The Drumpf baby balloon as fallen

1  2019-11-10 by Kaiser-romulus


lol what the fuck were they thinking taking this thing to Alabama?

Highest Glumpf support in the country is in bama

no, the most support he gets is in West Virginia

also needless to say the most retarded state in the whole union, and yes the competition is fierce

Didn't this happen in bongistan?




one female has been arrested for being in possession of a pointed or bladed article


w... we?

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


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Dude already has 22k on his gofundme for his legal defense.

Not a bad racket if you think about it. He'll toss out a grand for some local lawyer and probably walk with time served and restitution for the balloon and pocket the difference.

sam hyde

$295 in the span of the last 10 mins. Wtf

The dude will have a felony on his record for the rest of his life and he'll drop off the map once his trial is done.

Hoyt Hutchinson, 32, was charged with felony first degree criminal mischief in the incident, the Tuscaloosa News reported.

There's no way he's gonna be able to get a first degree felony down to a misdemeanor. He's fucked his future career prospects. If he had any to begin with, of course.

Might actually improve his job prospects in Alabama

Anything to get an edge for that Wal-Mart department manager position.

There's no way he's gonna be able to get a first degree felony down to a misdemeanor.

I'd take that bet.

Nah, he'll do fine on magatard welfare: podcasts, Fox contributor, some shitty thinktank will hire him as an analyst or some shit..

Look how George whatshisface has made a career out of killing that skittles kid, and he's a beaner.

Look how George whatshisface has made a career out of killing that skittles kid, and he's a beaner.

No, he's a "white hispanic," remember?

It's alabama, they'll hire him on the spot, the state is 65% red.

A felony for popping a balloon? Why is the guy in the video breathing so heavily?

Probably the price of the balloon? Destruction of property is just classified as criminal mischief in general, typically it becomes a felony because of extenuating circumstances or because of the cost of the damage.

Also, DA's like to over compensate on filing charges so that they can get defendants to plea down. I'd be willing to bet a box of donuts that even a shitty strip mall lawyer could plead this down to a fine and probation with no criminal record.

Daddy’s supporters can grift like no one else. Although... it’s almost always from daddy’s other supporters. It’s the basketball American crime rate of political gritting.

Daddy’s supporters can grift like no one else.

I think this is what really makes the opposition so angry. Every time they come up with some scheme to rig elections or make money in an unscrupulous fashion republicans come in behind them and do their own version of the same scheme, and the republican version always works better.

KISS keep it simple stupid.

Like when they got swindled off millions of dollars by a guy making a Sadiq balloon or by the guy who said he'd donate it to building the wall 😬

Those are good examples. Trump Baby guy actually wasted his ill-gotten gains making the balloon. The other two guys took the money and ran with it.

Do the MAGAcels still expect people to believe they support freedom of expression?

The surprising thing about people being censorious shitbags is that liberals so quickly gave up on freedom of speech as a value, not that rightoids are using it as a bludgeon against them.

To be fair neither does society, if they made one of a tranny it would be hate speech and attacked by antifa

Everyone should just learn that southern rural whites are the most ghetto whites and that explains most of their behavior.

Does anyone?

Can’t believe the reeeeesistance thought the gumps would tolerate daddy bashing. I’m just amazed it wasn’t shot.

I think trump has like 60% support in Alabama so pretty much every white person.

Ya bama bangz frat boys aren’t gonna have any of it. I say this having been to an SEC school and traveling to many games. Only Mississippi would have been better. Legit violence with rednecks beating up reeeeesisters May have happened in Oxford. They still celebrate their old unofficial mascot ‘colonel reb’, who was a slave owner.

colonel reb is 100x better than the retarded bear or shark.

plus it gives us shit like this

Lmao 🤣 that’s amazing!


none of that pussy Portland shit!

As centrists, we both know these extreme places are equally retarded.

Yeah, but Portland is definitely more retarded.

Lmao just put some tape of that shit, who cares

It truly is unbelievable how much drama this fucking balloon has brought us.

I want to see one the size of a hot air balloon next

Why is the drumpf baby ballon posing as fallen? Is he at a convention?

Knifed? These Alabama black market abortions are getting out of hand