1  2019-11-07 by HWTLN


Now I can see why millionaire black athletes always go for wh*te women.

Proof of bussy's superiority

This is almost too ridiculous to be real.

TLDR: Woman causes four fights and over $1 million worth of damages after flooding an apartment because she refused to leave.

This sounds amazing, got a full story?

A wild brawl between a group of women β€” reportedly over a man β€” caused a pipe to burst inside an Atlanta apartment complex, flooding nine floors of the building.

β€œThis just goes to show, boys are not worth it,” Georgia State University student and witness Angel Onyori told Chanel 2 Action News.


Once again, the foids have learned nothing.

if they could learn g-d would have made them moids

when keeping it real goes wrong

what a strong independent black woman 😍😍😍

A fun game for some of ya'll: Are there any videos of a White/Latino/Asian doing this? Ever?

It is always just the enriching nature of Basketball Americans at it again.

This is why I moved to the woods.

can I open this package I got from you or will I regret it

Society will be better off if anything


Based and anprimpilled

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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God made black women too fucking strong.

It was to help them to try to fight off the Millenia of rape they had to endure in africa.