Sweaty, as a man you are not entitled to be comfortable.

78  2019-11-05 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Someone is getting trolled, old school and hard.

the acc got suspended so most likely. still good drama tho.

I was seething hard

"He beats me because he loves me"

Is that poster mentally ill, a troll, or the natural evolution of a male feminist?

Either a troll or the other two simultaneously.


"If you define being a good man to be that you haven’t personally raped anyone, you need to raise the bar, way higher. Being a good man is researching sexism, truly understanding it, and doing the vast amount of emotional work necessary to unlearn sexist beliefs"

Sounds like someone is trying very hard to justify having spent 50 grand on a Liberal Arts degree 🙄🙄

if that bitch thinks i'm going to be putting in free labor of any sort so that I can be seen as a good man in her eyes, she is fuckin retarded.

Now if she was naked on her knees about to blow me and asked if i was a feminist... i would consider saying yes. Probably depends on how similar her naked body is to that of a walrus.

I’m in favor of eliminating all student loan debt except for those with sociology and business degrees

business degrees

Does that cover economics meme "science" degrees too?

Depends on their economic opinions. If they’re classcucked enough to be anti college debt forgiveness, then I’m certainly not going to stop them from sucking off the bankers

Liberal Arts /= humanities

Humanities itself is questionably defined, like race and iq bs is psychology but because it's right wing it's stem apparently. While psychology supporting "gender ideology" is humanities somehow. But Jordan peterson is stem cus he based XD.

Humanities is just a label that people put in anything that challenges their ideals.

lol yeah but i said Liberal Arts not humanities, its right there dude, just go to your comment and press "parent" lmao

Humanities is just a label that people put in anything that challenges their ideals

Now out of the two of us, who sounded like they had their ideals challenged?

Being a good man is almost entirely tangential to your views on social science arcana. It only matters at all in that caring way too much about it disqualies you.

I want to say bad b8, but it worked very well

How do I know your lying, men come on this site and pretend to be women. Show me

Mod this guy

How do I know your lying, men come on this site and pretend to be women. Show me

This is beyond based. Tranny commies btfo'd.

Wow baaaaassstttteee XD

Got damn you’re on fire tonight. Don’t ever stop qt

Grace: No tactless posts generalising gender or gendered groups. We are a welcoming community. Rights of all genders are supported here and broad generalizations [including about feminism or the men's rights movement] will not be tolerated.

Oh damn, it's a twox spinoff.

it really is a shame that we can't pin /u/ gilablue

niggers commit lots of crime, over 50% for 13% in fact

it's society's fault. we have failed black people. this isn't their fault.

moids commit lots of crime, over 73% for 50% in fact

it's men's fault. they have failed themselves. this is their fault

all wh*te foids should be put in re education camps

Correction: All foids should be put in brap barns

Moids commit lots of crime, basically all of it

Not a problem, we dindu nuffin

Niggers do a disproportionate amount of crime

it's their fault, they failed themselves

as for white supremacy we dindu nuffin

All mayo Moids should be put in re education camps


The statement “men are horrible, men are trash” is indicative of someone who ascribes harmful behaviors to whole swaths of the population regardless of belief.

The world is constructed of materials, not ideals.

Go troll somewhere else, Ms Misandry.

Just say Ms. Andry. Why are redditers so shit at everything?