๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸ Despite making up 0.6% of the population, trans people are the subject of 99% of online drama. ๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸ

1  2019-11-07 by Ghdust2


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Pls don't link srd, I read it and seethe way too much

Yeah no shit.

Its one of the top keywords in rightoid subs, some people are just fascinated by bussy.






Though, it really is interesting as manga truly does have a wide array of displays of sexuality,amd a usual message of self acceptance. Truthfully speaking, manga actually plays a part of how left I am socially, and I wish some of those messages could be shown in anime more than they are now.

I really couldnt appreciate swallowing massive amounts of cum or getting my anus fisted by two dudes at once while they peed on my carpet until I highly saw the highest quality of subs.

Truthfully speaking, manga actually plays a part of how left I am socially

Holy shit.

But manga is right leaning unless he just means all the gay manga. Half of all anime make fun of traps and weird shit like drag queens. It's almost never seen in a positive light. In konasuba the main character is feminist in the most literal of ways. He has the women work just as hard as everyone else and treats all enemies the same. Even going as far as killing enemies who are women. He even has a fucking meme where he basically hates the pussypass.(yes he says this meme in the show) The character literally use his steal ability to steal the panties right off women while they're using them and calls all his foid teammates worthless.

knowing this much about weebshit


weebshit is based because it's not made by mayos.

Asians are honary whites. Everyone knows this.

Nihonjin are the mayos of the east

half of all anime make fun of traps and weird shit

Case in point

How many trans people do you see in new shitty Clint Eastwood movies? Thatโ€™s right jerk off material, not manga lol

We need to stop Manga before it is too late. Who is Manga BTW?

jap comics

That takes being a web to a whole new level holy shit

Gay manga are almost always written with the other gender as the target audience and are often rapey as fuck along with being generally pretty "unwoke". Not to mention gender bender shit almost never being actual trans shit, often times being a change the character has no choice over and didn't want.

Not to mention gender bender shit almost never being actual trans shit, often times being a change the character has no choice over and didn't want.

I donโ€™t think that part bothers them

Seeing as the characters usually give up on being the gender they wanted and stick with the one they're given you'd think it would.

I just sat next to a black person voluntarily, how many woke points do I get

Did you suck their feminine penis too? You only get points if they made it to completion.

If I take just the tip am I still gay?

Going away present, may be getting evicted soon for too much anime ironically.


Lol this chimera doesnโ€™t show up in the light novels.

This means the makers of the movie literally just added a trans character just to shit on them. Lol.


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you werenโ€™t addicted to Reddit. Youโ€™re making a difference, though!


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I need Trappy to give me a hug after looking at this.

You know the drama is popcorn worthy when even the /r/subbredditdrama thread has drama in it

That's every shitty SRDine thread.

It's weird how weaboos and trannies hate each other so much considering that both groups spend all their time jerking it to little boys dressed as girls while wishing they themselves were cute anime girls.

85% of the people on discord, tho. 98% of the mods.

Damn, I didn't even know there was a Konosuba movie until this drama hit the internet, guess I really am getting out of the loop with weebshit. Also, no way trans people are 0.6% of the population, would be shocked if they were 0.06% even.