Giant (but tiny at the same time) fortnite zoomer youtuber cheats in the only thing he is good at. Unsurprisingly he gets banned, so he decides to make an apology video where he cries and begs for forgiveness. #2 on trending at the time of this post, I thank you, youtube. This is what I want to see.

84  2019-11-05 by TheColdTurtle


Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Giant (but tiny at the same time) f... -,

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you gotta understand that he most likely paid a shit ton of money for v-bucks to afford all the cool new skins so he is relevant. And he decided to do something risky and got banned losing all the money/skins. What a retard.

Whenever I’ve bothered to look at YT trending it always has the most absolute cancerous, mind flayingly awful material. How is it even possible that with a billion hours of “content” uploaded per day, this is the thing people end up watching.

imagine thinking people have taste

Imagine not watching Townsends 18th century cooking reenactments smh.

I love Townsends and after some leftoids tried to make him honourary antifa for some retarded out of context nonsense his reaction video shutting them down was professional and priceless, despite him being legitimately upset at it.

Yeah I remember that. Thumbnail was all like "I'm tired" or something. Poor man just wants to share how the colonists washed their clothes and shit.

why tf would the antifa dipshits try to co opt some random guy on youtube who makes colonial era videos?

this is like anti logic (not that i'm surprised, it's antifa after all.)

He reviewed some sort of orange desert and antifas thought it was a purposeful dig at trump which started a “townsends is antifa” thing like the gritty mascot. He wouldn’t have it

In a race to the bottom who would win? Antifa or DDF?

I've seen plenty of dumb shit from the DDF but holy fuck antifa is next level weaponized autism.

For me, it's Defunctland.

this but unironically

Imagine thinking YouTube doesn't selectively pick the trending page

YouTube is shit now. it's all career youtubers who could get a real job and talk like their either a tard wrangler or trying to sell you on an mlm

billion hours a day


>90% of shitposters are Aussies.

>They are destroying this site. I hate Australians so god damn much.

Dios Mio, el americano....

El goblino

lol got caught botting. What an idiot.

God as soon as i heard that disgusting bong accident I had to rip my headphones off

OK, so let me get this straight. He made videos showing that he was using aimbot and other stuff, then is surprised when he's banned?

Yes the retardation is strong with this youtuber

Apparently he even joked about getting banned during the aimbot video according to the YT comments. Really a shocked pikachu face moment.

LOL, that makes him extra special.

Did he really "get caught" if he openly used aimbot on an alt account and posted a video to YouTube of him doing so?

This is just pants-on-head stupidity.
