
1  2019-11-10 by trappysaruh

houston, talkback shows barber pole πŸ’–


fricking heck πŸ˜•


Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. <3 - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

RIP Saruh, the most based to grace this sub. Be well.

This completely.



That face is me realizing she deleted all her imgur albums too

not saving local backups

Trappy you are awesome. I'll miss ya terribly tbh.

Bets on how many days til trappy returns? Troons feed on attention. It's not even their fault, they're designed that way. The mechanism is very similar to photosynthesis.

Tbh she prop is looking to get good computershit job and an hero’d account to be safe. Plus she was over this place after her account got anti-evil’d twice.

lmao imagine an employer being able to find your reddit account

That said all the kingpins of the sub are leaving :/

And nothing of value was lost.

This sites' just boring now.

Bye, senpai!!! Hope I will never see you around again. (with love.)

you will be missed

She finally managed to free herself of this shitty website, be proud and fly into your new free world little Tranny butterfly. πŸ¦‹πŸ˜’

I did it I freed her by deleting all her posts on her sub. It was a blessing in disguise

send me her nudes pls

Why did she delete her account? :(

don't cry because it's over, smile because bussy


even her subreddit is empty, it's the end of an era

see ya, space cowboy

I deleted all the posts after she banned me. It was meant to free her of this horrible place

I can't believe you made her reapprove 33 posts & comments on her subreddit. Very devilish.

Honestly I could of done a lot worse

wow ur so cool & badass

okay big guy

That was awfully nice of you to do for her. I returned the favor πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰

Look man being your personal ethot isn’t as fun as you betas think.

Admits to being my little whore


..."you betas"

Are you familiar with irony?

Day of the cope was my favorite user you commies doxxed him. Payback is a bitch

I have no idea who or what you're talking about and tbh Idc. If you can prove that someone was doxxed then you can take it to the admins. I don't see any admin activity in that sub or in the mod mail which means you're either full of shit or you're involved in drama that I missed.

Payback is a bitch

No one should take Reddit this seriously. Post bussy

Just an FYI. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

Just an FYI? Your bait sucks, my dude πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰ I'm not a tranny, I'm a normal degenerate reprobate. You should seek professional help if you continue to take Reddit dumbshittery so seriouslypostbussy

You do realize I’m cancer right? If you don’t get rid of me eventually its just me and my alts talking to each other

Is this you trying to be witty and self depreciating or are you just retarded?

Uh, ok...?

Concern trolling what is this 2011?

You're not making any sense, dude. It would seem that you're just spewing vitrol at this point, to what end I have no idea

Don't you love it when they sperg out at you but after they've been blasted they try and act all cool and shitposty/aloof?

Who's "they?" Was that you trying to project and smugpost at the same time or something? Are you okay?

Edit: My πŸ…±. I got too stoned to read and thought you were the angry little internet dwelling gremlin that I seem to be upsetting

Nah man, makin fun of that tard.

I see that now, lol. This is why I usually just lurk here. Half of the time I'm reading this shit baked as a high niπŸ…±πŸ…±a pie

Oh what happened to sal good I’m indifferent let trannies rule the world I care about nothing ever. Yeah right fuckin poser just like the rest of em find Jesus

What in the name of fuck are you saying? I still can't tell if you're trying to troll or are being a rambling madman. You're barely even stringing together coherent thoughts. Are you that bonkers?

How about just let gay men be gay men not turn them into women

I don't think anyone is forcing gay men to become transgender but ok. I'm not sure what your beef is with trans people or why you're sperging like this but that's your baggage, my dude. I'm just here for the bussy which you still haven't posted

Please, how will we survive without trappy pics?

Why come ... y'all are ok with Trappy appropriating female culture.

pouring one for my nigga



Like a vampire, she fakes her death to return later as an alt.

RIP Saruh. Enjoy the rest of your life free of redditry.

we'll miss you, hope you never come back (for your sake)

O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7

What happened here? Did saruh leave again, or did she 41%?

After that last banwave where she, some of the dramabots, and a couple other mods get accidentally nix'd she said she was done with reddit. Surprised she didn't delete the account then but it was a matter of time.


Not based.

Good night sweet princess 😒😒😒😭😭😭

RIP saruh, have a good life without reddit ❀

Noooooooo ;v;

Trappy was the only tranny worthy of being properly gendered.

Kaara is pretty cool

But have you ever needed to gender a bird anyway?



I didn't know she is one too. Trappy can never be replaced, but I'm a Kaara fan too.


No 😒

Real sad hours for rDrama, but you were too good to be a redditor. Good luck, take care etc etc and sho on and sho forth


Goodbye tranny

I'm not crying because I know you want me to be strong.


Why is it always the good ones that leave us?

Because we're terrible fucking people.


I’ve seen worse.


Last one out, get the lights.

RIP the last great of the subs OG's :(

Dratamard, Momruepari, and now Trappy. Plus Randy sucks now. Pretty soon, all we'll have left are Lawlz and Pizza. πŸ˜“

Don't forget the fall of OG pizza (before he was even more retarded) and Ed.

I unsubbed from this place a bit ago tbh. I pop in now and again but eh. Looks like the srdines won afterall by just lasting longer.

And jewdank, bless her logo'd ass.

God, I forgot all about Ed too. I kept thinking he'd come back on another account any day now, and he never did.

Even latecomers like the_marx are basically dead and gone.

Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened at all.

Also cumtown is a better sub now anyways.

Encountered Ed earlier today on a random news thread. He was busy being downvoted for pissing off the locals lol

❀️❀️❀️ forever my Goddess!

didn't even leave goodbye nudes smh

End of an era. Now that she's gone I guess its safe to say I didn't totally hate her guts

πŸ’– u too bb. Congratulations on escaping from here.

Saruh is this comfyelf

You're a amazing and I love you

Your super intelligent and you'll succeed in whatever you put your mind to

Send nudes

Hope you didn't 41%, dude. If this is just a continuing effort to not be a terminally-online loser, I'm happy for you. See you around.



Trappy is gone? Fuck this gay Earth.

She's still on patreon o.o



