Pibble owners brigade r/news

1  2019-11-07 by VanOldenbarnevelt


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Pibble owners brigade r/news - archive.org, archive.today

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Ever notice how the people who defend these dogs are usually the same type? "Sketchy neighborhood" types.


Interesting, because pretty much everyone who works with the Pitbull rescue in my area is a white woman. Is that what you meant? White women?

White women also find serial killer pen pals, dog fucking, and retardation hobbies... but surely, there can be no connection here. Nope.

I don't know where some foids get the message their job is to rescue shitty men and shitty dogs. They need to stop.

It's just innate maternal instincts being applied in a society where familial connections have deteriorated. "Dog mommies" are a highly visible example of how right good ol' Uncle Ted was.



Wait what are we talking about?

Dunno what you're talking about, but I'm talking about the book released in 1995 after an unconventional marketing campaign that started with 14 powerful and true words

idk what 1495 has to do with Bomb Daddy but I was really just taking the opportunity to be racist tbh

14 - "The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race"

95 - Released in 1995

Based and tedpilled


"Sketchy neighborhood types" own lots of pitbulls, but they don't REE on the internet about how they're not dangerous because they bought a pitbull precisely because it's fucking dangerous.

I never see 'sketchy neighborhood' people defend pitbulls, only middle aged white foids.

The poor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, drunk, scoundrel it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a poor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

I call out the poors earlier today for what they are. https://reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/dswvlf/_/f6tb79b/?context=1

“So, no one knows what led to the violent attack.” You mean like possibly being provoked by someone kicking, pulling or poking at it? I feel for this kid, but there are pieces missing in this story. Was the dog neutered? Is it a rescue dog? I don’t know how the owners treated this dog. This article is vague at best. This week an owner died from a Great Dane attack because she refused to give up an aggressive dog she adopted. So it’s not just a breed thing. It’s also a history thing.


I told you Drama. You will here about the “Great Dane” attack forever. This shit is like pottery.

That retard is a childfree fuck

It's making more sense all the time.

Allah deliver us from the dog-loving white devils.

Bush did Great Dane attack

Kibble 7 is a lie

You need to start putting the Breed_of_peace account to good use upsetting pibble lovers.

I know I know, I’m going to start when I’m not being buttfucked by school/work.

That wasn't a great dane either it was another Nanny dog

You mean like possibly being provoked by someone kicking, pulling or poking at it?

Literally victim blaming

Excuse me I have to steal this joke

That 6 year old had it coming

This is pretty textbook, guy knows all the right maneuvers but they are being met with more disgust each year.

It’s a lot like when that lawyer for the pibble groups was interviewed on that Canadian exposé.

Lawyer: Well I don’t know the facts. Was the child crying?

Reporter: Well, okay, but then what kind of dog would attack a crying child?

Lawyer: 😠

I need a video link of that.


17 mins. Whole thing is decent, there was some follow-up, they didn’t realize what a hornet’s nest they were kicking.

Nice! Thanks.

Almost every medium to large working dog can and do get violent with small children. Most people have zero business owning such dogs because frankly most people are shit at raising them.

Pit bulls are more likely to bite children

Lol researchers disagree

Pit bulls, mixed breed dogs, and dogs with wide and short heads weighing between 66 and 100 pounds have the highest risk of biting, according to Ohio State’s study.

If you don't know how this entire paragraph is bullshit you don't know dogs or statistics.


I'm literally a data analyst. You're just another delusional pit bull supporter.

Pit bulls are dangerous killing machines. They cause the most dog related fatalities, even the site you linked agreed with that, they just disagree with why they are the most likely to cause a fatal dog attack.

The pit bull type is particularly ambiguous as a "breed" encompassing a range of pedigree breeds, informal types and appearances that cannot be reliably identified. Visual determination of dog breed is known to not always be reliable.

Do you literally not know how to read plain English? If you actually read you'd see why pit panic is a fucking meme. Not saying they can't be dangerous, they can be but so are all sorts of large working dogs you fucking dumbass. Where huskies and malmutes are common those too are also the most dangerous dogs.


Pibbles would never do such a thing! Unless it was awake or half asleep or happy or sad or stressed or relaxed.

notthebreed 😢

I think even if it slept the reflex to eat a nearby baby would kick in

the smell of infant triggers the kill reflex

Awwww pibble just wanted to give gentle kisses

Is reddit getting woke on the pibble question? 🤔
