Pizza and a tankie troll really get into it about landlords and farming.

1  2019-11-10 by ObjectiveSuspect


Haha he got Pizza in a corner, Pizza doesn't want to talk about the commie famines.

Are you illiterate?

onzishill 19 points 17 hours ago Weird how capitalist countries did real well with the food and non-capitalist countries didn't do so well.

If you can't comprehend why food works as a market commodity I can't help you, that's just some sub 70 IQ shit.

What exactly do you think this is pointing to?

I don't know man, please enlighten me all about the Holomodor and mass famine, and any other socialist or communist related starvation.

You're actually just so stupid I suspect you don't even know where you are.

Like my gps coordinates? Or metaphysically?

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Pizza and a tankie troll really get... -,

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no they did not

yes they did


No, actually they don’t. For-profit housing and agriculture tend to be horribly inefficient as well. That’s why all three need to go.

Ah yes because tankies are known for surplus agriculture

A surplus is inefficient. What you want is just the right amount of food for the people, not excessive environmental waste.

No, surplus is the reason we have arts and sciences. Consider how far removed from humanity you actually are and please excuse my scathing laughter.

No, surplus is the reason we have arts and sciences.

Because arts and sciences use the extra food?

ur rretarded

People fail to realize how harmful capitalism’s excesses are to the environment. Nationalize health care, food, and housing.

i cant tell if you are trolling or not because a large amount of rightoids act like market externalities dont exist. e.g. the entirety of /r/libertarian

Not just that but also entertainment, travel and all other human rights.

Any amount of food can become a surplus if your murder enough people.

He does have a point. Even agreeing with Pizza is a waste of time. He will still argue

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