[Developing] Someone just leaked 4000+ internal emails and documents from Facebook.

96  2019-11-06 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat



Ctrl+F for "incel" has 2 hits, one of which is "since Instagram" and the other is "since launching".

Ctrl+F for "cuck" has 0 hits.

I'm not gonna bother with the rest. This is nowhere near as the juicy Google gossip from the Damore lawsuit.

The Damore lawsuit was hilarious. Retard retards himself out of a job, and somehow it’s Google’s fault.

Damore did literally nothing wrong. People REEEE'd about "Neuroticism" and interpreted that as calling women neurotic, when it's taken straight out of the the scientific language used in the Five Factor Model. There's literally 6 million google scholar hits for "five factor model" and even the slightest look at the wikipedia page would vindicate him on that count. It's literally as retarded as if he said "Force is mass times acceleration" and someone cried because he called fat people massive, or was going to beat women by force... and then found a bunch of quacks to misinterpret every other thing he said for no reason.

Also, the lawsuit is hilarious, mostly because it's amazing to see how many Google Execs are shitposting about murdering conservatives on company time. It's like 4chan, but with more essayposting.

Maybe I just have a superhuman IQ or something but maybe don’t share a fucking manifesto under your real name on your employer’s server attacking your employer’s policies in a way that virtually guarantees that it will go public and attract a bunch of dumbshit drama? What did this dimwit THINK was going to happen?

He literally thought he was helping to make Google be a better environment for women in STEM, and that once Google execs understood that men and women were different, they would make better decisions that didn't involve closing their eyes to scientific facts that were politically inconvenient.

In other words, he thought people were behaving dumbly because nobody ever suggested not being dumb, and that he would save them from retarded policies with the power of psych 101 and bio 101.

It’s a fucking company that pays you a salary to do your fucking job, not your college anime club. Keep your retarded opinions to yourself.


They had an internal reddit clone and asked employees to offer up retarded opinions.

So it was autism, got it

Yes, but in this case, the autistic guy is literally the least retarded person in the room.

Was he tho

You have to be p """""naive""""" to put it diplomatically to think you can change behemoth of a corp like Google with facts and logicTM.

Not that I have a dog in this fight except for dabbing on eternal STEMlord

It's Google, you can probably count the number of neurotical employees on one hand.

Someone wrote Instagram with an L? 🤔

Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. [Developing] Someone just leaked 40... - archive.org, archive.today

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This post almost made me lose NNN

Jokes on you. Supply of nuts drastically decreased while demand remained the same. I am getting approximately 10x more per nut than I normally would.


Jokes on you. It is blood money. Every time you nut, you lose a small portion of your brain and it leaks out through your penis.


To much talky talky. U have porn source?


Looks like that domain is banned on Reddit.

Every coomer meme

Sorry I don't understand because I have no brain

I am okay with that because I have my own blood boy network.

Lmao perfect thumbnail pic

This better be some juicy shit by I'm half expecting it to be a Hanlon's Razor kinda situation.

If you get hard at the thought of a bunch of marketing robots arguing about ad pricing then get the tissues out I guess.

I predict:

-massive fucked up internal bitching over progressive conformity (just like the google emails showed).

-Cambridge Analytica was one of many, many firms doing the exact same thing and FB was proactive in helping them (because, duh, it made them money).

How do so many of these jabronis air out personal grievances over email. You should always treat email like official correspondence an always imagine how it would look to a 3rd party reading itn

I have every email I send signed by the pope first.

Yeah, the only way you'd get juicy shit in my workplace would be bugging the small meeting rooms.

Imagine not having a private Telegram group for the real discussions by the real decision makers

Alcohol or whatever they are microdosingAlcohol or whatever they are microdosing

It just shows they had some great ideas on how to monetize shit that was given to them.

Which they did.