r/News erupts in hot galaxy brain takes, slap fights, and smug jerking over foid's behind the scenes yammering

69  2019-11-06 by FrostBittenSalsa


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Oh no she's gonna kill herself now

Whoa. That project veritas thing had a spicy find that wasn’t “CNN are stupid fucking morons that happen to hate Trump”? That’s new.

Actually an insane development holy shit.

It is weird lately. I think people just have no choice but to double down and deny any possibility because that could usher in uncertainty about even more things. We did just sort of get confirmation that those Finders fucks from decades ago had ties to federal agencies in some regard, that didn’t really stop anyone from going “uhhh DAE satanic panic because fundamentalist??”

Even Hollywood film style schizo-pol happening developments just end up being fodder for bipartisan coping and ideological dueling. How tedious.


You know shit is hitting the fan when the normies in news are making /pol/ look tame.