High value queen strategist coach is confused about why nobody wants to date her. But even after seven years of being neglected not all hope is lost, apparently the solution is younger men!

131  2019-11-05 by mysrsaccount2


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I'm 49, and super picky

Found the problem.

49 Picky

Lmao she's just an incel

I'm like totally ok with pump and dump! *sobs*


What are the odds she's got a BMI under 25?

49 year old women better be takin all cumers

Your Honor, I'd like to mark this as Exhibit A for "why I don't date women my own age" and submit it to evidence.


The men my age have largely not aged well, and can't keep up with me.

This is more doubtable than gas-station nachos at 5am.

Women's liberation really and permanently fucked western birthrates, huh?

What's that old saying? Islam was right again?

Of all the words of tonque and pen the saddest are those: Islam was right again.

Islamo-Cathbol alliance when?

The united anti secular crusade jihad

Its interesting, isnt it? The liberation movement required women to go out and get jobs in order to be free fom their bondage Then that doubled the labor pool and kept wages stagnant for 30 years. so we went from a 1 worker household, where the man and woman are stuck together forever, or else they would have no way of existing beyond their 40's. Now, we have two worker households, where everyone is divorced, miserable and awaiting the day their put in a retirement home.

The dumbest thing western society ever did was giving women what they said they wanted. The only silver lining is that woman are far more miserable in the altered culture they created than men are.

Today, in urban environments, Men are in their absolute prime in their 40's-50's. Most have a career with a high salary and lots of disposable income. Their dicks still work just fine and they can father children. Compare that to women in that age group.....

the wall exists and it hits women hard

whereas men keep going up in perceived attractiveness

they can father children [in their 40's-50's]

sure autistic children

old sperm isn't as bad as old eggs but it's still bad

Lol....imagine sticking around with the kid....


Women didn't create shit, this is the fault of ugly bitches who couldn't secure a husband combined with bored upper class women who wanted to dedicate themselves to a cause. Normal women who are able to attract other human beings would rather not deal with employment bullshit, but we didn't get much of a choice.

It is always a shock and delight to encounter reasonable women. It's a sad state of affairs that they are few and far between in CY 04.

Uncle ted was right all along...

A lot of other things happened in that time that lead to stagnant wages. Like massive increases in inequality in capital and unions being ripped apart.

Unions tend to get ripped apart when you suddenly fling 50 million new scabs at them.

Outsourcing fucked unions, not women entering the workforce. Women aren't doing the jobs that were represented by unions, poor people in East Asia were/are.

Dumping tens of millions of people into the labor pool fucks things up regardless. The guy who loses his non-union job to a woman is going to be fresh competition for the next guy's union job.

The unions were already largely gutted by the time women started to enter the work force en masse.

Women didn't enter the labor force before 1981)?

Turns out female labor force participation rate growth was fairly constant between 1948 and 1995. However, like I said before, they still weren't working in the fields that unions tended to represent, for the most part. Take a look at the gender disparity in the last two industry groupings, and that was in 1998.

Also, the unions were already in their death throes by the time Reagan came into office.


Outsourcing fucked unions

This is the main thing. Leftoids need to realise that global capital is largely responsible for inequality. But the the mainstream lefties are puppets of the globalists. They throw out any number of distractions to keep them occupied.

Literally Elizabeth Warren’s book

Doubling the Labour pool doesn't cause wages to stagnate you fucking retard, the productivity of the new workers will give them the money to consume more, meaning they will cause demand to go up, meaning there are more people required to produce.

It's a cycle, unironically this is fucking baby's first econ class. Rightoids are unironically just as retarded as leftoids when it comes to econ, at least the labor theory of value is retarded in a nuanced way.

Are you retarded? Are you seriously saying that doubling the labor pool has no net effect on wages?

It has very little effect. Having more people in work increases the damn for labor as as the supply. When women get jobs they, shockingly, spend more money, meaning there is more demand for labor to supply what women want to buy.

It has very little effect.

this is fucking baby's first econ class.

lmao did you fail that class?

"the government should just give everyone a million dollars. they will spend so much money that they can buy more things." - you, probably

"When you increase the net productivity of society it increases the wealth of a society"

"lmao you must like hyperinflation then"

Jesus fucking christ, imagine being this retarded. I unironically can't even tell if you're a retarded leftoid or rightoid at this point.

Women's lib, and its consequences...

hard to find guys I’m attracted to that aren’t superstar sports Chad moids

hate guys that are just into camping, sports, beer, masculine things


I'm a great match for her then except I don't want her.

I'm not into any of those things but I'm also obese and into anime and video games

Tbh there is the quoted type and my type and not much else when it comes to dudes

there's some skinnyfat weeb gaymer faggots too

skeleton mode nerds are a dwindling minority now tho

That’s true. The paradoxical thinking is fun to point at, but guys do similar things (not as overtly tho maybe).

It’s so many words and paragraphs for: “I want the most attractive partner I can reasonably obtain and also tolerate”.

God I hate women.

Good morning i hate women

Have sex incel

Hey bussy you offering

Have sex incel

Imagine believing that hobbies are the same thing as a person's value system and beliefs when it comes to compatability.

Hobbies say a lot about a person.

For example, the hobbies she hates say "Well adjusted person" and her hobby of hating those hobbies says "loser".

Foids can't resist Chad even when they don't want to.

That's a hilarious amount of cope

Paradoxically, the longer I'm single, the more I'm raising the bar. I figure that I've been single for 7 years, so I can do this indefinitely; if I were going to settle, I would've done so years ago

This cope is harder than my dick rn ngl

The sub is called female dating strategy, it is more like "female rationalising your lack of dating".

She’s probably fat and has saggy tits

Aged like a fat saggy wine

If all I desire is sex, that's easily obtained; dick is free and plentiful. I don't need to have a man in my life full-time for that. I'd rather have a FWB than share my home with some weirdo who will disrupt my world and snore all night.

Hyper cope

I don’t even desire companionship or the feeling of being loved because....snoring

To be fair, some snoring is truly terrible. My son said when I snore it sounds like Optimus Prime raping a motor boat.

So, incredibly based?

You sleep with your son?

He could hear it several rooms away. My snore is epic. I'm probably slowly dying of sleep apnea.

Stop sleeping on your back, slut!

“I want to date but not a guy into Sports, Beer, Cars.”

“Out of thousands of profiles I swiped right on maybe 10.”

She sounds like a closeted gussy enthusiast.

True, she should do some carpet munching with the 49yo, then they'd hate each other too.

Women hate each other by nature. That's why there are so many "not like other girls" who have zero female friends.

Oh, yeah I know it. It's funny as hell.

Lol there's two subs






the longer I'm single, the more I'm raising the bar. I figure that I've been single for 7 years

there's an old saying that if you smell shit once during the day you just passed some by.

but if you smell shit all day long, you're the one who probably stepped in it.

Mayo foids never fail to impress me with their entitlement. They lose their mind when men don’t bend at the knee for them just for being a wah-men.

I don’t settle for just any man. “You go girl!”

I don’t settle for just any woman. “Wow, you mysoginist, hateful, angry incel. Good luck with your unrealistic demands you dirty fucking pig”

How long before these mayo foids start fucking their dogs?

I read the OP as "I want a man who is muscular and fit like someone who is into sports and the outdoors but acts like a soyboy"

She doesn't know what she wants, as is tradition.

She wants something that doesn't exist, as is tradition. It's like guys wanting a girl who is nasty as hell in the bedroom, but classy in public. I guess some women are that way, but not many.

I suppose a better comparison would be the classic weeb "I want a girl who indulges all of my bizarre fetishes, but is also a virgin."

Can someone explain this thread to me?? It was submitted by one of the ladies in that thread


They are saying he looks older than 43 and that after a certain age men's physical appearance deteriorates quickly.

It's HYPER MEGA COPE, because this is something that is usually said about women.

It’s also such a lie because women are sexually desirable their whole lives.

My grandma is 85 and men still hit on her. They want to take her to lunch and bingo, haha.

My 65 yr old mom has men sliding into her DMs weekly.

My sister is 40 and never wants for admirers.

I’m mid 30s and cute college aged guys flirt with me and ask me out. They’re too young for my taste, but I definitely have not expired.

Men project their fears onto women. After 40 their testosterone drops and hair starts thinning and they get bellies and saggy jowls. They rarely have anything else to offer*. They’re actually fearful that women their own age are going for younger men, so they try to perpetuate the myth that women cease to be sexually attractive after a certain age. They also know they have nothing to offer an established woman, so they perpetuate the myth young women like older men and “look up to them” (gross).

*There are exceptions but he likely isn’t one if he’s 45 and has his age preferences set to 25-45 and is messaging you, a woman at least a decade younger.

This post, together with the one above it where the 49 year old foid describes how fucking hot she is, is probably among the most delusional I've seen on reddit. Wew

I hate women so much it's unreal

Crosspost to /r/choosingbeggars 🤔

Women are primarily attracted to men who provide an increased level of stability. Since women in the wealthiest societies are now financially independent, that gives them very few options, very few men who can make them more financially or otherwise stable than they already are. Western men can just go get a girlfriend from some poorer nation (who will accept him because he's relatively rich). Western women get stuck in this situation where they don't consider anyone good enough relative to their current position.

Someone single at 49 shouldn't be legally able to call themselves a dating coach

TBF there are a lot of moids like this too.

"This Sub Is For Women & By Women Exclusively"

"No Excessive Male Sympathizing"

"All Advice Should Focus On Maximum Female Benefit"

Sounds like a wonderful place, that subreddit...

Pizza was right about women.