in neTFLIx’s ‘shE-Ra,’ EveN ViLlaInS REsPeCt NoNbInaRY PrOnoUNs

125  2019-11-06 by TheReasonDougFordWon


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That sounds awful.

Hordak talks about Double Trouble and just says ‘they’ effortlessly, with no thought, and just uses gender-neutral pronouns,” said Tobia.

It's almost like the voice actor/actress was reading a script or something 🤔

Never understood why these people want even villians to accept these no sexism,racism,transpobia etc. rules. Isn't the point of the villian to be an evil bad person?

No, the point of the villain, as with every other American cartoon marketed towards children (but mostly enjoyed by developmentally arrested adults), is to softly reaffirm the viewer's existing political outlook and inoffensively flirt with the heroine for ship-baiting.

Reddit users only like generic capeshit villains. They don’t like to have the conversation that morality isn’t an easy grasp and in the real world it’s not that easy to label who’s a hero and who’s a villain most of the time. It’s why so many of them hate centrism and people who don’t pick sides in politics.

This is just like the Handmaiden's Tale, therefore, u r nazzy

What I always hated about any kind of children movies is that there is this kind and always good and helpful hero main character and the rude evil mad villian who plans evil but the hero stops him everytime. But this is really not how the world works, in reality everyone thinks of themselves as the good guy. and just figuring out who is the real good guy is hard, when in the children movie the mad scientist tells you how evil he is. I don't know why people care about violence influencing the children, when teaching children this black and white thinking is way more dangerous.

Plagues on society:

Broke: racism, sexism

Woke: Manichaeism, Great Man Theory

I prefer the Great Tard Theory. Much of human history is driven by a few exceptionally stupid people who found themselves in positions of power.

Karel Čapek dedicated his life to writing about the agony of human blindness. He built a legacy depicting people either unable or unwilling to see their site and situation for what they are. A great radical centrist in the most macro sense, neither sympathetic nor opposed to human life and folly. Good shit.

Well there's being bad and then there's being bad 🤪

They want to make it seem like named pronouns is a natural part of language instead of a respect reason. I don’t think a villain would train himself to use the correct pronouns for someone It literally makes no sense why one would.

It shouldn't ever be a headline that "In She-Ra even the villains refer to people by their names!" and that's how pronouns should be viewed as well.

Yeah let's turn pronouns into a second set of names we have to refer to everyone by, that won't be onerous or stupid.

Even funnier is that pronouns aren’t personal. Pronouns are meant to make speaking easier and avoid repetition in sentences. If they’re used as names it defeats the entire purpose. We call things he or she so others can observe and understand who we are referring to. If you look opposite to your identity no one is gonna know who im referring too and defeats the purpose.

Ok, boomer.

Go play fortnite on your phone.

Please explain how non binary isn’t some stupid made up shit that makes no sense

Ok zoomer

Don’t lump in this millennial scum with us B&R Zoomers

China, in their infinite wisdom, didn't bother with gendered pronouns, just ta means he and she. Ta-min means plural them. ni means you, ni-min means plural you. Wu means me/I wu-min means plural us. Too bad their written language is pants on head retarded or it might be a viable alternative to retarded bastardizations of Latin.

It's written differently tho. Male, female, animal, and "other" have a different conjugative part in writing, which is important since Chinese is only really a common written language, as even dialects are often mutually unintelligible.

Their written language is garbo, but spoken Mandarin is based.

I disagree mostly since that is my mother tongue. Not a big fan of it really.

Yeah but I got through almost 3 hours of a "how to learn manderine:basics" audio book so far so I'm pretty much an expert.

Ask your mom "what that tongue do" for me please

Mandarin is all heerr shwarr shwinn harr

Well at least you have to make the effort of writing it down to misgender someone

In fairness gendered pronouns made perfect sense before the internet and the age of not necessarily knowing the gender of the person on the other side of the computer and the mass delusion of being another gender that it enabled.

fuck tones tho

Turkospeak is fully gender neutral, "O" for everything.

Did they forget that people who give themselves retarded nicknames are looked at by normal people as lunatics? Unless you're extremely famous or something.

The best thing to do is to refer to someone as 'person' or some neutral variation. This has the advantage of being both completely respectful, and also pissing off the guy who no longer gets his special label.

Reminder Non-binary people are just bratty teen mayoids larping.

Based AF brother

It's just emo/goth bullshit but updating for the 2010s

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. in neTFLIx’s ‘shE-Ra,’ EveN ViLlaIn... -,

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At NO POINT does evil linkara who is implied to torture and kill for fun and is literally mustache twirlingly evil.

Ever misgender IronLiz its always She and Her.

There is never a sign that he would ever misgender her.

And thats what I like about this she ra thing and What linkara did.

There is such a thing as a villain being evil and the writer being evil.

What the fuck?

Did u know that misgendering is literally worse than torturing and killing people for fun?

Wow the lightbringer is a true chad. Now he just needs to finish that power rangers review

I mean that's the thing about pronouns - they are facts about people. Sure you could refer to someone with the incorrect fact but all it would do is muddle your meaning.

Yeah, if I called him "him" instead of "xir" everyone would be completely bewildered and have no idea what I was talking about.

When we treat pronouns as "preferences" and things that need to be "respected" I think we give a lot of wiggle room for cis people to fuck up.

It's almost as if the whole point of all this bullshit to create situations "for cis people to fuck up" so you can pile on to them. 🤔

Pronouns aren’t meant for the people they are referring to it’s meant for the person speaking and being spoken too.

This is what happens when you run a cartoon by a bunch of fat mentally handicapped dykes.

" Just because you're evil doesn't mean you have to be a dick. " Said unironically...

"My name is Roger and I eat babies. That's right, I literally kidnap, kill, cook, and devour human infants. Sometimes I fuck them first. But one thing you'll never catch me doing is misgendering my neighbor. I may be a child molesting cannibal, but I can still be an ally."


At NO POINT does evil linkara who is implied to torture and kill for fun and is literally mustache twirlingly evil.

Ever misgender IronLiz its always She and Her.

There is never a sign that he would ever misgender her.

And thats what I like about this she ra thing and What linkara did.

There is such a thing as a villain being evil and the writer being evil.

I do not understand this mentality. Why is it a bad thing if a character who is clearly being portrayed as being in the wrong does such a terrible deed as misgendering someone?

Wouldn't that, you know, reflect poorly on the kinds of people who do that?

Why is any portrayal of something like that, even a negative one, treated like an endorsement?

Is it really a good thing if we're so afraid to acknowledge this stuff that even evil villains won't mention it? I'm surprised the woke folks aren't calling this erasure or something.

I have no mouth, and I must HOOOOOOOOONK

I don't know why this particular article is what finally snapped the last, delicate thread of my sanity, but I'm entirely certain at this point that the world ended in 2012 as a failed experiment and we're all living in its creator's fever dream as punishment for our collective sins.


Additionally, “Steven Universe,” whose creator Rebecca Sugar identifies as a nonbinary woman

so which is it?

Ed, Edd, & Eddysexual isn't a recognized orientation so she had to make due.

In the subreddit everyone keeps using male pronouns for Tobia's character lmao. People are just assuming the character's gender.

PS She-Ra is actually good. You straight boys are missing out.

Well He- Man was pretty damn gay

Stop watching cartoons for children holy shit

On one hand, if a character is being a dick to others, misgendering people is a dick move that they can do. On the other hand and much more importantly: She-Ra is a kids show and if the one thing we could take home from this is that misgendering people is so evil that it cannot be done in a kids show then I 100% support this.

It's its own parody at this point.

They talk about fucking linkara ahahahahah. Him dating the nostalgia chick apparently makes him a good person.

Are you brony creeps still campaigning against this cartoon for little girls? It's been like a year now.