Rightoids feel betrayed after Ben Shapiro comes out as a Radical Centrist.

1  2019-11-09 by Ghdust2


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  1. Rightoids feel betrayed after Ben S... - archive.org, archive.today

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Where’s the lie? And I hate to agree with this (((Manlet)))

Ben ain't wrong here. A lot of the reasonable comments are all downvoted too

White identity politics should go away because all of the others should go away. Two wrongs don't make a right and "BUT THEY DO IT" is not a sufficient reason for us to turn our back on fundamental principles.

-2 lmao

The "conservatives" on this site lack principle as much as the "liberals" do, who would have guessed?

not liking trump is equal to being in a personality cult

thats some brainlet tier centrism.

I may have been exaggerating for the centrist take, but I really find most of the leftoids on this sub to be pretty awful, generally prone to flip flopping, and most concerned with mayo nonsense rather than actual issues.

most concerned with mayo nonsense

yeah this is true but its still better than becoming a literal mayo rights activist.


having principles

It's because the groypers have their war.


tfw I unironically like Ben Shapiro


Fuck he talks faster than a salesman. Is this how he owns all the libs.

Unfortunately competitive debate teams in the US equivocate speed with winning, thus damning all of us to a generation of these fast talking weirdos being treated as smarty guy royalty.

You aren't wrong. Varsity debate at a high level is almost entirely unintelligible a lot of the time.

Because the speed at which you can whip out and site contrary citations is taken into account.

I hate it.

Because a lot of citations are bullshit anyway and debate should be about persuasive speech and convincing the judge or audience that you are correct.

Varsity debate is just like high speed automaton speech pong.

Does anyone even check the citations lol?

I did that for every paper lol, even in college. As long as you do skim the material a bit to make sure it's relevant barely anyone checks the pages themselves.

Ben Shapiro is just a regular conservative/libertarian lmao

"jewish controlled opposition tells the right not to be so extreme hey maybe lets support israel and be neocons instead guys"

tribesman encourages political extremism to continue so the controllers can manipulate behind the scenes

Ok joomer

They really don't need each other. They can go on about Jews/Patriarchy till the heat death of the universe.