Should you let a troid sleep with your daughter? Weebs discuss.

34  2019-11-07 by AI_WAIFU


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Should you let a troid sleep with y... -,

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You know OPs right when their only defense is, "ok boomer." Legit some mental retard gymnastics into believing this is totally fine.

Reddit gets super worked-up about not letting teenage girls rack up STD’s and unwanted pregnancies, even without the trans part.

A lot of people that respond to shit like this are teens themselves lol. You can always tell when the teenagers are swarming.

I saw a relationship post one time about a 15 year old girl trying to spend a week with a guy she met online and had known for under a month.

Her mother (rightfully) told her no fucking way. The comments were full of people pretending she was being too controlling. I assume every one of those comments was a teenager.

Lol pizza we know how you look and we know that your little sister is more buff than you.

Lol what's hilarious is I'd bet my left nut I could bitch slap 99% of /r/drama.

You could probably, but after that anyone on this sub would be able to kill you with their bare hands, probably even watermark.

Ya ok.

stop betting your left nut on everything.

1v1 me bitch

post nutty

Lol shut up pizza, I'd turn your ass into salami.



Why do you keep gambling your left nut?

It's my least favorite nut.

Is it the one that hangs lower for you too?

I have lost enough fights to destroy your fists with my face.

You sound a lot like a few black guys I've encountered. Guess how it ended for them.


Street fighters don't know what they're doing bud.

I assume they finished in your ass then made you wipe their dicks off with your pube stache

Yeah I probably lost fights to street fighters lmao.

like what happened to little Donnie?

I think you are right, I just can’t imagine anyone over 25 agreeing with some of that shit.

Was that the post where the dude wanted her to come live in his basement as his BDSM slave?

