Yet anotherAntifa Super Soldier caught planning massive bike lock attack

85  2019-11-04 by WarSanchez


The undercover agent connected with Holzer through a Facebook account that portrayed her as a white female who is supportive of white supremacy ideology.

Nothing turns on my e-gf who refuses to Skype with me more than when I tell her about my plans to commit terrorist attacks against specific targets in the near future.

Get yourself a ERP partner who enjoys discussions of three hole lower receivers, oil filters and hacksawing barrels without a safety ruler

My gaytf guardian angle keeps me safe and comfy.

I keep the battery backup infared spotlight pointed at his little tree stand box on the other side of the valley just so he knows I care too.

We're glow buddies.

The amount of overlap between r/drama and that subreddit is getting kinda worrying.

The only solution to pollution is dilution.

Honestly, if we could limit immigration here to bestgunnit and cumtown posters only, rather than the usual chapo/MDEfugees, we might just manage to put lipstick on this autistic pig

Bestgunnit wsb and Drama all have one major thing in common- autism

But to be real were all just 4chan retirement subs, just like how MDE was a poltard colony. Makes sense the retirees mingle, choomers have more in common than the normal reddit retards, such as a sense of humor and the ability to be detached from internet shit enough to not turn everything into serious posting. Ironically serious posting but still fuck it.

Best gunnit dont look so good right now though, really hung up on shit teir boog posts, and dramas pretty dead too after pinging was omega cucked. I’ll just keep playing WoW in the Choomer retirement center and bitching about the state of things.

There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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He allegedly told an undercover FBI agent that he hoped to poison members of the synagogue and claimed he had paid off a "Mexican cook to hex and poison" attendees by putting arsenic in the water pipes, according to an arrest affidavit.

The master race - too lazy to do hexs against water pipes so has to get mexicans to do it for him.

Delegation and outsourcing are perfectly legitimate actions

It's called comparative advantage read some Ricardo smoothbrain

The classic white supremacist tactic.

Is this in Superman 3 or is that dark knight the Batman movie?

Was this a real threat or was the fbi doing what they normally do which is entrap a mentally ill guy ala Muslims or this guy


It's called job security. If the FBI can't get mentally unstable people to be terrorists how can they justify their budgets?

I think the overall collar is fair, as he was willing to suggest an attack on his own. I do think the charges for the items he could never have actually gotten without their help is kind of bs. Also one such sting of that type is how the middle East got the instructions for EFP weapons, so it's a pretty shit play all around.


It looks that way, but I get the concern. They have had some really questionable stings in the past decade on both white supremacists and Islamic terrorists, usually the target being profoundly autistic or schizophrenic to the point that they couldn’t have even put the plan together without FBI help.

This doesn’t appear to be one of those, though.

being a looney doesn't stop you from being able to press 6 pounds with your index finger

Questionable is arguably an upgrade from running extrajudicial deathsquads and state sanctioned killings, but somehow I'm just not impressed.

Maybe it's because of all the Mormons they recruit. I think I hate Mormons this week.

Exactly. Mormons eh? I haven’t taken the Mormon Pill yet, just find them goofy and a bit creepy. They are like the homeschooled kids of religions.

In most of the country they're just weird, but in Utah they hold a significant amount of power and are super crazy.


Some Jews are actually more white, then most of these retarded rightoids, I don't know why rightoids hate fellow whites so much.

Envy is a powerful emotion

We should make white supremacy Jew-inclusive.

As my great-grandmother used to say, it's a green-eyed monster.


I'm 32% merchant and I'm white as snow. Literally have zero Jewish features whatsoever.

Though I'm also 0.5% African and I don't look black either.


Holzer allegedly told her that he was "a skinhead" and former member of the Ku Klux Klan and sent her images of himself wearing clothing that featured symbols related to white supremacy.

She deserves a medal because I would have given up my oath to protect people the minute i saw some pasty white hick wearing some Klan klothes.

Nice title I loled

People here are copying me man. When they said plague of the mad I thought they meant angry people at first

Lay off the fent bruh

The FBI agent LARPED as a girl fucking lmao. God white supremacists are so retarded, I guess it comes with the name.

tfw your e gf is a glow in the dark

Let he who has not pretended to be a foid on the internet to manipulate someone throw the first flame.



Germans once again plotting to attack us merchants. A tale as old as time.

Clearly another Mossad agent