The crisis within Academic feminism.

65  2019-11-05 by ponzishill

Every once in a while people DM me and ask me various questions. By far one of the most common is from our resident rightoids, asking me how exactly feminism got so unhinged and where all of these faux outrages came from. A few examples of these would be:

1) The air conditoning is sexist.

2) tampon taxes.

3) manspreading.

4) mansplaining (which is really just called being patrionizing, but feminists never miss a chance to gender something.)

Well, there was a time period when feminism really was a force for good. Women were in fact being treated poorly in many areas of society, and thus the radicalization was justified in most ways. But also during this time period, as feminism became what amounted to "the default" within the society, a lot of academic women decided to build their careers on the backs of the feminist movement. They could speak truth to power, hold the corrupt patriarchy accountable, and they could do this from within the world of academia. Feminism became big business, many women invested years into this. This was completely fine until it started to become increasingly obvious, even to feminists, that the pendulum had swung in the other direction and women were now privileged in many areas of society. Be it healthcare, education, the dating market, the legal system, pretty much every relevant area of society women had become privileged in.

This is a problem because you have thousands of women with no other marketable skills other than producing research that explains how women are totally oppressed still, thus justifying their job and their income. So what did these feminist academics do? They could have just stopped, found something else to write about, but during this time period feminism had also evolved from a gender equality movement to what I'd define as a "secular religion." The moral righteousness and innate goodness of feminism became so self-evident that to ever criticize or disagree with feminist dogma amounted to heresy (I'd argue this spawned cancel culture, some of the first attempted cancels were feminists trying to shut out other feminists that said "hey, wait a minute.")

So rather than be critical of their religion, they started to produce fake problems to justify the existance of their careers. This is the origin of every bat-shit insane feminist claim you see on the internet. It's not that they truly believe these things (at least not the academics, the wokies probably do, but they get most of what they know from these academics) but without these manufactured slights, academic feminism has nothing to complain about, and therefore has no reason to exist.

These women are fighting for their careers, not gender equality.

This has been part 1 (or the intro) to our dive into modern feminism. Next up will be "feminism: the bottomless hunger."


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. The crisis within Academic feminism... -,

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So you're saying Islam is right about women?

Take the jihadpill, Pizzashill.

OK, but does saying nigger or cunt make you racist or sexist? Regardless of the context?

no, you being racist and sexist is what makes you racist and sexist you retarded fronthole

Is fronthole what trannies call cunts now?

I heard it used by them once and it sounded more offensive than calling it a vagina so i figured it worked

It is very unsettling and clinical, not gonna lie. Kinda like using cloaca instead of ass.

Good point, I have to remember to steal this.

Wow I’ve only seen fronthole from misogyny fetish bloggers before nice

Actually, racism is good.

🙄...reminder to everyone that I am pizza's intellectual equal so he consistently refuses to debate me...😑

Imagine being proud of being as smart as dumbass pizzashill.

AND being Canadian too.

It's over for marxcels.

indeed. I already proved him to be 40IQ. Therefore Marx is of the same disposition.

Being a commie should have clued you in already.

Feminism was never a force for good, this went down hill the second the 19th was passed

By what metric did things go down hill?

Well someone invented the internet, and then they allowed you to post on it.

If there's anything we can blame on women getting the vote, it's that.

You have a real response or?

Or what, you're gonna run and cry about it to the mother who raised you alone and never loved you?

No, I'm going to dismiss you for failure to formulate a real argument.

Don't make me the third person you've blocked on reddit!!

I don't actually block people unless they're bad faith. For example, from a previous argument, I've learned you're one of the most retarded humans on earth, so I like to laugh at you.

Oh yeah I remember the last time I completely dunked on you and you got mad, that was awesome.

This is a prime example of how completely delusional you are. Why don't you explain in detail how you "dunked" on me.

How often did you get beat up in high school? Was it

A. frequently

B. so frequently you were scared to go

C. you were homeschooled

D. you were homeschooled so the single mother who hated you did the beating herself?

I never got beat up. I've been over 6'1 since the age of 14.

So D, then.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.


You should have a weekly column

Unironically. He could probably make good money on outrage clicks

4) mansplaining (which is really just called being patrionizing, but feminists never miss a chance to gender something.

Besides the obvious stupidity of this, patronize is already gendered. It comes from the French word patron which means father or master. It's like those fucking idiots who say "danger noodle" instead of "snake".

"patronizing" today is not used in a gendered way. Mansplaining is.

Well how long until we use mansplaining in a non-gendered way? 20 years?

So basically the government got involved in loaning kids giant sums of money that not even banks would loan making feminism a 30 to 50k a year payment that allows these massive institutions to pay for women to research things. The fed printed money to allow the government to take on said 1.6 trillion in debt. So the jews did it. Got it thanks nazi

Believe women

While I must admit I have missed your essays, I must also say it saddens me to hear that people seriously asked you why you think feminism is the way it is today.

None of the points you have made are original, even the "secular religion" part.

Please keep writing, though.

I don't recall claiming they were original.

Existance to existence in the 3rd last para. Good shit.

Good catch tbh, I always do that.


Another astute advancement from our stating-the-obvious dividion

Motherfucker its 2019, isnt the whole "feminism cancer milo good" shit done already?

Corporate/liberal feminism is a hot mess, but you are also a moron.

Wow, feminism is all about stupid stuff, it can't be because I click rage bait articles like a chimp trying to earn a raisin in a lab.

There is a discussion be held, and has been held by smart people, about men needing to dress in business suits when it's 90 degrees out. It's bad for the environment. But, instead of doing something about it, like having dudes who live in places where the summers are in the 90s be able to dress differently, let's get manipulated into rage sharing links.

Can you type this in English?

you understood exactly what I said.

This is a problem because you have thousands of women with no other marketable skills other than producing research that explains how women are totally oppressed still, thus justifying their job and their income.

The problem with people like us complaining about this stuff, is that when we say it, we sound like angry conspiracy theorists. That's why it's important to read and engage with the stuff that is explicitly taught in grad school. My new favorite citation is

We only need to look at one block quote from there that will cover the two things that I think are most wrong about modern academic feminism: The first is a lowering of the bar for what qualifies as valid scientific evidence. The second is an explicit endorsement of the introduction of bias into scientific inquiry.

Intersectionality’s presence and proliferation in academic spaces represents a form of grassroots theorizing. A Black woman (Crenshaw) used her scholarly position as a vehicle to represent the practices and embodied knowledges that, historically, have characterized the lived experiences of her women-of-color foremothers who must simultaneously navigate the complexities of gender, race, language, and other identity politics (Collins & Bilge, 2016). Although the terminology is recent, there is a long history of intersectional analysis by both women-of-color scholars and lay scholars. Crenshaw’s work rests on the shoulders of women like Sojourner Truth, Anna Julia Cooper, Gloria AnzaldĂșa, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Paula Gunn Allen, The Combahee River Collective, and countless other known and unknown women who have shaped the consciousness of women of color through the verbal and written articulation of their lived experiences (Gines, 2011). Like Crenshaw, Cooper (2015) identifies her mother’s and grandmother’s teachings as more than just simple life lessons:

Because of Black feminism, I understand the theorizing that my mother and grandmother taught me to do as being critical and crucial to my survival as a Black woman of Southern [United States], semi-rural, working-class origins now navigating a middle class, urban, academic life. (p. 10, emphasis in original)

The theorizing that Cooper’s mother and grandmother taught her—and that my mother and grandmothers taught me—is not considered “appropriate” or “rigorous” enough for academic discourse based on academe’s tendency toward figure hiding through elitist and exclusionary practices of legitimizing knowledge (Gines, 2011). Naming these articulations as Crenshaw did is a form of scholarly legitimization that makes them “more compatible with academic norms of discovery, authorship, and ownership” (Collins & Bilge, 2016, p. 80).

One significant characteristic of intersectionality is its commitment to praxis (Cho, Crenshaw, & McCall, 2013; Collins & Bilge, 2016).1 The women of color who have embraced intersectionality as both an intellectual and practical approach to the world throughout history have not had the luxury of separating their intellectual work from their efforts to survive the matrix of domination (Cooper, 2015). Therefore, the women who have advanced intersectionality within academe have retained praxis as a significant part of that conceptualization. Given this legacy, it is not enough to think through the multiple ways in which oppression weighs on various identities, but it is the scholar’s responsibility to use her or his power to do something in response. This focus on praxis also validates the knowledges that lay scholars who do not share our academic credentials bring to this work and promotes collaboration within and outside of academe.

So, as you can see, lived experience and "theorizing" are explicitly endorsed as a progressive development in academia and that through praxis, it is now "the scholar's responsibility to use her or his power to do something in response [to oppression]". Scholar activism is a responsibility. The layperson perception of a scientist as someone who attempts to remove their personal or group biases from their work has been inverted, with explicit endorsement in review articles.

Why say it as pizzashill, no-name on the internet, when you can just cite Collins, Crenshaw, and Davis? It's not an opinion of the academy that you came up with from looking at the weirder parts of the internet. It's marching orders that came from the top names in black feminist critical theory, which is explicitly intersectional and marxist.

Also, do you understand why people think Cultural Marxism is a Nazi conspiracy theory? (see,,,, So much of intersectionality is explicitly marxist, and nobody's shy of saying it in the academic texts, but the second a right-winger finds out, apparently it's a conspiracy theory. I don't understand.

Every once in a while people DM me and ask me various questions

opening with blatant lies is never a good idea

That isn't even a lie.

There is a legitimate case against tampon taxes. If there were no tax-free product categories, then asking for tampons to be excluded would be absurd. However, there are usually product categories that are tax-free (usually foodstuffs and other daily necessities) and there is nothing substantially different as to why tampons should not get the tax break when the other products do get them.

Nigga the tax amounts to maybe 10 bucks a year. That's why it's laughed at. Complaining about something like that is peak absurdity.

May I take a peek at your n-word pass?


I will have an N-word pass when my buddy gets off work.

There's no hidden academic conspiracy, rather these social battles let people think they're fighting the good fight without having to give up any real power, or threaten anyone who does have real power. It's like sport, you have a battle with the enemy side and then go home again having changed very little in the world.