Tiny Asian Penises Rise Up!!

71  2019-11-05 by collectijism


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  1. Tiny Asian Penises Rise Up!! - archive.org, archive.today

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Talking about William Hung in 2019 lmao

Fucking major edit 1/3rd of the way through I can only assume it's more baby dick cope.

Pull up a step ladder and get on my level Asian friends.

Why a step ladder you suckin them off?

The rice cel mouth feel 🤤🤤🤤

All I'm seeing is a graphical depiction of Asian micropeens.


Approximate global average erect penis length: 13.71 cm = 5.4 inches


China really drives down the average

I wonder if there is a version of this for vag size.


Sorry that took so long in order to archive PDFs that are hidden under a paywall you use sci-hub then upload to pdfarchive then archive with the wayback machine.


I would like to see this for bussy size, though.

Brave redditors like him have changed my stereotypes about asian males. Now I assume that they are incels who spend all their free time screeching on the internet about Ken Jeong.

Getting fat makes your penis smaller, just putting that out there

All asian males should transition cmv

This tbh. Once I saw a pic of two japs, I couldn't tell if both were moids, femoids or anything else.

If you're the strongest, you get your way. For a long time I hated it but I briefly worked at a NGO in Nigeria and realized its hypocritical for me to shit on western imperialism when China does the same there. Fair play to the home country, it is what it is. I'm not going to moralize over it. So I dont really get upset over "injustices" anymore. I've seen it up close and worrying about it is a waste of effort, let someone else preach about it I say. I did educate myself because I was hungry to fit in and around that time my parents took me to China and it was the first time I didnt feel like a guest. For me that was the wake up call cause I knew I had a "tribe". Representation is a plus yes but ultimately you have to take part in your own rescue.

I blame joe biden

Who the fuck cares about tiny Asian dongs that much to write all that shit lmao if I was a small Asian dude I would definitely send this smallasianpenisphile a dm of my “dong”



Rice up*

This unfortunate evolution will help accelerate their conversion of Islam. Daddy Xi and Modi can fight all they want but the Prophets people are marching and none may stand in their path, but the dreaded piggies

Sex is about power.

They really drank the radical feminist Kool-Aid.

There was an asian kid at my high school named Max Wang. Everyone cheered so hard when he got an award for something. Not 100% relevant but this made me remember that.

If Max Wang and his Vietnamese friend Min Dong has a baby it would be medium sized penis

That’s a lot of words that can be summed up in just one: COPE





Why do these idiots compare themselves to Genghis Khan? Sure Mongol DNA is pretty common across Asia, but that guy would have looked fundamentally different from the modern Asiatic. Even nowadays Mongols look different than hancels despite all the mixing.

Unrelated, but I want to see the rage thread for once upon a time in Hollywood where brad Pitt beats up Bruce Lee

Dude look at chineese history theirs a reason they destroyed every statue and every piece of art when communism came about. The chineese would willingly castrate themselves dick and balls just to gain favor with the emperor. Their so obsessed with being cucks to climb the social ladder and feeding their own ego thru social acceptance they will go duck less and walk around like a countless bitch for what amounts to modern day internet points. Mass transition is the next phase in asian evolution

lol you need some help boy.

Ching Chong wing Wong you make good railroads