Contrary to popular opinion, Atheists caused SJWism.

81  2019-11-05 by itsnotmyfault


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Contrary to popular opinion, Atheis... -,

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I've seen Trumptards claim cheating in elections is good multiple times.

No you haven't, you just project your opinions of Trumptards on to them. Also, what the fuck does that have to with this at all

I have quite literally seen the comment "cheating is good" in the Donald because they believe democrats are cheating, so that justifies their own cheating.

You people are just so absurdly detached from reality it borders on hilarious.

Pizza's friends are just as dumb as he is.

Wow, I'm shocked.

I have quite literally seen the comment "cheating is good" on the Donald because they believe democrats are cheating, so that justifies their own cheating.

If you can source this I will pretend to be your father long enough to perform a dramatic reenactment of the hugs you never got.

Spend a few hours on the Donald and browse search for the term "gerrymandering."

It's not even rare

So you should have little trouble finding someone say "cheating is good".

Nigga, I'm not going to go run through the Donald to prove to you 2+2=4. They're constantly saying this stupid shit.

It's like how they started claiming it was good Russia helped Trump because it stopped Clinton a year or so into the probe when it became obvious jr colluded.

I'm convinced. Normally, I would require some evidence, but you keep repeating your claim so it must be true.

Why exactly do you think Republicans rabidly defend gerrymandering?

Because they saw how well it worked in IL, MD, and NY and decided to give it a go?

No one gave a shit about gerrymandering until republicans showed democrats they could do it better.

Lol, if you think gerrymandering is a case of "both sides" you're profoundly misinformed.

There has never been anything like Republican gerrymandering in this country. Democrats are also trying to make it illegal on a federal level, republicans want it legal. What's that tell you?

Lol, if you think gerrymandering is a case of "both sides" you're profoundly misinformed.

Sure, that's why MD was in court defending its electoral map at the same time NC was.

There has never been anything like Republican gerrymandering in this country.

That's only because democrats lack the competence the republicans routinely display.

Sure, that's why MD was in court defending its electoral map at the same time NC was.

Let's establish a baseline of facts.

A) Is it true or false that the GOP benefits far more from gerrymandering?

B) is it true or false the DNC wants gerrymandering illegal on the federal level?

That's only because democrats lack the competence the republicans routinely display.

Also known as: Spent millions of dollars to rig elections on a national level:

A) Is it true or false that the GOP benefits far more from gerrymandering?

Democrats being incompetent in their efforts doesn't make them any less nefarious than republicans.

B) is it true or false the DNC wants gerrymandering illegal on the federal level?

I'm sure someone has uttered the words, but only an idiot would believe them. They don't want gerrymandering to go away...they just want gerrymandering to go away where it doesn't help them.

Also known as: Spent millions of dollars to rig elections on a national level:

As if the democrats don't also spend absurd amounts of money on electioneering. Again, your argument boils down to "wah, the democrats aren't as good at being unscrupulous assholes as republicans are."

thinking its hard to find people saying that

you obviously dont visit TD at all.

I've heard "Lying on your taxes is smart and patriotic" a bunch in real life. I had assumed everyone knew every rich person was doing shady loophole shit, but I thought that was something people agreed was a moral, not legal, crime.

The difference being, of course, is that most rich people don't run for president and attack poor people for not paying taxes on twitter.

I also find it amusing that stereotypes about rich people and politicians being involved with hookers and blow were very common in pop culture in the 70's - 90's, but people are insistent that Trump is the first degenerate in power. Also, lol, Epstein.

Thinking about it for more than a second, politicians having hookers and drugs is a trope that's older than the bible, so maybe this is a permanent problem.

It's not that Trump is the first. It's that evangelicals spent 30 years preaching morality and claiming guys like Obama were "anti-family" and then happily lined up behind a criminal that illegally paid off a porn star.

So anyway, where do you think you fit into this Atheism -> SJW pipeline that's being proposed here. Was they key thing that brought you to atheism the plausibility of religion as the reason Trumptards are so dumb and evil?

I guess I don't disagree that the mass of atheism in pop culture sort of gave way to SJWism as the new mass movement, but I don't see anything that would explain why the ideological heads of Atheism sort of split between "SJWism is a religion" and "religion wasn't the problem, bigotry is". Maybe one group was more focused on outcomes, the other with mechanisms?

I'm an atheist, but I don't subscribe to any atheist groups or movements or any form of social justice outside of "actual equality."

I don't think Trumptards are evil, I think they're gullible people that were taken by a con artist.

The people I have even less respect for are the evangelicals that have attempted to run this country into the ground preaching their morality, using it to deny civil rights to other people, smear people, and deny people basic amounts of respect that then decided to shit all over their own bullshit views to endorse a cult leader that speaks at a 3rd grade level and thinks vaccines cause autism.

It was the wokies, and it's really an odd thing. Like the article says, at a certain point people just changed their branding. The Pharyngula bit was actually a bit shocking - my recollection of him in that era is that he was quite reasonable and well spoken.

You can probably go onto rationalwiki and narrow it down to a few weeks or months when things switched over from logical fallacies and mocking Schafly's conservapedia to full on tumblr screaming hysteria and treating manspreading as a serious issue requiring debate and discussion.

But the fact of the matter is that the wokies/SJWs/eFeminists/whatever you want to call them are cut from the same cloth as the evangelicals, and are just as distasteful.

I think they're similar in that both amount to religion, basically, both are just as extreme, but they differ in that Christianity enjoys far more power and relevance in the US than SJWs do.

Ultimately the extremist of the 90s achieved very, very few of its goals, using these tactics. My suspicion is that the current outrage will achieve even fewer and more superficial thing, and eventually pass into memory once we have a new bout of hysteria, or something legitimate to concern ourselves with

Pizza, I gonna level with you. You're out of your depth here.

What I said is a fact.

Oh believe you, but what you said is irrelevant to the discussion.

Weird, because the person I responded to quoted this in his comment:

You back them into a corner. They say the same thing. "We are winning. We won the election. Racism is good. Hatred is good. Cheating on elections is good as long as it's my side."

And he quoted it to imply it was absurd.

Yeah, and like the brainlet you are, you thought this was a partisan statement.

Are you illiterate?

Are you? Because if you haven't been paying attention, we're talking about New Atheism and EIAC and how it's developed into the alt-right and SJWs. Nobody cares about what racist mayo trash thinks. Those people we're busy bashing cassettes together.

He quoted that to imply it was absurd dude. I don't even know why you're trying to deny it. I only responded to that, I care 0% about atheism.

You debate any of these people.

No one's denying that trumptards are retards. But saying there all unprincipled is also retarded. Which is why you're out of your depth. Because you're not even wrong, you just have you're head so far up you're ass you think your making a counterpoint when really you're saying something everybody knows and is irrelevant to the conversation.

One more time: He quoted that to imply it was absurd.

And it is, I highlighted the any for a reason.

I don't care about the reasoning. The only thing I care about is his implication the things that person said were absurd.

And they are. That person said they're all like that. That's absurd.

I would argue that literally every internet Trumptard from the various forums are exactly like that.

These are people that elected a guy that was tweeting fake black crime statistics on twitter and have upvoted pictures of babies being gunned down at the border before.

Like the most infuriating part of this is people refusing to admit what Trumptards are. Refusing to accept what they have become. They're a full-blown proto-fascist movement.

What is game theory, first past the post politics, and distributions of political views? Thinking that an entire side of a political coalition in a bipartisan democracy are all nazi who haven't realized their feelings like anime girls in romance manga is fucking insane and a hallmark of an extremist with no self-awareness.

Now take your pills and stop schizoposting.

I love when he does this

You people just constantly attempting to downplay what Trumptards are is gonna end well.

No, it's idiots like you runing around accusing moderates of being fucking Nazis when that's not going to end well. Frankly, it's a good part of why we have actual unironic Nazis now. If you label someone as evil when they're not, they're going to lash out at you. Because you're a threat. So I say again, because it doesn't seem to be getting through your skull.

Take your fucking pills and stop schizoposting.

Can you copy paste where anyone was called a nazi?

That's your fucking response? Really? Pathetic. Here, watch: s/Nazi/proto-facist and s/Nazi/worst fucking people in the entire country.

No, it's idiots like you running around accusing moderates of being the worst fucking people in the entire country when they're not that's not going to end well. Frankly, it's a good part of why we have actual unironic Nazis now. If you label someone as evil when they're not, they're going to lash out at you. Because you're a threat. So I say again, because it doesn't seem to be getting through your skull.

Take your fucking pills and stop schizoposting.

The logic of my post carries through even when you use an indirect synonym. When you make a counter argument it's supposed to, you know, actually counter the argument.

Try again.

s/Nazi/proto-facist and s/Nazi/worst fucking people in the entire country.

Would you like a free lesson on fascism? You understand tha nazism is a form of fascism, a very specific form at that, and calling a movement proto-fascist is not the same thing as calling someone a nazi, correct?

There are active proto-fascist movements in pretty much every western country btw.

The logic of my post carries through even when you use an indirect synonym. When you make a counter argument it's supposed to, you know, actually counter the argument.

There are no "moderate Trump supporters." And you do not know what the word fascist or nazi means.

There are no "moderate Trump supporters."

Oh yeah? Prove it.

"Trump supporter" implies the Trump base. There are moderate Republicans that happened to vote Trump but don't actually support him, but "Trump supporter" means "Trump base."

There's no policy Trump advances that would be considered moderate. He's an extremist. Therefore, if you are a serious supporter of Trump, you are not a moderate.

Amazing, you're choosing to use that rhetorical tactic. In a thread about SSC no less. Fucking hilarious. In fact I'm almost certain you don't know what that is even refering too. Further proving my point that you're way out of your depth.

If that was you're real argument you would have taken exception to me saying:

Thinking that an entire side of a political coalition in a bipartisan democracy are all Nazis

You're full of shit Pizza, you're trying to shift goal posts and change definitions so that "trump supporter" becomes logically equivalent to "nazi".

So back down and admit that the original stament is absurd, since "they" refered to the voter base cultivated by the republican party, which to anyone, including you 15 minutes ago, is synonymous with, "everyone who supports trump".

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You're unironically one of the dumbest people I have encountered next to mongo.

You've already failed to provide examples of me calling anyone a nazi, now you're trying to dispute the definition of "Trump supporter."

You're so cringe.

Not an argument sweetie, try again.

Can you copy paste where I called someone a nazi?

Why do you care? How is that going to help you make your argument.

You're making the claim I called all Trump supporters nazis. When did I call anyone a nazi?

I already explained this to you but I know you have special needs so I'll explain it again. I know you didn't specifically call them nazis. But it doesn't matter. A direct quote from you would be "worst fucking people in the entire country", which is even worse honestly, and only makes my point stronger.

If you know I didn't call them nazis, why did you claim I called them nazis?

I quoted it primarily because it's a great snappy quote or copypasta, and the entire thread is delicious drama.

But I do think it's absurd. I've been on Boomer Facebook and have seen Breitbart comment sections, and even though I know that there's plenty of this stuff is also real life opinions of actual people that I've worked with for years, it's just ridiculous to believe that it's pretty much all as simple as that caricature. I honestly think that if you took a left NPC and a right NPC, the right NPC could explain the left NPC's position halfway decently while the left NPC would reduce it down to "because he's an evil bigot that hates everyone and wants them to suffer" or something similar. It also implies that there's no good version of the argument, which I see everywhere online, but especially on the left.

For example: "Racism is good". You'd have to be a complete moron to believe that huge swathes of people would just agree wholeheartedly with that statement. There must be some good version that got dumbed down to this level. If you take Gavin McInness's position literally, he believes that Western Culture is better than everyone else's, and that Western nations should work to preserve it instead of dismantle it. Contrast that to some of the nonsense that I unironically hear on the left way too often: "The master's tools cannot dismantle the master's house". That's literally the opposite of a good idea. If you're a fucked over slave, you should be looting the master's toolshed to dismantle the house... or better yet just take the fucking house as-is and live in it. It's the opposite of "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". Or, take the Amy Wax shitstorm: Her point is that maybe all this sexual liberation came with a few unintended consequences, and that the groups of people that chose to stick with (white coded) monogamous marriage ended up with better outcomes. Also, if you're in a (non-white, non-asian) environment where it's not cool to be a good student ("acting white"), you're probably not going to do so well. Does that really boil down to "Racism is good", as the protestors implied? I don't think it's that simple, and even if the better arguments were just playing defense for large swathes of right NPC's, the point Scott Alexander was making here is that only the left NPC would make such a ridiculously "bigotry is everything" argument.

They elected a president that was tweeting fake black crime statistics on twitter.

What do you think these people are?

Wow good response retard

One of the only good effortposters

Scott Alexander is a fucking moron and you're fucking moron if you like him, inshallah.

thinking your opinion as a rightoid has any weight


Awww, I triggered the poor little guy by shitting on his pathetic hero. How cute.

Bad b8

You 100% bit it though?

Like not even a nibble just gulped it right down.

35%. Not bad but I have seen you do better.

Sorry could you repeat that, I'm Scott Alexander and I can't understand simple statements unless they're padded out with 100,000 words of meaningless kike bullshit.


99,999 words short, sorry sweaty try again.


99,998. Closer!


based and sneerclubpilled

You're jelly


Imagine being this retarded

I don't have to imagine, I get to listen to you šŸ¤—

The death of Christianity in the West is the worst thing to happen since the Industrial Revolution, cmv.

Science and Gay

Christianity in the West was fully rotted ever since religious wars stopped because nationalistic wars are more fun. The Industrial Revolution is merely what kicked the drywall and made it collapse.

death of christianity


bad for the west


Bring back witch burning


This is substantially Not Wrong, but I think it misses one why the various atheism controversies became so prolific and all consuming. During the 90s, and during the 80s as well, the fundamentalist christian/evangelical mob was omnipresent, and dominated public discourse. People like Jerry Falwell had influence, and politicians had cater to them to have a chance to get elected. They were vocally against almost everything enjoyable, from burning Harry Potter books to Intelligent Design, positively SEETHING over school directed prayer bans, trying to ban any form of sex ed, and siphon money from public schools to fund their weirdo homeschooling nuttery.

The emergence of loud atheism in the '00s/'10s is a direct response to the fucking horribleness of the evangelicals in the previous decades, who I suppose can also be considered a reaction to Nixon fucking them over in the 70s.

who I suppose can also be considered a reaction to Nixon fucking them over in the 70s.

wait what? how?

This is substantially Not Wrong

You could even say it's LessWrongā„¢

No that's a different site.

True. New Atheism and SJW's both got their start as a backlash against the Evangelical Right that was big in the 80's and 90's.

I wouldn't say that New Atheism created the modern SJW movement, but there was a lot of overlap between the New Atheists and what would eventually become the SJW's in the 2000's/early 2010's. They often hung out in similar social circles. Scott Alexander is still a moron though.

DAE remember the times when atheists weren't complete cucks?

Personally I like the Moldbug interpretation where SJWs are neo-Calvinists.

We really Motte posting in drama now? The wall is there for a reason.


one day drama, the motte and gunnit will merge together into a horrific pile of autism

some say that day already came and no one noticed

If I can't own twelve AR-15s with extended magazines and bump stocks then how am I supposed to defend my polyamorous asexual partners from cognitive bias and poorly aligned artificial intelligence?

Checkmate frequentists

This is the weed-smoking gay married transsexuals protecting themselves with assault weapons but one brain more expanded

This was a good write up but ultimately wasn't accurate regarding the cause and effect relationship regarding the SJW movement. The atheism and skepticism movements were just a couple of the many communities (like video games and even BDSM) that SJWs attempted to hijack to push their obnoxious narrative. It was akin to people joining a bird watching community and then asking people if while they're bird watching they could also adopt pro SJ policies condemning racism, sexism, etc.. and then accused everyone of racism, sexism, blah blah blah when people said "Uhh ma'am, this a bird watching community."

The death of "atheism+" is just proof that they failed to accomplish their hostile takeover, but they still did what they always do whenever they invade a community, and caused some division with the "us vs them" crap. Ultimately though atheism or it's movement isn't declining, its just that all the disingenuous actors have moved on because they couldn't get any purchase. Centrists won.

ThucydidesĀ predictedĀ that future generations would underestimate the power of Sparta. It built no great temples, left no magnificent ruins. Absent any tangible signs of the sway it once held, memories of its past importance would sound like ridiculous exaggerations.

This is how I feel about New Atheism.

...why would you start your argument with a quote that has been proven wrong. Like everyone remembers the Spartans

The actual quote from Thucydides, which I am not going to look up so you'll have to trust me on this, was basically, "Hey, if you're reading this in the future and you haven't found a bunch of monuments in Sparta, just trust me. They really were as powerful as I describe them to be."

It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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Jesus Christ this is insufferable

The more infographics embedded in an essay, the less truth and relevance it contains.

Half of the nazis out there have rehashed new atheist arguments except they forget about all religions besides Islam.