Gump Moids mad when a momma joke is made about their queen. Footballcels seeeth

17  2019-11-05 by cfbWORKING


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  1. Gump Moids mad when a momma joke is... -,

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SEC-cels being offended at the smallest things

What a surprise

I am worried about our tiger and our oaks.

what percentage of that subreddit do you think graduated from or was ever even enrolled at the university of alabama?

Probably higher than your average bama fan, I’ll give reddit that.

absolutely correct. although lsu is not much better in this regard.

any time I'm at a game and I see some toothless retard screaming, "TIGAH BAIT! TIGAH BAIT!" in some 6 year old's face, I love to ask them what year they graduated, what dorm they lived in, who their fav professor was, etc

Everyone has trashy side walk fans and well trashy fans.

Louisiana at least has the saints to pull some of that trash away from campus. Plus the Lafayette crowd loves bama just to spite LSU.

Plus the Lafayette crowd loves bama just to spite LSU.

so do the tulane kids


More than the percentage of Bama fans that have graduated high school probably.

I just learned that that LSU has a tiger on campus so I'm rooting for them. UL apparently has a lake with alligators, which is almost cooler.

LSU has “lakes” that I’ve seen a few gators on. Mostly nutria rat and snakes.

Oh OK. One of my coworkers went to UL and told me about the gators and I watched the Tiger cam some the other day.

I wouldn’t be surprised if UL has more. It’s more in the bayou than LSU.

We had one gator in one of the small lakes outside of my dorm. It was hardly ever out of the water

Yeah they basically only ever leave the water to warm up or if they have to. They're pretty slow and pathetic on land. I'm still so amazed that apparently no drunk frat bro has gotten mauled by one yet.