Aww yeah #gotmine

1  2019-11-08 by SpaceMonkeyPolice2


I hate to encourage the bastards, but when I saw the full title I knew I had to read it. Photo is the book laying next to me in my hotel bed, ready for some late-night perusing 😘💋

His appearance on the View today was some good drama. Turned into a shit fit when he called out one of the foids for blackface and another for defending kid fucker Polanski

That felt soo good watching that 🤤

That sounds incredibly based

tHiS Is NoT a MaGa RaLlY

Was the gideon bible not enough for you? Libtard.

Not ever since they switched translations. I prefer the Old King James

the thinking man reads The Oxford Annotated Bible

the thinking man

reads Bible


The thinking man reads the Quran, sweetie!

Imagine thinking that gay cryptocatholic James I had a holy mission to spread the true word of God. That's almost like... thinking Trump has some mission from Him.

Oh God tell me you're not one of those...

Unlike y'all I only read good books...

I just read a few pages. It is everything I thought it would be

Please give us some excerpts.


So basically it's a ~200 page Paul Joseph Watson video in text form.

Do you feel any shame in giving this autist money? He’s going to run for governor one day soon and some of us will have to live under his spergtacular reign.

After watching so many lying smear campaigns from the left, no. I feel absolutely no shame.

"smear campaigns" lol.


no u

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Aww yeah #gotmine -,*

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Is his beard photoshopped onto his face?

His beard is just so man-tacular that it appears to have just materialized itself into existence on his face

somebody pls shoop this on his dad's face.
better even, his brother Barron's face

I don't know which is worse: buying this unironically because you support this halfwit, buying this ironically to own the cons by giving them money, or buying this post-ironically to laugh at his ridiculousness while still agreeing with him deep down. Probably the last one.

I simply bought it because of all the asshat SJWs on reddit. If it weren’t for them, this book wouldn’t be nearly as awesome

Didn't think you could top that, but this is even more pathetic.


No, this is what I come here for.

I want the audio version narrated by Morgan Freeman.

how the left thrives on hate and wants to silence us

lmao imagine running a political narrative based on the fact you keep getting banned on twitter because you wont stop using no no words.

My experience has been that SJWs have absolutely no sense of right and wrong. They are really loud about pretending to have one, but it’s all for show. Their mouth pours forth a never ending stream of lies and deception, all the while they do everything they accuse others of doing

if you are pretending to be a rightoid you are shit at it, if you are an actual rightoid watermark is your soulmate

I’m not actually politically active. I don’t identify with any sort of political spectrum and neither oppose or support any political opinion or policy. I’m just tired of watching loudmouths with an agenda ruin every website.

I’m not sure what watermark is. I tried googling it and found some kind of church thing. I am religious, but my religious organization refrains from close ties to other organizations.

I am religious, but my religious organization refrains from close ties to other organizations.

that wont stop the FBI from tracking you down when you inevitably attempt to build a bomb to "bring down the liberal deep state"

This but unironically, but also for rightoids

I thought so too with Pizzagate and everything, but then it turned out that Pizzagate was true, so now I don’t know anymore.

I used to joke about a slippery slope toward mandatory homosexuality, and now we have preop trannies accusing us of hate crime if we don’t want to sleep with them


You’re retarded


Nah just saying it’s dumb ironically spending your money on it lol

It looks like the sort of comment that I would usually downvote, but I’m not showing one.

His beard doesn't look real.