Gamers lmao

1  2019-11-09 by Ghdust2


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/r/TF2, with over 300,000 subscribers, needs a strong leader

Good thing this is on a sub for a cartoonish childrens game, cause a grown adult saying that would be pathetic beyond help 🙂🙂

I’ve never been sniped by so many furries in my life till I played TF2.

Or backstabbed by weeabo exploiters.

How do you know they're furries? Do they meow at you or something

Their steam profile pics and “OwO” chat binds.

Is he suing /r/news? What a Chad.

He's gonna get all that janny $$$

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Gamers lmao -,

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How are there so many people on that sub and still playing tf2?

veteran dedicated players mostly.

let's say your game launches with 500k player count. drops to 300k after a few months and you bleed players for years. until your left with a small playerbase who plays religiously and autisticaly makes their life about it.

that's tf2 right now. its bleeding out slowly and valve decided to ignore it for the most part

If valve put a slight amount of effort into it, it'd be a good game

free game + lots of community content + retard youtubers used to soymouth over it so there was constant stream of new players for years.

hat investments


Dead game

Imagine unironically iden yourself with what entertainment you prefer lmao.

Is there anything more peak reddit than starting a useless petition?

apparently the mod in question pissed off a mod on another site. been a while seening a ass-blasted response by a mod

wp drama zzzzzzzz he gets into a fight with the csgo sub mods like every other update