This meme had a lifespan of like one week tbh. Memes are dying younger and younger, we need to do something to preserve meme health, or else memes will entirely die out and the internet will become entirely porn.
Politics are annoying but then I am reminded of the reddit switcheroo. We are better off now. Calling Trump a Cheeto is unironically a better joke than going back to the Reddit switcheroo
you disagreed with me about something so I will now refer to you with the name of a generation born in the years following WW2 haha checkmate someone who's probably the same age as me!
It's literally "DAE ok boomer overused???" which it obviously is, which makes this an awful r/funny-tier meme and makes me very suspicious about how many unironic boomers there are in this sub
This sub is 90% greatest generation. We were so exhausted from defeating the godless Japanazis and all the post-war sex, we didn't have enough energy to slap some sense into the younger generations.
Now boomers, zoomers, gen xoomers, coomers, 30 year-old boomers, and milloomers are all running amok and we must correct our mistake.
No, he was in a rap-rock band (that was a thing in the 90s). I had the...pleasure...of making his acquaintance before his band signed their major label record deal. The woman I was dating at the time worked for a local radio station, and I met her at some club before we went to dinner. I'm not sure why he got shitty with me, it seemed like a perfectly normal conversation up until the point he got snarky then lost his shit because his comeback game was weaker than mine. I think he wanted to bang the chick I was with and while I can't blame him it's just poor form to try to one-up some dude to score points with a woman. Bros before hoes and all that, you know? Unfortunately, his friends/groupies drug him off before he took a swing at me so I have to tell the story of how I almost got in a bar fight with Fred Durst instead of the story of the time I beat his ass.
It's true though. It's lazy as fuck comedy. I'm not a Boomer, but for fuck sake, if you are still using that line, you are an embarrassment to whatever cause you claim to champion. If you are going to insult someone, do it creatively, because right now you're nothing more than a parrot or broken record, repeating what the cool kids say because they can't come up with a thought of their own.
The 25+ year olds are immunized against all dangers: one may call him a millennial, a gen xer, it all runs off him like water off a rain coat. But call him a boomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out”.
I think it’s important to congratulate the millennials on being the first generation in history to ever think the previous generation were fucking morons.
I sincerely hope society doesn’t collapse before they have the experience of the next generation thinking millennials are fucking morons.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-11-06
Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.
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1 WhiteTearsForFears 2019-11-06
I'm already tired of this meme. I have a feeling we are going to have to endure it for a while. Ugh. D:
1 -M-o-X- 2019-11-06
Uncreative, stupud and instantly tiresome. Just like boomers.
1 RAINING_DAYS 2019-11-06
Ok boomers
Im sorry you’re all old shits who are letting time escape through your finger tips like sand on the beach.
1 bchlrthfinesser 2019-11-06
Based as fuck
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-11-06
redundant tbh
1 tommmmmmmm 2019-11-06
It is genuinely the worst meme I have ever known, and that is saying something.
1 TehAlpacalypse 2019-11-06
ok boomer
1 employee10038080 2019-11-06
I mean it wasn't horrible at first. But Reddit/Twitter/others do what they do are ruin the meme as soon as it gets started.
1 watermark1917 2019-11-06
This meme had a lifespan of like one week tbh. Memes are dying younger and younger, we need to do something to preserve meme health, or else memes will entirely die out and the internet will become entirely porn.
1 Damuel 2019-11-06
sounds good to me
1 2Manadeal2btw 2019-11-06
ok coomer
1 unrulyfarmhand 2019-11-06
^ has potential
1 [deleted] 2019-11-06
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-11-06
all your boomers
are belong to us
2 seenten 2019-11-06
dude arrows in the knee lmao
1 FlexualHealing 2019-11-06
Kilroy was here
1 jubbergun 2019-11-06
Wow, haven't heard that one in a while.
1 unrulyfarmhand 2019-11-06
The switcheroo was the worst thing
1 LittleBittyBigJohn 2019-11-06
Politics are annoying but then I am reminded of the reddit switcheroo. We are better off now. Calling Trump a Cheeto is unironically a better joke than going back to the Reddit switcheroo
1 unrulyfarmhand 2019-11-06
uH Oh gUyS lOoKs LiKe i'M GoInG iN!!
1 watermark1917 2019-11-06
OK boomer
you disagreed with me about something so I will now refer to you with the name of a generation born in the years following WW2 haha checkmate someone who's probably the same age as me!
2 big_papa_stiffy 2019-11-06
theyve been saying its about "boomer mentality" now which is literally just anyone who isnt a chapo
2 watermark1917 2019-11-06
This but unironically
1 jubbergun 2019-11-06
You could just go ahead and say "normal people." This isn't a PC space.
1 [deleted] 2019-11-06
-2 DakotaEE 2019-11-06
OK 🅱️oomer
1 rocinantebabieca 2019-11-06
This is pretty good.
1 chimpan_z 2019-11-06
It's literally "DAE ok boomer overused???" which it obviously is, which makes this an awful r/funny-tier meme and makes me very suspicious about how many unironic boomers there are in this sub
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-11-06
Gotta be more of the forgotten generation than boomers or zoomers or millenials here tho
1 Pomodorodorodoro 2019-11-06
This sub is 90% greatest generation. We were so exhausted from defeating the godless Japanazis and all the post-war sex, we didn't have enough energy to slap some sense into the younger generations.
Now boomers, zoomers, gen xoomers, coomers, 30 year-old boomers, and milloomers are all running amok and we must correct our mistake.
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
Okay zoomer
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-11-06
1 watermark1917 2019-11-06
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
1 [deleted] 2019-11-06
1 [deleted] 2019-11-06
1 Matues49 2019-11-06
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
1 TehAlpacalypse 2019-11-06
For someone who is saying cope all over this thread you sure are coping pretty hard
2 nybbas 2019-11-06
That's kind of his deal
1 Seagebs 2019-11-06
It’s literally in his name. The ultimate cope.
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
Says you
1 Matues49 2019-11-06
have sex
1 WhaIeBones 2019-11-06
1 WhaIeBones 2019-11-06
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
No u
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
I thought we banned all the zoomere
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-11-06
This died quicker than the NPC meme
2 oss_spy 2019-11-06
People still get riled up when you call them NPCs though
1 Pinksister 2019-11-06
Because it's reflective of reality, whereas a conservative born in 1992 is objectively not a boomer.
1 jubbergun 2019-11-06
I was born way before that and I'm a GenXer/Xoomer. Want to hear boring stories about the 90s? I almost got in a fist fight with Fred Durst once.
1 StoneStasis 2019-11-06
The giant headed comedian?
1 jubbergun 2019-11-06
No, he was in a rap-rock band (that was a thing in the 90s). I had the...pleasure...of making his acquaintance before his band signed their major label record deal. The woman I was dating at the time worked for a local radio station, and I met her at some club before we went to dinner. I'm not sure why he got shitty with me, it seemed like a perfectly normal conversation up until the point he got snarky then lost his shit because his comeback game was weaker than mine. I think he wanted to bang the chick I was with and while I can't blame him it's just poor form to try to one-up some dude to score points with a woman. Bros before hoes and all that, you know? Unfortunately, his friends/groupies drug him off before he took a swing at me so I have to tell the story of how I almost got in a bar fight with Fred Durst instead of the story of the time I beat his ass.
1 unrulyfarmhand 2019-11-06
NPC meme was almost immediately branded a nazi thing and they fuckin purged twitter for it. That shit struck a nerve.
1 SpacePanther17 2019-11-06
Ok boomer
1 Zero5urvivers 2019-11-06
Boomers mad
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-11-06
I always thought you were young it's weird to realize you're actually an old person
no based at all tbh I don't like it
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
I am young I just think everyone’s retarded
1 [deleted] 2019-11-06
1 QuadNarca 2019-11-06
Don't boo Kaararaven you bastards!
1 htmlcoderexe 2019-11-06
Ok furry
1 QuadNarca 2019-11-06
She has feathers not fur, so she isn't a furry
1 htmlcoderexe 2019-11-06
Ok furry
1 pepperouchau 2019-11-06
Ok drama user
1 seenten 2019-11-06
That should be the real insult
1 high_side 2019-11-06
Kaara on homicide watch.
1 fitness 2019-11-06
It would be hilarious if 4chan made OK Boomer into a racist meme.
1 BrackWackley 2019-11-06
I can see it now, with the 👌 sign and everything
1 teamsprocket 2019-11-06
For a second I thought "why'd they add a bird to the wojak meme" and then I became grey in the face.
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-11-06
Yeah ironic isn’t it?
Anyway lol @ the original meme you got this from “having pronouns in the bio” as a bad thing to point out
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-11-06
I miss the 30 year old boomer meme
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-11-06
It’s been inside you the whole time 🥰
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-11-06
yeah thats ruined now fucking kids
1 Gymcelling4Trannys 2019-11-06
1 Trelard 2019-11-06
It's true though. It's lazy as fuck comedy. I'm not a Boomer, but for fuck sake, if you are still using that line, you are an embarrassment to whatever cause you claim to champion. If you are going to insult someone, do it creatively, because right now you're nothing more than a parrot or broken record, repeating what the cool kids say because they can't come up with a thought of their own.
1 Chaty100 2019-11-06
Ok boomer
1 WhaIeBones 2019-11-06
You’re so mad
1 miahrules 2019-11-06
sub full of actual boomers. yikes
1 BigBrownDog12 2019-11-06
1 AugustinesBitchBoy 2019-11-06
The 25+ year olds are immunized against all dangers: one may call him a millennial, a gen xer, it all runs off him like water off a rain coat. But call him a boomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out”.
1 OrangeManCostume 2019-11-06
Lmao a year ago it was 30.
By the time trump gets reelected anyone over 20 will be a boomer.
1 Kat_B0T 2019-11-06
Someone post this to TMOR to Farm some cope 🤤
1 Mifil_ 2019-11-06
Imagine being a boomer.
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-11-06
have you guys read any of the articles about this shit lol
its 95% ok boomer replies all getting upvoted into the hundreds with sprinklings of people legit raging at boomers and going on rants about them
reddit memes are barely one step above twitter sass i swear
1 Pomodorodorodoro 2019-11-06
Boomers *sip* now that was a generation.
1 i_Chapo-d_my_pants 2019-11-06
>shut up boomer
>>have sex incel
what's next in the progression?
1 Shubard75 2019-11-06
1 I_Never_Use_Slash_S 2019-11-06
I think it’s important to congratulate the millennials on being the first generation in history to ever think the previous generation were fucking morons.
I sincerely hope society doesn’t collapse before they have the experience of the next generation thinking millennials are fucking morons.
1 Sleepynoodles47 2019-11-06
Ok zoomer