Right-wing radio host compares ‘boomer’ to the N-word

56  2019-11-06 by Ghdust2


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Dude boomer lmao

Boomers madx24

Day of the Pillow when?

They need to go to the big retirement home in the sky

83% upvoted

Who let their paw-paw shitpost on r/Drama?

How much you wanna bet if I go back and listen to this guys show he's used the term millennial as a slur multiple times?


Honest question, how old are you? You seem particularly triggered by this lackluster meme considering you feel the need to respond to ever boomer thread as part of the BDF

Unironically a zoomer

The radio host, who has reportedly billed himself as “the most fired man in Rochester media”, has been known to call Muslims “animals”, gays “freaks” and claimed urban teens were “raised like animals” and “groomed as predators,”

Bet you hes said the nigger word plenty considering he thinks that he thinks it has much teeth as "boomer" does.

He's ironically correct in that nigger, like boomer, is not a slur.

So am I to assume that any time you say the n-word you mean no malice or hate behind it?

I don't know if that's a really useful definition for what is and isn't a slur. I'm sure lots of people have said "white people" with hatred and malice in their hearts, and it's a fair stretch even in 2019 America to say that "white people" is a slur.

But in answer to your question, I don't generally hold malice or hatred towards black people, whether I'm referring to them using the n-word or not. I won't say I've never uttered a hateful word about black people, using the n-word or otherwise; I'm certainly not a perfect person. But generally it's meant in a sense of transgression against ossified social norms mixed with a healthy disrespect for those who enforce them, plus a large dollop of good old-fashioned trolling.

But basically my argument that nigger is not a slur is simple - millions of niggers use it in reference to each other from casual everyday conversation to the highest levels of nigger accomplishment. As such, the continued insistence that any use by white people is necessarily proof of hate must be treated as an attempt to assert special privileges for niggers in contemporary discourse because they're special and better than other people, likely grounded in collective/generational guilt and the son being blamed for the sins of the father. This, like all oppressive structures, must be torn down if we are ever to achieve meaningful equality within a functional modern society.

Either the n-word is a hideous ugly word that nobody should ever use, in which case black people should absolutely stop using this ugly term of unspeakable hate. Or, nigger is a word niggers are happy to call each other and be called, in which case I'll call them that too, and the standard response - threats of violence and harm towards me coupled with various insults - serves to reinforce my certainty in my views.

So whats ur order?

It is and that’s a good thing

We should meme this true so boomer nig are synonymous

Booma please

"OK Nigger" would be a pretty fun meme to catch on honestly

That was already a popular meme pre-1960s in america

what if i dont use the hard r tho

“If you’re comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them, then that one is definitely worse.”

-some proud asian woman