Let's see what normies think about the left eating itself

1  2019-11-07 by RedditModsEatMyAss


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A reminder, janny of theirs just removed the post. He's literally a bussy lover from circlebroke2.

Guess he's one of them 'fuck you I got my rights' gays.


I wish I could ping the bastard.



Yeah they talk about this shit only cause its muslims while christians do it in small town america and have been since the jump

Peak whataboutism. Especially since this is about the UK no the US

Whataboutism is ok when they do it.

There is a janny with LGBT in its name telling people to spread their agenda somewhere else. Sand people are ready to kill them yet fags still defend them...

Lol at people saying the west isn't an icon for LGBT acceptance. Then fucking where is you retards.

Ancient Greece was the bussy utopia.

What did the west ever give us?

Besides mass literacy, the scientific method, atheism, socialism, gay rights, and feminism?

atheism, socialism, gay rights, and feminism?

Okay now you're just listing reasons to support mayocide


The Ottoman Empire before the English pushed their rigid Victorian mores and sensibilities?

Believe it or not turkey is in Europe

Like a tiny part. Which should be Hellas anyway

screenshot of a Twitter post of an article

So this is how the normie learns about its world

"Side with the gays or the muslims"

Man that must have been a hard choice in Alabama

/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. Let's see what normies think about ... - archive.org, archive.today

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The real question is why the fuck there were lessons about lgbt acceptance in the first place. Based muslims.




How can human posters compete?

I heard an interview from the guy who organized this effort. He is a white dude BTW and most of the people behind this were white too, but many were muslim as well. The issue is not so much about "LGBT acceptance". He walked through exactly what the program teaches the kids and one of the big issues is that theyre teaching 5-7 year olds that they can be whatever gender they want. Showing how positive it is choose to be the opposite sex.

Now, i got no issues with accepting adult trannies. Its their life and body. But 5 year olds dont need this confusing shit in their life. Even worse, this shit shouldnt be wrapped up into Gay acceptance.

There was some other really fucked up stuff being taught the kids that im forgetting but its fucking wild what is being pushed down over the pond.

That was a solid "having said all that" diss.

Not that I disagree...

The eu really needs to get rid of the bongs.

Srs posting from a homo time: I agree. There’s nothing wrong about acceptance, but 5-7 year olds don’t give or understand a flying fuck about this shit. They should be focused on the real alphabet, not the queer one. This seems like it was mostly a virtue signal for adult/parent validation of wokeness.

I mean dude bussy acceptance lmao

Quiet you genetic dead end,day of the CRISPR rope when.

Yfw it’s just queer futa cat girls being CRISPR’d into reality instead of heteros.


but 5-7 year olds don’t give or understand a flying fuck about this shit

Neither do most adults for that matter.

i got no issues with accepting adult trannies

I mean you’ve clearly made it clear that you do with how often you sperg about them.

clearly made it clear

brainlet detected

oh good they had bad grammar on the internet I’m off the hook for being a sperg

Deflect more. Why pretend like you aren’t a raging conservatard? it’s not like you’ll get ostracized on this retarded sub.

Whose pretending?

Good job on showing how conservatives are masters at projection, brainlet.

Even with my grammar flub I don’t understand how your reading comprehension is so bad.

Srd much?

crying about the SRD boogieman

Lol there is no such thing as SRD

Now, i got no issues with accepting adult trannies. Its their life and body. But 5 year olds dont need this confusing shit in their life. Even worse, this shit shouldnt be wrapped up into Gay acceptance.

I mean, this depends. This sounds a lot like the argument people used to make about gay kids. "we can't teach gay acceptance to kids!!" ignoring the fact kids know they're gay from a fairly early age.

And there's at least some proof kids can know they're trans, or at least be different from other kids:


Since 2013, Kristina Olson, a psychologist at the University of Washington, has been running a large, long-term study to track the health and well-being of transgender children—those who identify as a different gender from the one they were assigned at birth. Since the study’s launch, Olson has also heard from the parents of gender-nonconforming kids, who consistently defy gender stereotypes but have not socially transitioned. They might include boys who like wearing dresses or girls who play with trucks, but who have not, for example, changed the pronouns they use. Those parents asked whether their children could participate in the study. Olson agreed.

After a while, she realized that she had inadvertently recruited a sizable group of 85 gender-nonconforming participants, ages 3 to 12. And as she kept in touch with the families over the years, she learned that some of those children eventually transitioned. “Enough of them were doing it that we had this unique opportunity to look back at our data to see whether the kids who went on to transition were different to those who didn’t,” Olson says.

By studying the 85 gender-nonconforming children she recruited, her team has now shown, in two separate ways, that those who go on to transition do so because they already have a strong sense of their identity.

I don't really have strong opinions on this, but from where I'm sitting this seems like another example of western conservatives trying to deny reality and refusing to accept that these things are becoming more acceptable. Recycling many of the same arguments they used against gay kids.

Let me put that sperg out on the fridge

Islam is Right about Women

Islam is right about homosexual

Islam is right about Popeyes chicken sandwiches

Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not go that far about the closest contender to Chick Fil A so far.

Islamic countries embrace male bonding, but they literally "no homo" after busting bussy

It only makes you gay if you're the bottom.

Or the balls touch

Or if they're past puberty.

Islam is right about Dragon Ball Z


How do you achieve Super Saiyajin? Through Jihad of course.

Frieza was a Zionist spy.

Piccolo was a black Muslim. He even has the turban.

Yeah, I think that one is actually canon.

Black weebs are right about Goku

One user said that the West should keep Muslims out

Another user replied

Do you think Islam and the Qur’an teaches bigotry?


NPCs gonna NPC

Was this supposed to be some sort of "gotcha" question? Any idiot knows the answer is yes.

The true galaxy brain answer is "Yes, and that's a good thing".

Lmao thread got yalled saying that its agenda pushing and fake.

The article is literally right here, although I ain't reading thru it.

The janny is LGBTreecko, a known GamerGhazi progressive, so it's obvious that he'd protect the reactionary religion that is Islam and its oppression of women and gays.

Nothing is more horse-shoe than Muslims and LGBT-Retarded

"Removed for being misleading."

"Can you show us how it's misleading?"

"No and locked."

Trawling a little further the rationale is that this happened a while ago, they caught shit for it, and went back to teaching it after 4 months.

Thread flair:

Comments need janitoring, PLEASE.

Life really is a parody.

Imagine being retarded enough to think of conservative muslims as "the left. Centrists are truely the most retarded around

I actually agree with the Muslims here, kids don't really need to be learning this stuff.

However, this is hilarious, Liberal attempts to change the electorate always end up backfiring, as the immigrants are more racialists and reactionary than the conservative Whites ever were.