They Just Keep Doing It

1  2019-11-10 by Shubard75


Why do boomers always overreact about things that the media wills into existence. No one was using the phrase until some boomer wrote an article about it in the NYT

Because they are lolcows

Torn between hating my fellow zoomers for parroting this dumb meme 24/7 and hating boomers for turning it into a thing :(

Because reddit

I can't believe this has created so much kvetching

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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The 'OK, boomer' meme hurts Gen Z more than the older generation it's aimed at

“I’m rubber and you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.”

Oh, it’s a battle over which generation are the biggest fucking babies.

Gen-X happily sitting this one out.

You’ll get blamed for all the world’s woes one day too

  • shrugs* Our motto is literally " I don't care"

We've been patiently waiting for them to destroy each other before making our move.

Reality Bites back Edit pls don’t do that

There are late-term xoomers also seething about boomers don’t worry


It's pretty funny to see a bunch of millenials and zoomers adopting the tactics of the boomers they claim to hate. Apparently they hate them so much that they're just uh... going to act exactly like them. Seems smart.

How the Boomer recoils!

The boomer cries out as he economically cripples you.


The boomer is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a rightoid, christcuck, racist, out-of-touch, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But say to him 'ok boomer' and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

And the radical centrist millenials realize both are retarded.

Gen X are the real radical centrists, they've managed to keep out of these retarded generation identity wars entirely. :v

True. Gen X and older millennials are the only thing keeping society functioning at the moment.

who tf keeps gilding shit?

Gen Xers with our disposable income we’ve earned by being fiscally responsible and not asking for handouts

Learning to enjoy the simple pleasures instead of wasting our money on the latest fad .

There’s hundreds of us here!!! HUNDREDS!

Playing WoW Classic like God intended.

Maybe Chris Cantelmo is back

I feel like Boomers and Zoomers are basically the same sort of narcissistic assholes. Both of them push their own version of some utopian ideal for society and that's why there is so much friction between them.

It's the opposite for us, we grew up in the shambles of the big social experiments of the 50's and 60's. We saw first hand the narcissism that goes hand in hand with these big ideas and we lived through the resulting fall out of growing up ignored as latch key kids while watching our parents indulge in an endless stream of failed marriages, self help books and "me time".

So yes, we are cynical, but only because we know your shit stinks. Life is pain. It sucks. People are garbage, totally rotten to the core and if you don't proceed acknowledging that this is an immutable fact of life then you are a blithering idiot.

This is why the culture war is so hot right now. You have two generations that believe that not only can they remake the world, but that they can actually remake mankind to be something that is just not in our shitty DNA. They are going to eat each other and then themselves and finally sometime in the future another "in between" generation will come along and say, just like we've been saying, "This is all garbage and people are shitty and boy were you a bunch of fucking morons, wasting all your energy on stupid shit that just fucked everything up more."

Stupid little bitches don't even realize that they are just like the boomers. The fine print might be different, but they're just as narcissistic and entitled and rotten to the core and I'm too tired to give a shit about it.

Dude no millenials are trash look at what our dumbfuck generation did to colleges, look at the millennial politicians coming out, look at how our politics is basically retarded anarchists and retarded white nationalists slapfighting in the streets.

The only thing millenials are good for is drama coin

look at the millennial politicians coming out

This is one of my greatest fears for the future of the country. In 30 years we'll have to choose between voting for some leftoid who grew up on AOC or some rightoid who grew up on Ben Shapiro.

The real horror is having politicians that grew up on YouTube.

Zoomers are getting blamed for a lot of shit that millennials do. Zoomers haven't done anything of not yet, they're teenagers

Nah technically the youngest Millenials are like 25 right now, so the kids in their early 20's are zoomers.

Boomers created Earth Day, a day to recognize the planet you live on. Zoomers created Greta, a person to recognize the planet you live on. Boomers created hippies. Zoomers created wokesters. Boomer counter culture was anti establishment. Zoomer counter culture is anti establishment. Boomers created the resurgence of white nationalism in the 1980s. Zoomers created the alt right movement. Like you said, they’re both sides of the same coin.

Okay xoomer

The person that wrote the article lists herself as a member of Generation X.

Obviously a day walker. We must be on our guard....

Gen Xers are just jaded because they knew the economy was going in a downward spiral. Their semi charmed kind of life was merely glycerine and didn’t want their days to go by.

Now that it’s all transpired they’re just sat there like a stone

Gen X is the only good generation since WW2

Millennials invented the communism resurgence, trannies and language police, regard

Eventually, once the boomers are gone and all hell breaks loose because Gen X is now the adult in the room and they don't feel like doing anything and just say fuck it, America will basically devour itself in a civil war between transgender communist Millennials throwing rightoids into gulags and zoomer Nazis yeeting leftoids into death camps and fortnite dancing over their corpses.

I have seen the future, and it's great for drama.

In pretty sure it was their boomer feminist professors who put the ball on the tee for them. It's not like millenials just came up with these plans and ideas on their own.

Imagine thinking young or old people have anything at all of value to say.

This zoomer vs boomer wars are getting on my nerves just kill each other asap pls the world will be a better place

Miami Redhawk dramacels represent!

Boomers: “if you don’t cut it out we’re gonna bring the n word back.”

Zoomers would just start using the phrase even more.

And then boomers will say the n word even more. Great for drama all around

Everyone sucks and is gay in this fight