So Trisha Paytas Got Married to a Brad Pitt Cutout and I Made this Commentary Video About for You Guys So I Just Wanted to Share My Video on Here and I Don't Know What to Say Anymore for This 300 Character Minimum So...osndflislngiasjdflksdlkgnsldjflksjfklsdfsjlkdjflkasgiolsjkFklvnsldgnklsjdgisjrngk

3  2019-11-07 by MagicalMeadows


This, but unironically.


  1. So Trisha Paytas Got Married to a B... -,

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Lol wtf

300 Character Minimum

10 IQ

I want Trisha to stop doing videos like marrying this cardboard. But a part of me kind of loves this video because if you look at it as a performance it was comedy gold. Like she's legit really funny and I wish she would just do more skits and mukbangs after this!!!

why do you have to inflict this cancer on me right after work op

To report on the news.

imagine looking worse than trisha paytas

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