First there was mansplaining, now there is whitesplaining.

1  2019-11-09 by refugeeinaudacity


TIL getting less votes means you “won”

What did he mean by this?

More Americans wanted and want Hillary as president but that’s irrelevant because racist, sexist, white dead slaveowners didn’t want a woman to be president

He unironically thinks the popular vote means anything. Look at him and laugh.

Lol, what a fukkin degenerate burgercel.

Don't forget, your vote matters! /s


We don't do that here, bud.

Truly sorry. /s

Endure the lash of the spanking.

Can we live stream it and split the cash?

Please stop sneeding

That would be applicable if we voted using a popular vote but candidates don’t run elections trying to win a popular vote. So this is irrelevant

candidates don’t run elections trying to win a popular vote.

Hillary was

Thank you based slavemasters for saving us from the gussy menace!

Ikr. He says all that like it was a flaw

I just wanted to pop in here and remind everyone that your opinion as a white man isn't really needed here.

I’m not a white man

Oh can I have your sperms then?


We practice proper grammar here in R Drama.


happy stannis noises

It literally does. You just learned that now?

Sound like a sportsfan complaining about the refs...for not officiating a football game like it's baseball.

In both baseball and football, the team with the higher score is the winner. But not for presidents

The team with more points wins, not the team with the most yards.


And Hillary got the most points but isn’t in the White House.

she literally didn't get the most points

post bussy

306 to 232.

The seeth is still so strong after all these years!

imagine opening rdrama in ur browser or app and seriousresponding to this 🎣

Imagine getting triggered over a schtickposter

Every day I wake up and thank G*d I'm not british.

Allah will not bless you non bong

You're still a furry.

God, imagine being a bong furry >v<

A furry in a country without any wolves. What could be more pathetic than that?

Maybe he wants to fuck Chihuahua, who knows.

Bong furries can at least be hunted like foxes.

British are so stupid that they don't even drive on the right side of the road.

And then they exported the wrong side to random corners of the globe

Here in the UK we say Allah, not god.

Why are white people such wimps? I swear I think white guilt is just another form of the white mans' burden.

All the good ones died in WW2. Which is the opposite of what happened to the Jews. Only the most dastardly, craftiest Jews survived the shoah.


Juche is the Way

The same principle behind super bacteria

Though I’ve belted you and flayed you

By the livin’ Gawd that made you

You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!




Exactly what makes Daddy so based. He would have told her to shut her brown ass up and just be glad we let people like her into our country in the first place.


why do they have islamopobia

Because it's a thing you made up to victimize yourself and Sweden had like 100 bombings this year.

They can't have islamophobia because a phobia is by definition an irrational fear.

Lmao holy fuck how have I not heard anything about this

Isn’t that mostly because Sweden considers it rape when you look at a foid the wrong

Even before that their rape was 64 per 100k which is worse than currently in 45 states. Keep in mind they barely have any minorities other than muslims. It's way less comparable when just counting asians or whites in the usa.

investigating journalists found that in cases where the victims didn't know the attackers, the proportion of foreign-born sex offenders was more than 80%

From wikipedia. Good work sweden, really did a great job integrating those guys lol

Tim Pool wanted to go and check out the no go zones when he worked at vice news but they were like nah dangerous

be Swedish

get blown up

Still a british 8.

Please warn when linking jumpscares

oi m8 you got a license for that explanation lad?

I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. First there was mansplaining, now t... -,

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There's been whitesplaining for years nigga where the fuck you been

Its been the autowin card against white foids for decades

excuse me are you whitesplaining you white devil? I thought not now suck this cock

Turn a britbong, he is done!

What really is fascinating here is the tone and style of that tweet, a certain flavour of arrogance, a borderline feeling of supremacy, as if she's at the end of her wits how to respond.

As a baroness she has to assert her dominance over this mere commoner.

That's an uppity foid who could very easily be back to street shitting

Whitesplaining makes more sense than mansplaining. CMV

Whitesplaining is the most disappointing word of the year. Really makes me lose faith in humanity. Is it really so hard to say Mayosplaining instead?

I prefer to call it mayospreading, sounds more appealing on a sandwich

No, mayospreading would be when we take up too much room on public transportation.

Too much spaces in POC places

Have a hard time with article making insinuations about all the mayos in "Downtown Brooklyn."

We should call white leftards whitesplaining when they speak though.

How did Brits go from ruling a third of the world to this...

Intense focus on whiteness and blackness and other such racial politics is not traditionally a British or European thing, but influence from American media is making nonsense like this more common. There were some BLM protests in the UK a little while back and people were scratching their heads wondering what they were all about since the UK has a completely different racial history in regards to Africans.