49  2019-11-05 by CapeshitterCOPE


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I like that millenials actually think they are better than boomer. And I like that zoomers actually think they are better too.

Most of these “millennials” are zoomers.

don't underestimate the amount of late 20s-late 30s manchildren on this website who have embarrassingly little going on in their lives.

boomers: have sex, have money, job, family, no mental illnesses, retarded

millenials: no sex, no money, no family, a lot of mental illnesses and new ones coming on the way

zoomers: live with parents, autism

Gen X wins again by omission as always.

Yay I guess..

And Gen-X is just there like lol thanks for forgetting to include me in this stupid squabble.

nobody cares for gen x because nobody does heroin anymore

zoomers are better than millennials and boomers



That sub bums me out. It’s like /all found it, never even tried to understand it, and started making ‘boomer owned!” posts, not realizing that they were effectively boomer posting.

I’ve been 30 for a week now, can’t wait to get even more bitter 🥳

I was at a party this weekend where parents brought their zoomer kids and holy shit I'd take millennials over zoomers any day.

I looks written by a 12 year old

It’s unironically written by G*llowBoobs “gf”

Sounds about right then.

his hotwife

30 year old boomer was a based meme. Shame normies ruined it. sip

Yeah trust millennials to take a light-hearted meme about playing Quake 3 and mowing the lawn and turn it into whining and entitlement.

He needs to take off the shades and start talking about longnose tribe puting berry in drinking water. That will scare them off.

People keep saying this but the 30 year old boomer meme is still great on 4chan.

t. zoomer; can't spell for shit.


So that's longposting about “boomers owned by facts and logic”.

Reddit destroys everything.

wasn't the term boomer, doomer and zoomer invented by literal 4chan incels?

/pol/ specifically but that's never stopped the left from culturally-appropriating and running into the ground rightoid memes in the past.

culturally-appropriating and running into the ground rightoid memes

The one and only thing the modern left is good at.

Chans made it just like all wojak sub-memes

Well, referring to them as “baby boomers” is as old as the generation itself. However, calling gen-z “zoomers” and other groups “doomers” and “bloomers” and “coomers” comes from literal 4chan incels

I can never figure out what this site thinks the cutoffs for boomer/millenial/zoomers are.

Millennials aren't lazy


I don't have the time and energy to explain this

You know, I have been coming to the conclusion that Millennials are the most retarded generation in US history. Like the Boomers are stupid and destroying the country, but you cant be bothered to mobilize and out-politic them?

boomers are destroying the country because they will be dead before they see effects leaving the millennials to deal with it. Smart move if you ask me.