Who’s worse: weebs or trannies? 🤢

30  2019-11-06 by Ghdust2


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Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Who’s worse: weebs or trannies? 🤢 - archive.org, archive.today

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Ime weebs are, most trans I know from drama are pretty based

Weebs are literally manchildren

they all have the man part in common. moids need to be culled.

most trans I know from drama are pretty based

Yeah really changed my mind on trannies. Also made me think some pretty heretical thoughts about universally accepted characteristics of internet moderators.

Given sufficient time and pressure, those are the same things.

eggcracking is a mitzvah eugenically

It's a moot question because literally all trannies are weebs.

This but unironically

In no way was I being ironic. It's just a fact.

Weeb to tranny pipeline confirmed.

It’s like the difference between mayo and aioli

trannies with alphonso profile pics

You can’t help having dysphoria but you can help not being a disgusting weebshit
