1  2019-11-08 by Ghdust2


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They're too dumb to correctly spell "boring." Imagine in 2019 having to listen to some foid gush about how she's so weird and kinky because she likes to be choked and tied up.

They act like its a male thing, but females have have always been the ones trying to get me to choke/slap/pour hot wax on them.

Maybe I just attract the weird ones, but they are usually weirder than I am

Every foid I have dated has been 10x more wild than I am.

also 10X heavier

My GF has a BMI of 20. Want to compare foids?

very normal to know your partner's BMI offhand like that

Implying you don't have your Very Real Girlfriend's character sheet saved on your phone

Checking into the burn unit with 90% of body covered in 3rd degree BURNS

Not that weird. Another foid came at us a few days ago and I found out said foid had a BMI of 35.

don't expect another reply

why would you lie to me like this I thought we were friends

He didn't say he won't reply, he just said you shouldn't expect it.

He’s never met his gf irl. It’s a one year online ‘relationship’. This dood is the king of incels

Mate, stop confusing BMI with IQ.

She's about 10x smarter than anyone I've encountered on /r/drama.

the audience of rape porn is like mostly women

Mostly written by women to, especially those erotic novels.

It wasn't men who made 50 Shades of Gray famous.

cracking up at the discussion what turns women on in THIS fucking subreddit of all places lmao

I assume at least 10% of the men here are female and know well what women like.

actually that's a good point

10% of the men here are trannies?

At least.

10% is rather conservative, if janny demographics reflect general demographics.

To be fair, lots of erotica that is supposedly written by "women" is written by men using a female pseudonym. You don't get very far in that industry using a male name. It's what I do for a living so, for the first time in my life, I actually know what I'm talking about.

No one on the internet knows what they're talking about

Obviously you've never watched a blackedraw video.

BIG (X) doubt

Mad that you've been jerking off to other men's descriptions of being penetrated by rough and charming masculine individuals?

Oh, not at all. I'm fine with either sexes being authors tbh. It just seemed like bullshit when you said authors who say they're female are likely male

Well, as I said, I have experience in the industry so you can take my word for it or not. I don't really care.

How difficult is it break into the ebook erotica market? As a semi-frequent amateur writer of filth, sometimes I consider trying to publish on Amazon, but I feel like it's probably over-saturated at this point.

I wouldn't know. I don't publish on Amazon.

The erotica market is pretty over-saturated. I work privately, writing really fucked up stories for a more than reasonable price. If you're not exceptional in that market, you're always going to get undercut by some retard who is so desperate to work as a "writer" that they'll take slave pay to do any project.

I'm pretty good, and I have no limits as to what tortures I'll put my characters through, so I get pretty steady work.

I'd probably make more money if I published on Amazon but then you have to pick one kink/genre and stick to it. Also there'll be a paper trail with regards to what I write and who I am. Not something I'm interested in, really. I just work off of Amazon and commissions that are organized from various websites with hyphenated names.

I didn't know there even was a market for writing smut on commission. Interesting. Would I be correct in assuming that's for all the weird fucks that are into incest/snuff/underage and whatever else might be against a reputable publisher's TOS? Not that I have any problem with that. Based on a friend's experience recording for /r/gonewildaudio, that's what most people commissioned her voice work for.

Most of my work revolves around cuckoldry, "watching my mom fuck" kinds of stories, and then some satirical stuff - if you look at it from a certain perspective.

Every now and again I get requests for things like snuff, which I charge a lot of money for. Furries also pay a lot of money to get stories written about their alter egos.

Huh. I'm always amazed how much money furries will dump into the fandom. Corruption of Champions pulls $17K a month on Patreon.

I'll have to look into that stuff sometime. Thanks for the detailed reply, much appreciated.

Islam was wrong about women

One female friend of mine has told me that all women secretly want to be dominated. Now I doubt it's actually all women by any stretch but I have zero doubts it's way more than would admit it, too. Getting the woman to admit to it really just requires a guy she's actually attracted to. Shocking I know.

The first 2 sentences I thought your were a menslib way to turn it around

TFW everything about the design of your mind and body isn’t politically expedient

Nah they genuinely like it. This person's in the minority these days.

same goes here...

That sub is entirely composed of larping moids, right?

It’s trannies all the way down

Reminder that this sub is FEMALE ONLY. All comments from men will be removed and you will be banned. So if you’ve got an XY, don’t reply.

Pretty sure it's overweight TERFs

Legit never looked at this sub before but the OP in this thread definitely reads like a TERF.

It's basically a female TRP but with less actionable advice and more bitching. So pretty accurate imo.

Imagine dating a tranny but wanting to do only missionary pretty sure that’s actually impossible

Nope unironic femcels and Wgtows

Just because they're as annoying as MGTOWs doesn't mean they can't be female

I'm not saying they can't it's just an almost alien choice to make. If you say female on a default you will get essays thrown at you about nothing. So why would a woman make a sub called r/femaledatingstrategy. Instead of r/wicca or r/kaballah or go for the end game of the male harem in r/polyamory. The name of the sub seems sterile and bureaucratic which is why I'm skeptical.

I needed like two bottles of wine to get through 3 posts

Sure you do sweetie, I #BelieveWomen which is why Id never suggest you probably down 2 bottles of wine just because.

Also I wonder how she found that blog. Makes you think.

imagine actually drinking wine lmao

They're foids

Mhm sure, and I'm Santa.

Cool Wine Aunt

Reminder that this sub is FEMALE ONLY. All comments from men will be removed and you will be banned.

I agree that you need to establish ground rules before any roleplay.

FUCK ANAL, RESPECT YOUR ASSHOLES PLEASE. That shit is not meant for women, at allllllllllll

Ah a fellow bussy connoisseur. Yes, obviously, lets keep bussy away from foids!

imagine getting turned on by getting tied up

Sub/victim complex is literally the conservative playbook.

Going full paranoid mode and texting a dude 14 times "I do not consent to rough sex, choking, hitting, biting, slapping, restraints, OR BEING MURDERED"

Why am I singuuulll

What a pickme u are 🙄

What’s a pickme

Their slur for a girl who does things to get guys to like her.

That’s hot

And here we are at /r/drama just hoping for the second base.

Going full paranoid mode and texting a dude 14 times "I do not consent to rough sex, choking, hitting, biting, slapping, restraints, OR BEING MURDERED

I needed like two bottles of wine to get through 3 posts because it's honestly the first time I've properly stopped to think about how fucked up it all is.

THIS, there’s no way women actually enjoy this. Why the fuck would anyone enjoy this?

There is no amount of therapy which will cure the femcel of her eternal incelibacy.

Defeated, she retreats to the computer to read more BTS yaoi fanfiction

Also, I would actively be turned off by a man who showed genuine care and nurturing without the abusive tendencies.

Someone post this to menslib.

Another one for Chad 😎

At this point, I wonder whom the radfems are even fighting for

SJW in the streets, KKK in the sheets

"White people are responsible for everything bad in the world"


"I am a white man's whore"

The mantra of every woke Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi foid undergrad. Lovely people.

and was shortly after taken advantage of in a cruel sexual seduction by a much older man at my place of work.


I'm just waiting on a epidemic of women dying trying to appease these men


Lmao first one is about rapekink, I told you all that women are all into it 😎😎😎

Ratiod hard

I needed like two bottles of wine to get through 3 posts because it's honestly the first time I've properly stopped to think about how fucked up it all is

Say a prayer for all the Cool 🍷 Aunts out there

Islam is Right about Women

Whenever anti-porn people post their tirades, the stuff they describe almost completely fails to describe all the porn I've ever seen. Am I fapping wrong?


That explains why I keep getting kicked out of McDonalds.

I am beginning to recognize that my proclivity for being sexually dominated and sexual “consent non consent” type scenarios is rooted in the fucked up traumas of my childhood.

Can you think of the last time you interacted with a young-mid 20s foid who didn't claim to have been molested or raped when she was younger?


the real tragedy is whatever dumbass chose this tiny queer ass font for that sub

It’s very sad that porn has made men expect anal from us

Its very sad men expect women to understand who to vote for

TradTHOT or femcel?

This guy had me whisper in his ear and wanted me to pretend to be a 6 year old.

He knew I was raped as a kid.

And yet he still said that disgusting shit to me.

Not shown - the preceding conversation where she explicitly asked him to do this.

People who hardly get to have vanilla sex complain about niche sex other people are having.