Comment about commies on /r/documentaries devolves into usual shitshow, including an "nwordbot" summoned to see how many times a user has used the n word.

13  2019-11-06 by RochelleH


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Comment about commies on /r/documen... -,

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Zoomers defending communism name a better duo

Zoomers will be he first to go to he camps.

Not zoomers, millennials.

lmao stop the presses he said nigger 4 times in 3 years

I love that stupid fucking bot because it can literally only make the people using it look like idiots.

Like they already assume that someones a meany chud when they use it so what does it matter if they've said nigger? But if you use it and they haven't said nigger then you just look like a retard and start spilling spaghetti out of your pockets "oh uh're a chud anyway!"

If we had a bot like that in /r/drama, what word would we want it to search? My vote would go to "binary" or "construct".

Dude just say nigger. Don’t be a pussy