r/News gets woke on the JQ. But unironically.

72  2019-11-06 by 2Manadeal2btw


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  1. r/News gets woke on the JQ. But uni... - archive.org, archive.today

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Real talk why is Veritas suddenly a reliable source of information now for Reddit?

Because its confirming what reddit believes. The moment it deviates from that, it will be thrown aside again.

Right wing propaganda

It's also like video evidence of her saying shit.

They’re not really. This latest thing isn’t even a bombshell - this reporter was going to run a story on one woman, that’s barely scratching the surface of the Miami Herald article that eventually broke this whole thing wide open. Veritas biggest asset is marketing and massively hyping these candid videos with literal nobodies.

You right now

"Epstein? Who's that? Nobody cares!"

You right now:

The award winning series of articles featuring a dozen victims and years of evidence as to Epstein’s misdeeds? No fuck that, let’s complain about this ABC bimbo who wanted to run an interview with one victim.

This shit is irrelevant to the present. It’s a rehash of how everyone was afraid they were walking into a political quagmire and wouldn’t dig out the facts. We already knew that a dozen ways.

Retard faggot

Missed you my friend!

open that bussy for daddy

Come the fuck on it was a lot more substantive than that. And people with power put pressure on her managers to put pressure on her to quash it. Because they wanted access to the royal family. But also because they know Epsteins social network connects back to many powerful people in the media. I don't think you're comprehending quite how huge the Epstein story is. The entire elite is implicated essentially. You can't make Epstein the sin eater for this entire evil class.

They quashed the story to defend Killary and we both know it.

To protect the legacy of God Emperor Trump

Why is Trump not talking about the Epstein investigation / suicide more? Really makes you think.

> whataboutism

They quashed the story during Killary's selection campaign because they knew it would have hurt her

they had a video of a thing happening and people saw it

Because Reddit has convinced themselves that Trump will be implicated by the Epstein scandal. As opposed to mainly Clinton, Prince Andrew and a bunch of Hollywood people they like.

If Congdon and prince Andrew go down its hardly a loss to me. I hate the rich do gooder Democrat rich people as much if not more than the Republicans. They will always stab the left in the back and insure we can't actually help people. Accepting their aid is a poison chalice.

I can certainly believe that you don't like these kinds of Elites but you drip so intensely with pure partisan ideology that there is absolutely no way I can believe that you wont be seething about the cultural victory the rightoids would tout it as if this actually does end up taking down the Clintons.

The Clinton's are right wing, I don't care. They are poison.

There are no edit cuts in this video at all, what is there to doubt.

Isn't that common for Veritas to do that though? To release an unedited version along side a supercut for the more interesting details?

But there was no supercut here is the thing. There's no jumping from clip to clip with spooky images or title cards. It's just a camera on a pretty mayo lady running continuously.

Propaganda is so good these days people can watch an unedited video and shit their pants denying the content because of the source.

When they killed ACORN the unedited video wasn't released until ACORN was already killed with Obamas signature, and with the context things were entirely changed. Democrats are so bitter about being tricked in that fiasco they obviously have a lot of distrust for Veritas.

... Was Veritas the group that tried to pay some lady to falsely accuse Mueller of sexual assault?

Yes they were lol

Washington post was mildly competent on that one and snuffed it out.

Ok yea I can see why people don't trust them.

I don't know, while 99.9% of what they produce is fake news, this is something I could believe.

I'm as anti-keefe as they come but this seems legit.

do you think the video is fake?

I don't, and even if that particular video is fake, it still would not be surprising at all to hear that the what happened in the video was actually true for some news agency or another.

I don't,

so why do you care about who posted the video? you think the truth of a claim depends on who's saying it?

Propaganda is so good these days people can watch an unedited video and shit their pants denying the content because of the source.

I don't care myself, I was pointing out how Reddit suddenly is using Veritas as evidence of anything, which they would never do for something that doesn't fit their own narrative.

Just cause someone is eloquent at spinning a tale doesn’t mean it’s true.

Layers of unironic exchange are deeper than usual for /r/news

Lmao I just copied that comment, he posted it as a reply to two separate comments

Well, you know (((who))) does that lmao

Schizophrenia is their thing

Lots of JIDF seethe there

Stopping making this about identity. It's not a Jewish problem, price Andrew isn't a jew.

It reeks of actual anti-Semitism disguised as "logic"


Almost beats calling no fap november for anti semitism

I mean if something can be easily "disguised" as logical then...

When Jews started the golem of identity politics, they forgot one crippling fact.

No one can tell the difference between jews and white people.

Sorry, jews. Your political meddling and constant sob stories turned the nation into crybaby weiners who now want Palestinian people to destroy you and social justice warriors hating you because white people are evil.

Also I appreciate if you would stop trying to summon your alien moon demons from brainwashing my sports team into losing every game. Infowars... Dot com


t: Person who doesn't have a huge nose or curly black hair

Identity politics is idealistic. White supremacy is ultimately a manifestation of poor material conditions. Getting rural hillbillies nice jobs and stopping the bleeding capital flight from rural America will go a thousand times more to stop white supremacy than some Twitter scolding.

The entire point of idpol is to rob white people lmao

idpol has existed long before this current zeitgeist. It's politics based on the tribal level (religion, race, culture) instead of classes. A lot of the contemporary left and right lacks any class analaysis, so the next best thing in times of scarcity is to group up with a similar culture/racial/religious background in order to preserve/expand power.

Since these people lack any sort of real leftist theory, the "leftist" idpol you see tends to preserve the centrist liberal status quo.. If allowed to get big it can have tragic consequences. Every other genocide in the last century or so has its roots in tribal identity politics.

identity politics imo is pretty bad there I think generally.

Leftists idpol that we see now is the direct result of a psypop to get people to stop talking about class.

The question is how the hell to do that in a globalized world. You could teach Jimbo to code or whatever, he might even be pretty good, but corporations generally seem to prefer holding a rotating corral of H1Bs hostage from what I understand.

The dream for capitalism is atomized, discrete, and especially disposable consumers, but the nation that seems to have benefited the most in the last few decades is China, which is nationalistic in way that seems more comparable to religion.

The American left would be most amenable to reeling back rampant capitalist exploitation, but they are also more likely to view nationalism as an antiquated badge of ignorance and are more inclined to international metropolitanism which is totes cool by the elite. The right are more likely to have notions of “America first”, but they have been degraded into reflexively defending elitist frameworks of business and have been driven to paranoia about relative class inequality along racial and ideological lines, as opposed to absolute material inequality.

Looks pretty fucked from here. Idk much about commie thought tho, maybe there is an angle I can’t see.

corporations generally seem to prefer holding a rotating corral of H1Bs hostage from what I understand.

Silicon Valley wouldn't be paying American programmers $300k a year to be a mid tier software engineer if they could replace them all with H1Bs LMAO.

as someone who was born and raised among southern hillbillies, I'll let you in on a little secret: they don't want to work. they are every bit as lazy as the blacks they hate so very much. if their life ever improved, they'd be miserable, because they would have nothing to complain about.

Remember when kevin williamson made this point last election and literally everyone left and right shit on him lmao

kevin williamson

I genuinely don't. you got a link?

Class reductionists? In my /r/drama?

... And it's jannied. Can't have the goy start noticing things

Jannied Now.

Y'all'd Later.


LoL this website sucks

you don't have to hate Jews to hate Israel

lol you're probably Jewish
