I've had enough, no more foul language in r/Drama

18  2019-11-04 by Truffle_life

Posting this on mobile so please forgive any bad grammar.

Let's get to the point. I'm fed up of wanking up each day to rude and abusive messages in this subreddit. It's not all of you but you know who you are. Stop it ok. Won't be saying any names to save them the embarrassment, but it's not funny and it's not clever and I will not be having it any longer. Do you have any idea how it feels to wank up each morning, eager to take on the challenges of the day, only to read nothing but insults and profanity? I am disgusted. I have nothing else to say on the matter. Except I expected better from those of you guilty of this harassment. Did your parents raise you to be like this?

It's gone on long enough and I will not tolerate it anymore. I am forced EVERY day to sift through message upon message, paragraph after paragraph of vulgarity on this subreddit. An avalanche of putrid imagery and needless slander. I have enjoyed correspondence with several of you via the comment section and this is why I, until today, chose to keep quiet on the extent of this behaviour.

It was once professed and I will quote 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt you', I have come to learn this is not true. The words do hurt. More and more each day. I was first shocked when I read the first vle comment on this subreddit, but I thought little of it. I imagined it to be simply the ravings of an angry individual, howwever, now my feelings have changed on the matter. You're not angry! You're a LOSER! And honestly I am of the opinion that you actually enjoy your routine belittlement and mockery of others. It makes me sick. To think you enjoy the suffering of another human being. Disgusting.

And for those of you who think you are alone in this opinion. You are NOT. Let us not suffer in silence. Our strength will speak out. Let's show these monsters we will not be accepting their childish and scornful behaviour any longer.


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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Drag his ass, Snappy.

You should probably stop wanking up everyday. Porn is bad for your soul.

If you have a mush mind and could be easily influenced by corporate engineered content you may be the target demographic for nofap.

Coomer cope. You don’t get cancer, you don’t become ready to explode every waking minute.

It’s been 3 months so far and I wake up feeling depressed as I always do, and surprisingly my desire for women has decreased 10 fold below it even was to begin with. I think I tricked my mind into thinking sex and sexual gratification isn’t even a possibility. That is the best thing an incel like me has to hope for.

Its NNN guys

Imagine thinking I’m gonna read all that

Tldr you fucking turd

just wanted to let you know that the 7 min you put into thinking this up and writing it is completely in vain because no one is reading your dumbass post. Kinda based though ngl

stop commenting on things you don't read zoomer