New Zealand to start requiring a loicence for viewing porn online

28  2019-11-07 by LiberalKiwi


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. New Zealand to start requiring a lo... -,

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The cope shown by the Kiwi coomers as no nut november becomes mandatory


I highly recommend everyone to use an /r/InternetCondom regardless of this law. We are being actively spied on by our own government and no one seems to care.

lmao imagine thinking you're worth spying on

Former British colony trying to out british their master

Just an update on that front. We still don't need a license and the whole thing seems to have been quietly forgotten. I assume the same will happen here.

Apparently Australia wants to have facial scanning tech in PCs to check your age if you are watching porn. What could go wrong

And these are the people who complain about the United States online

Easy fix, if you are a minor who wants to watch porn just do it naked so the government employee watching you is arrested for watching child porn.

Day of the boom when??

Governments suggest ridiculous shit sometimes, it gets a 'we're working on it' for a while and then it gets dropped due to being completely unworkable. UK had a similar law planned out that they eventually decided not to do after all.

Coomers btfo

If you angry about porn please get therapy

A guideline for the religious South.

Imagine living in a country without the first amendment. And then realize leftoids hate the first amendment.


im all for banning porn outright and jailing anyone who makes it forever but im pretty sure thisll just be introduced with porn and then ramped up to include all sorts of other shit

i often shit on my own country for being authoritarian and a nanny state but new zealanders are on another level