Two psycho women argue over a thermostat and one of them ends up calling the police, the other cancels the other one in this Twitter thread

1  2019-11-10 by Sai22


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Two psycho women argue over a therm... -,

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"She intentionally put my life at risk". Say it loud af because it's true. If all roommates were white, the thought NEVER would have even crossed Brianna's mind to call the police because NO ONE does that. She literally called the police so they would kill her black roommate.

Any real black person would love a white roommate because that bitch actually pays the fucking rent on time and only eats out, consisting off of starbucks and panera bread. Don't have to worry about walking in with her and a man either, but you might have to watch out if she has a dog.

and have the whole apartment smell like mayonnaise and ritz? I’m alright

Yeah but tey to have some empathy.

This Keenan-Thonpson lookin ass hoe is all flustered because the cops can smell melanin and are literally gonna bust in guns blazing over a domestic dispute call.

Lol watch the vid of the crazy white chick screeching. Nobody wants to live with that.

She’s not white.

She is, the girl said in a tweet she thought she was black but she was just tan in her picture when looking for a roommate lol

Not even at a T14 law school, gross.



lmao amerimutts. brianna looks "high yellow" at best

I also love this "If you don't kick that murdering "white" woman out of your college we're gonna try and fire you instead!"

8000 black people shot by [NOT US POLICE] per year... I sleep.

20 unarmed black people shot by [US POLICE] per year... REAL SHIT

White women, especially young white women are gross to share a bathroom with

TFW u get pibble kisses on ur bhole

She’s fat so could be a lazy slob. The cold girl also thought the roommate was black because she was tan when looking for a roommate. These people are all retarded.


Tbh living with black people is a nightmare and you can tell this bitch is no different. I dont blame the roommate for trying to get cops to do her dirty work

Move closer to the equator where you belong. Shivering at 40 degrees, pathetic.

After 500 years they still haven't learned to put on clothes .

65 degrees should be the only temperature on any thermostat. 70 is okay, but if you turn the dial any higher, flamethrowers should incinerate you.

Ohiocels really think 72 degrees in unbearable in their home. I had to room with an obese guy from Maine one year in college and he’d always keep it freezing, I suspect that’s what’s going on here.

living with a stranger for a roommate

It's over for for poor urbancels

living with a stranger for a roommate

I'll never have roommates or live in a city ever again. Friend or not. It's the worst to have a friend you actually like, then you move in together and learn to hate them. Also, I've had way more problems living with friends than I've ever had living with various girlfriends.

What really fucking sucks is when you're living with a friend you enjoy living with, and you've gotta interview strangers to take their place. It's such a can of worms you have to open. Like what fucking weird quirks or poor cleaning habits are you going to have to put up with. Are they going to steal from your room and smell your girl's panties while you two are out for the day? (actually caught a roommate doing this on video)

You face the problem that most of the people looking for a roommate are people who are constantly in the market because their mental illness drives out a new roommate each month.

As someone who unfortunately had to live with roommates for a few years, can fucking confirm.

“Twitter threads” are the woke equivalent of rednecks making YouTube videos ranting in their trucks.

and yet somehow even less cool

Based and howdyyoutubepilled

72 degrees is obscenely hot. Growing up, we would never turn the heater past like 68. Wear some fucking warm socks and quit being a bitch. All that dry air is bad for your skin, nose, and lungs.

68 was 'having company over for the holidays' setting, most of the time it was 62-65. Mostly because it seems like someone set out to design the most energy inefficient house when they built that one.

I have a heater set to full blast pointed at my feet while under a sherpa blanket playing pc games on my bed because it's a bed setup. Get on my level.

One day that g*ming station will become your funeral pyre 🔥🔥🔥

Based and bedsorepilled.

Like sitting off the side of the bed using it like a bench?

no the keyboard and is on the bed, the mouse is on a mouse pad on a flat box on the bed next to the keyboard

You must stink

Tbh I want to smell his indent

I did that for a few months and got much fatter in that time period

You've gotta put a fleshlight on a boom mic stand with some kind of power tool modification to move it up and down automatically and you'll be all set bud.

Yeah, you're actually right. I think I cranked it up to 70 once and almost got kicked out lol. 65ish was the normal. That girl's apartment looks somewhat modern, so I'm inclined to believe it has decent insulation, so there's no reason to be blasting it that high. Wear a fucking hoodie if you're still cold. I'm with the mayo on this one.

lol we dont pay for heat so that shit stays on 80

Enjoy that cracked dry skin

winter air is dry as shit anyway

Wasting energy isn't very wholesome. 😒

I hate that word.

I was referring to their username. 🙄

You /r/wooooooosh'd him haha. Upboats to the left

Edit: I can't believe my most upvoted comment is about sex

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger


Creating a warm and inviting home environment is though 😇


How poor are you? 70-71 is the ideal range.

Your bloodline is weak and will not survive the coming Winter

My air conditioner is set to 73 right now.

I'm... okay with that

I can tell you're a poorcel

I keep it at 62 but I also keep it at 62 in the summer.

I want to leave my all-season-76-degree-loving wife for you rn

22 C is pretty standard room temperature.

22 is fucking high. My dad would beat the shit out of me if I put it past 20

Can someone convert these poverty units?

What kind of broke-ass retard uses fahrenheit for temperature? Such a stupid way of measuring it.

Lol I bet you can't give an actual reason besides "cause water"

Hey let's base how we measure temperature on how it feels when I stick my finger up my ass. That's a 💯👌👌

  • Fahrenheit

The developed world.

sitting at a desk not moving around for a long time, I prefer 21 C.

during any kind of physical work, or even just cleaning up my room like Jordan told me, or after sports, or after a meal, I prefer 18 C.

I heat with a wood stove, barely more than caveman technology. The house ranges from 24-33 and sometimes I have to open a window in the dead of winter.

Later in the thread she said she upped it to 74 degrees. That's fucking ridiculous.

Imagine getting home from work and dealing with passive aggressive foid shit.

I lived in a drafty old victorian house that was fucking awesome to live in until winter, where we had to rely on a boiler in the basement that would jack our heating bill up to $400+ if we turned it above the 50 degree minimum it would keep the house at. My best friend was a heating blanket.

The moids in my office bitch about the AC all the time. It's permanently set to 70 and they act like it's Franklin's Expedition.

pretty sure this is patriarchal oppression


Holyyyeeeeeee shit I’m wheezing hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha she DEADASS said her black body was at risk over a few degrees on the thermostat

Use a blanket lmaooooooo wtf

Glad to see foids of all races are always deathly ill and insufferable while “ill”

Use a blanket lmaooooooo wtf

Or just put on long underwear, or a sweater, or thick socks. Just whatever you need to do to not have a stupid unnecessary heating bill.

That bald headed histrionic dipshit ain't at risk over shit. She has enough blubber on herto protect her from arctic winds.

Sounds like she had a case of the "woman flu". 🤭

Tbf white women ARE the jews of gender.


She said the police were gonna shoot her for being big, black, and loud

Lmaoooo as if we couldn’t infer the last part based on what we know about her

Shot for being fat, one can dream.

Chubbocide when? Can’t come soon enough

CICO death squads. They're real, they're here, and they're terrifying.

Imagine how withdrawn and shut in you have to be to get on the internet to complain and seek validation for a petty argument you had with your roommate. This is exactly what rightoids are talking about when they tell leftoids to get out more. Also i wonder how this would have gone if the White foid had made a post and the 1st thing she did was bring up the basketballians race.

Well, it wasn't exactly a petty argument anymore when the police came over.

You wouldn't believe how much of police calls are petty arguments.

Nobody got hurt and she’s trying to get the other fatty kicked out of law school.

Fat black women who shave their heads are one of the most dangerous creatures in the US and fat white women don’t have the drive to be effective at violence.

Also 74° is insane she’s a retard either way.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Cold Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Wear A Sweatshirt Like Nigga Put On Some Socks Haha

Honestly people who keep the thermostat at a low temperature when utilities are included in rent should be shot.

If i aint paying for it its 69. If i am its 65 and i put on socks

Imagine having so little money that you actually notice the heat bill

Ok boomer

Why would you heat up a whole apartment just for yourself?

I'm having a hard time imagining a level of poverty where the temp in a house/apartment is decided by any factor besides comfort. Christ, that's depressing.

Put on a sweater you fucking spaz.

I've gotten in so many arguments w foids at work about the temperature. They're always cold and I'm like "put on a sweater" and they don't think they should have to.

Classic foid behavior tbh. Believing that the world should cater to their preference instead of changing their own behavior.

And I mean, they can put on a sweater. I cant pop my top off

You can though

Gay, but also not gay.

72-74 is way way too hot

No it’s not. How fat are you?

Its not hot per say but it is too hot to put on the heat at.


When it's summer, you're gonna be hot whether you're inside or outside. When it's winter, you're gonna be chilly whether you're inside or outside. Dress appropriately.

I'm ready for Americels to overheat the world with their CO2 emissions and cleanse us all 🌍🔥

They’re both cunts. Perfect house temperature is 68. It’s a scientific fact.

lol the pseudo-reasonable exchanges at the start. But this is universally how women deal with conflict, with a long string off passive aggressive and indirect nonsense.

Who the fuck keeps it at 72 in the Winter? That's fucking hellfire. And people are saying below 72 is abusive? These people are fucking pussies.

NIST declares "room temperature" to be 68 F. And even that's a bit warm. I have lived years and years of my life in 58 degree homes, and it's fine. Yeah I didn't walk around with shorts on inside, but who the fuck does that in the winter anyway?

Cold? Bundle the fuck up like everyone else. And these are the same people bemoaning climate change. "White people are fucking up the climate"... same time as "Fucking white people not burning up mountains of coal in the winter".

what frozen wasteland do you live in where 72 is hellfire

New England. Not so "New", and not so "England".

its about the same latitude where i live and i would not say 22 is that hot, i wouldnt put ac up that high but it wouldnt bother me

Tldr but setting it to 74 when it's that cold outside is insane, I'd be pissed off too. Does this bitch not know what a jacket is?

As fat as she is she didn't really want it to be 74, she just wanted to spite her moid roommate. She was probably sweating buckets and miserable.

Anyone else notice that in the one frame where the roommates skin shows, you can clearly see that she is black?

Yeah, OP admitted she was bi-racial in the comments but then proceeded to say she was duped because evidently she thought she was getting a black roommate, not a white roommate... so because the girl is bi-racial, she thinks that doesn’t count as black.

Thankfully for me, the officers agreed this was a dumb issue to have called the cops over. They spoke to me, heard my side of the story and admitted it was pretty cold in the apartment. Stated they had to come speak to me for record since they were called

lol when I lived in Oakland CA, I called the cops on a guy who was literally in psychosis outside of my house, screaming in the middle of the street, telling me he's going to kill me because I installed secret listening devices and cameras in his house and I'm controlling his stereo.

911 told me straight up "Sir, we can't come out unless you've actually been assaulted. We can't do preventative work. We don't have the resources for that"

I'm always amazed when people get cops to show up for minor shit like this.


John Jay Alumna. Former McNair Scholar. 1st year Crim PhD Student. Host: @hoodedpodcast . Views are mine 🤷🏾‍♀️

she won't realize how bad she fucked up here until the school asks for a sitdown. every time some shit like this happens with a PhD they nuke their social media within a week.

Views are mine 🤷🏾‍♀️


Thanks for posting OP, this is amazing drama which has been lacking for a long time.