Childfree consoomer can’t comprehend the idea of having children in r/consumeproduct

1  2019-11-08 by CapeshitterCOPE


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Childfree consoomer can’t comprehen... -,

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I’m not thankful my parents gave birth to me, non-existence would be far easier than whatever the fuck the world is now

So fucking edgy.


I don't understand the logic behind this if it's true, wouldn't he just off himself?

Nah, he's too much of a pussy to go through with it.


Thats equally pointless he says. So he is just a pussy.

The eternal cope of the nihlistcel

Nah, he's based and apathypilled.

It's a way for him to justify being a fat slob and be mad at his parents at the same time, even though they likely gave him a perfectly fine upbringing.

attention whoring

Coomer leftoids are so pathetic and depressing.

based poster acknowledges he is a parasite and worthless.

Consume current product get excited for next product

I clapped because I saw something I recognized!

Yeah, dude you are right. Who has time time to have children when there is so many great products to consume! Besides we don't need white people to be workers or fighters. That's what mass third-world immigration is for. Just let all those poor third-worlders come in with their large families and let them have lots of children to replace -- I mean be the workers and fighters so that way us privileged first worlders can spend more time consuming product.

Its honestly a win-win for everyone.

This, but without a shred of irony.


In sha Allah

Mayocide now

Come to think of it, would you really want your average r/childfree user to continue their bloodline?

More or less than I want the average roachican immigrant to continue theirs?

More or less than I want the average /pol/tard reject to continue theirs?

If you'd rather be forced to beat other soys to death by cartel thugs than see white people having white families that's your problem I guess.

white people having white families

I said /pol/yps, not white people. /pol/yps are subhuman filth.

Calm down, sicario.

If white genocide is real they should hurry up with getting rid of /pol/

Nope. These are the exact type of people who don't need to be around kids let alone have them.

Permanent forms of birth control should be required before you are allowed to post on reddit, regardless of sub.

ugliness is enough

Yes, someone has to produce drama in the future.

Consoomers are amusing but I don't think having more of them would be any more beneficial for dramacoin.

To serve me fries and pay my social security? Society needs to St least sustain a population.

Robots tho

How much longer does society really need them

As if the bloodline is even important, or maybe you think kids are going to be exactly like you. The childfree has freedom. Which is much more important and better than just adding more random humans. Also the poster of that post is certainly not an average childfree person. You should really be happy that instead of wasting so much time raising their own selfish little circle of DNA and not giving a fuck about anyone else, we are actually out there creating things, doing more in science, and taking care of those you refuse to care for such as the elderly and disabled.

I thought this was pasta but holy shit you're serious lmao

we are actually out there creating things, doing more in science

No you're not >v<

Am to, we have more time to focus on bigger things and study. Plus more money to put into these things. Having children just gets in the way and usually ends up taking over their entire life. Can they do other things during? Sure but not nearly as much. Unless you are a father who just makes the mother do everything lol. Being female that would likely be me...


Ohhh so you’re just racists who don’t like cartoons? I get it now.

Excellent bait

tbh he's not wrong tho

Yeah though I'm sure 90% of r/CP users are closet lolicons


pedophile cope

Lol they are confuming

I imagine the dude who took that photo is smug as shit and goes on about how great California is and judges you for not wanted to sit around eating cereal and smoking.

yeah the guy who took that photo has all of life's problems figured out, if only someone would just listen to him and do what he says

definitely also works in IT in some capacity as well

So true. Most who work in IT are very smug

Easy jobs, good pay, high prestige

Prestige from who? Lol.

I mean that IT jobs aren't looked down on

I look down on them. They are fat and greasy

Ya but they earn more money than you

Well yeah cause I’m in school. So I’d hope


I would rather make no money and be a chad than be a loser who makes money



high prestige


He is not wrong Big Diaper wants you to make more children, or at least wants you to have a diaper fetish.

Yeah but at least a kid will change your diaper

everyone on that sub is incredibly mad at the most mundane shit.

it's even better than this, just more retarded.

Oh look another MDEfugee nest, just like what this place has become.


Everytime a rightoid posts here someone complains about MDEgenerates. Everytime a leftoid posts here someone complains about commies.

Centrism done right


I can't even understand where this sub comes from. It's like /tv/ users who for some reason are unwilling to just shitpost on /tv/ like everyone else.

Oh is this a sub for calling out nu-male soy consumerism culture?

Do the people who populate their sub think its fucking 1910s and their kids (that they will totally have someday with their pure Aryan trad-wife) are gonna live two houses down the street from them in a fucking commune.

I have a kid and stepkid, and Im probably around the same age group as these dipshits. The last thing I want my kids to do is stick the fuck around. I want them to eventually finish school or get a job, go out and experience life... most importantly, to be fulfilled. Be content. If having 10 kids does it, great. If being a beach bum does it, good on you. Dont let a bunch of Lenovo T61-modding losers tell you shit. Losers that have to "have a kid" to make up for the fact that they are losers who wont amount to shit, would never love a child who needs it because its "not their own", and claim to be "religious" but yet dont follow the basic tenants.

Making me seriouspost on a long weekend....

Careful now, they're coming to call you a cuck or whatever

And while they are doing that, I'll go to their momma's house and spray my salty throat coat on her tonsils.


Breeders mad x24


when did right-wingers become such communist losers? This is America. We consume products here. If you want to live on an ounce of rice a day just move to china.

the whole culture of mocking everything that exists is so weird. oh you jack off like a normal person? COOMERMEME.JPEG.

oh you buy things from time to time to entertain yourself? CONSOOMERMEME.JPEG

like the fuck are people supposed to do, stare at a brick wall?

Really? You imagine life without jacking off and buying stupid shit, and staring at a wall is all you think is left?

i knew i'd get this comment because of how i phrased it, but go on the sub, literally everything is bad. if it exists and you exchange money for it, they whine that it exists, and none of them ever talk about anything else they do instead of normal things like playing video games or getting wasted.

also, sorry, but thinking jacking off is weird is pathological, just fucking jack off and get on with your day, you weird fucking prude. no one is telling you to watch 40 hours of sissy hypno or something, but jesus fucking christ busting a nut once a day is fucking normal.

all i know is the people on that sub likely aren't spending their free time on self improvement and expanding their knowledge lol. why are rightoids seething that people masturbate, drink alcohol, or buy dumb shit for fun?

t. unemployed consoomer/coomer/boozer

Because the people on that sub are definitely getting fit or marrying their le qt3.14 trad wife