuentes

He is REEEEEEEEEEing so hard 😹 Also, this was supposedly leaked by Milo. Looks like that attention whore is trying to become relevant again after his bankruptcy by backstabbing other rightoids. The last couple of years have been an absolute disaster for both of these clowns.

Looks like Milo posted the video on YouTube originally -

His anger was justified but I’ve seen less feminine freakouts from trannies on the subway.

look at this dude

Lol. What a weak little boy.

Wow Milo lmao

Having your voice crack while talking about ruling the world is not a good look

Imagine going on a screeching hissyfit like Hitler in his bunker when you haven't even accomplished anything evil in your life.

At least Hitler had the decency of offing himself after sperging out.

> Implying Hitler didn't sneak out of the country to south america and die there in the eighties.


Dude's out his goddamn mind. Has he ever actually even done anything?

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Audio leaks of punching bag rightoi... -,

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my man rules the world, not gonna lie


You'd almost feel bad about punching him now.

He really did a great job of destroying that town, too.


This is pathetic lmao

Here’s your fuhrer bro

I feel like he would cry if he took a proper hit.

Mayo rightards being an autist? News at 8.

What, are Milo and Spencer feuding?

Milo fetishizes black people and likes to brag about some supposed Jewish ancestry he has. Oh and he's gay. I doubt they see eye to eye on many issues.

What the fuck is an octaroon?

It's someone that is a 1/8 black and the rest (usually) white. People use quadroon as well for someone who is 1/4 black. Used to be terms used a hell of a long time ago.

I see. Should they be spared from the mayocide then?


My kids qualify for those designations, so hopefully. I just hope it's like this clip from Red Dawn.

Remember, if you subscribe to Democratic Mayocide theory rather than Revolutionary Mayocide, your kids won’t be killed they just have to have kids with non-mayos.

Wait those are his second most pressing concern?

The "One Drop" Rule is serious business to retards.

I mentioned this on supidpol, and I'll mention it here: needs more gamer word.

My favorite comment from the stupidpol thread on this:

We was kangz an shit


we wuz aryanz and shieet

Actually, the correct saying here is "we waz romanz an shit."

we waz empraz n sheet.

American History X sequel looking pretty good.

Lol what a dipshit
