Project veritas actually posts something real for once

44  2019-11-06 by NMJ87


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Project veritas actually posts some... -,

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Well how long until Amy Robauch is disappeared

NM This video is actually fake. Pizzashill can link you a great vox article that officially debunked project varitas, way back in 2016.

I wonder why no one sues conglomerate news orgs when they try to pass off a Kentucky gun range as a fire fight in Syria. The examples of fake news in the Msm are endless.

no no it must be deceptively edited lol

Tbh this is the first video from project Veritas that is clearly not deceptively edited. Just a person talking with no cuts or breaks. Dropping a bomb shell about the powerful pedos that rule us. Only retards don't think this isn't a big and powerful drop, I don't think this should be a left or right thing. It's not even necessarily an indictment of journies if you love them, it's an indictment of the suits higher up who control them and use them to their ends, quietly putting pressure on them to drop certain stories for their friends and benefactors, and simultaneously pressuring them to cover irrelevant shit like Will and Kate. Or publish some article that they know everyone will hate like "Coming to America is #Canceled!" just for clicks, something that really offends no powerful interest at all. That's the real corruption in the media. Journies are just the confused lackeys who receive the prods, either they don't understand why because they're dumb and just become a mindless and good cog in the system, or they do understand what's going on and they become bitter and disgusted. Like this reporter.

Just a person talking with no cuts or breaks.

all of their videos had this lol what do you mean

it's an indictment of the suits higher up who control them and use them to their ends

well yeah its because they were buddies with epstein and knew about his skeletons

but also if your job is to lie about and defend pedos then its not exactly noble either

Imagine being retarded enough to believe Project Veritas


Here come the Boomers to take the bait

gr8 b8 and cope

Nobody is saying its fake so if you are pretending to be a /r/politics poster you are failing, its the fact a reporter saying "we had a story 3 years ago but it wasn't substantial enough" not exactly groundbreaking.

wasn't substantial enough

Good medal mental gymnastics right here.

notice the quotation marks brainlet

Holy shit do I need to spell out the point literally? OK, here: you're defending ABC for some executive decision to kill the Epstein story 3 years ago because they wanted a better (more profitable) relationship with those who the story would implicate. The video says this explicitly in the case where ABC wanted interviews with Kate and William and so didn't want to sour their relationship with the Palace by implicating Phillip in a scandal.

In quoting you quoting "wasn't substantial enough" I am pointing out that you seem to earnestly believe that the network actually thinks that a multi-millionaire elite pedo with suspect connections to extremely powerful people isn't "substantial" enough of a story and that you are fucking retarded for it.

A reminder; nothing about the Epstein story has changed since 3 years ago except that he's now dead. So all these outlets (including ABC) now printing his connections to Donald Trump, Prince Phillip, Bill Clinton, and Ghislaine Maxwell and more appear to directly contradicting why ABC spiked the story to begin with. The only difference is that now, with his death making him a hot topic, printing those stories is worth more in views than the doors they might close. That and the fact that, you know, everyone's doing it.

Imagine not being able to discern all of this from my previous 6 word comment.

it wasn't substantial enough

we had everything

Really churns my testicles


Some people high up quashed her story because they didn't want to offend powerful pedophiles

This is real sorry

other discussions is like a whos who of boomer politics subs, rightoids in america really get a hardon when they can justify their ignoring of any media that triggers them.


The problem wasn't the journies here, it was the people higher up who quashed a substantiate story because they were worried they wouldn't be able to interview Will and Kate.

There's a cut after she mentions Clinton. Any guesses what PV cut out of that section? I'd bet money it was Daddy's name.

The video would have been better unedited. What does the shitty voiceover add?

Right wingers need that bullshit to get off