Daddy declares war on cartels

9  2019-11-05 by collectijism


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Daddy declares war on cartels -,

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You cant get away with slaughtering entire families of white women and children

The cartel prob just going to be like "lol sorry" and get some sap to turn in to do time for it.

Either that or just ignore it. Either way, Mexico ain't going to let anything happen.

AMLO you notice their was almost 300 killed politicians before and during his election rise. He’s definitely a cartel president.

Just annex us already, who the fuck cares anymore

It’s just spicy Texas. No more border crisis, Republicans get dabbed on permanente style, boomers have to actually use their overpriced Learn Spanish fast software...

Plus Mexico getting official statehood before Puerto Rico would be hilarious.

Theres a ton of native Texans that speak zero Spanish but look exactly like Mexicans and want nothing to do with Mexico. The world only seems retarded when your messaging online from jew York with some drugged up tranny peen in your mouth. But either way carry on lolcow

Theres a ton of native Texans that speak zero Spanish but look exactly like Mexicans and want nothing to do with Mexico.

yeah I actually know several people who fit this category. older or second generation mexicans who scrapped and clawed their way to america and are more than happy to slam the door closed behind them

it's a cold world out there

Texas was mexico theyre arent second generation Mexicans they’re like chollos in Southern California theyre ancestors can be traced back to before it was USA during the mission years

It’s called NEW York because we are what’s right now. We provide all the finance, journalism, and talent for this half of the country. What does Texas have, the Alamo? Nobody even remembers it now.

The south shall rise again

Pecos Bill was a candy ass.

You’d probably have a third party rise up that is socially conservative but still gives the gibs


Trump: Oh Rich Mexican Politician Guy, I'll help rid you of those evil drug lords!

Also Trump: Oh yeah and can you get your disgusting Mexicans to stop tryina get into the US?

The cartels make them steal lawnmowers and they are casing your house everytime they blow the leafs. Having 10 kids can’t even feed yourself basically creating future child soldiers. We should do like we did with our natives have a $20 bounty for every buffalo hide and destroy their food supply. But this time we just have a bounty on every cartel members hide

Is this a ploy to make a reverse version of that Tom Clancy video game (?) from years ago where Mexico invades the US a reality?

Also would be hilarious to see drug cartels dismantled only leading to the large number of Mexican and central Americans who basically work full time in the drug trade become jobless and try to flee to the US for work

Just an FYI without american tax payers subsidizing mexicans in the USA while they send every dollar back to Mexico it would collapse into total street violence and mobs and they would all starve to death within a month. But carry on with your delusions of grandeur

When I was an hr director at a shitstain of a company that was about 45 % illegals revert single one sent 80% of their paychrck to the same bank in sputhern Mexico. From what i understand from other payroll hr directors from across the country its the same everywhere. The "They're good for the economy " line is total bullshit. There's a reason when you go to the store you see 15 Mexicans pushing 1 cart and combining money to buy $100 worth of food. Its all going back home .

That game (Call of Duty Ghosts) was written by Oliver North actually

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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