Hey guys how's your Sunday morning going? Would you like some femcel art?

1  2019-11-10 by RedditModsEatMyAss


I am actually getting an erection reading all of these, nerdy girls with poor self esteem is my fetish.

Remember that these are women and they cant consent

A true tragedy

Reminds me of this scene from Borat



Thanks to the power structures of the patriarchy, a woman is unable to consent to sex with a man. Next time, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, BIGOT!

Retards can't consent

Some leftards believe women are literally too stupid to consent, like in Louisk CK's case.

There's a difference between "giving consent" and "consent matters". Legally consent usually doesn't matter when there is any possibility of coercion.

so women are too stupid to consent?

Given enough psychological pressure, you too would say "yes MasterLawlz please plow my bussy" even though we know that is haram


🀨... 🧐

Don’t blame you. Not really my thing but I could see why you like that.

Half of these "cel" memes are complaining about boyfriends...

Their complaints are that they won't truly be loved like a Stacy would and that they're used for sex or something πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Yeah because Chads using Stacies for sex is just unheard of.

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Hey guys how's your Sunday morning ... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. This is kinda creative with the LDA... - archive.org, archive.today

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  4. slayyyy kweeen - archive.org, archive.today

  5. this one is kinda sad I think πŸ˜• - archive.org, archive.today

  6. another sad one were the artist dep... - archive.org, archive.today

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  8. this is my favorite πŸ˜‚ moids btfo - archive.org, archive.today

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  10. I don't even know tbh 😐 - archive.org, archive.today

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That ever do a selfie thread in that sub?


What the fuck?

I was expecting deformed orc-like women, but quite a few of them are pretty alright.

Foids are truly mysterious things.

You know how I know the women in their are not paying attention to your swipes?

Many of them do look like goblins but most could still find someone to bang then.


Some of them r cute 😍

doxxed in 3...2...

Yo the 10th post there looks like pizzashill ngl

WTF? Are most of them normal foids who have accidentally stumbled in there not knowing it's a "femcel" sub and thinking it's for regular makeup tips or something?

I don't think you are understanding the terminology here.

Incels, like the name implies, means involuntary celibate-- as in bottom barrel men who can't get laid "against their will." These are the men who call for extremist shit like state sponsored girlfriend or shit like that.

Femcels are not incels. Femcels can get laid all they want if they wanted to. In fact, most of them are probably sluts by now raking in N counts in double digits by their middle 20's. Femcels are "voluntary" celibate. As in women, who remain sexless in the short term in order to wait for the chad to sweep her off her feet.

In other words, femcels are more of a chastity promise than anything else.

Man you have high opinions of these hoe to think they'd get help

I should feel bad for these people but since they're incels scum i have no problem looking down on them. All they need to do is take a shower and clean their rooms and they can't even do that

The femcel is the saddest creature. They are truly the most invisible people. A I really don't understand why the CIA hasn't hopped on the femcel train.

I really don't understand why the CIA hasn't hopped on the femcel train.

If women are as bad at killing other people as they are at killing themselves I don't think we need to worry

Don't feel bad for them. Its just foids on a victim-stancing LARP. If you want to see what they think a "TruFemcel" is, go to /r/TheGlowUp


Literally a bunch of 4-7s who look absolutely crazy. Like the one w the kinda pretty blue eyes decides the way to show them off is to STARE DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA AND OPEN THEM ENTIRELY WITH A FULLY EXPRESSIONLESS FACE.

6/10 fuck and ghost

Have these broads ever tried not being fat?

is pro choice because he hates women. the abortion part doesn't bother him.

based magatard

Abortion is a troubling subject as a radical centrist. I don't think life starts at conception, so abortion is not murder, but eventually the fetus is grown enough that it is murder. I'm also worried about overpopulation, so abortion could help there. But clearly giving women any kind of choice is a mistake. I also don't want to be pro choice cause then I'll be on the side of the faggy leftists. But the pro life side is fully of church retards so I don't really want to be on their side either.

It's tough, not sure where I land yet.

You guys with that flair always post a lot of words. Not saying it’s bad

rip trappy 😒

Hey now.

The funny part is that she usually just types one line with no punctuation. Her sons are verbose.

Wait I don't wanna be her son. I wanna be her lover

Gotta be one to be the other. She won’t just bless anyone with the shenis.

What race is the fetus tho

White fetus that are aborted is murder. But that's a good thing

It's simple, really:

Make giving birth a no-assistence, free-for-all event. All babies must be birth with no help from doctors/nurses, only the mother's willpower. After that, the newborns will not be fed for 1 day, so the weak ones die. And then, we release a few starving pibbles so only those lucky enough can live.

The reason this is the best choice? Well...

  • No doctors/nurses mean that foids that don't really want the babies will not have them, so the weak-willed ones will perish together with the kid. Only strong mothers are allowed to reproduce or survive an abortion. You can say it is God's Will (for rightoids) or Darwin's Award (for leftoids).

  • Not feeding them (and culling the weak in the process) will make sure the surviving ones are ready for the starvation periods humanity will soon suffer, be it caused hypercapitalism or commie incompetence. Again, you can say that they're the Chosen Ones (for rightoids) or Genetically Superiorβ„’ (for leftoids).

  • Nobody wants a unlucky cuck. They'd probably grow to be incels or gamers anyway. Also we'll need a reason to eliminate all pibbles in the future, so there we go.

This is the only centrist option. 😎😎😎

I think you just described troll reproduction, unintentionally.

Like from D&D?


I love giving unreciprocated facial abuse head for 5+ hours

Wow is that the perfect women?

They’re out there just usually born with a dick

A wet mouth is a wet mouth

Need me a stacy thundercunt

I clicked on the slay kween one. I would argue that if a girl had 12 boyfriends, none of them are chads. They are cucks

Jealousy is a female trait - Some Rapper.

BTW this is an excellent post, where is pizza perfect time for him to come continue his crusade against all foids.

Stacy Thundercunt

moids instantly cum and die when they see her


Is that a sub of ugly chicks dunking on the hotter ones?

being an incel while also being a woman

How do you fail this hard AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Whoever said women can't be funny? You just have to deprive them of all sexual value and destroy their sense or worth.

You just have to deprive them of all sexual value and destroy their sense or worth.

So make them moids? Got it


Chads ignore women like you for good reason. Your way too idealistic in your expectations. Try mediation or reading a bible maybe that will help

Feminisms end goal is eradication of the white race

Men only see attractive women.



The findings suggest that (a). both male and female observers selectively attend to physically attractive female targets, (

OP is true femcell ignores the first line of a study blaiming men when women do the exact same thing

Oh lord OP you really are a femcell

Men are actively turned off by intelligence, unless the woman is more attractive than she is smart.


You just have to be nice and not expect men to jump into your arms just because you exist

Me?? Lmfao

I’m literally over here beating my dick and my pussy at the same time because of this thread. Someone ping the OP I need to cream at something

Ugh, just fell into this rabbit hole for a good hour. How toxic.

I love how people obsessed with gender relations always bitch about what one sex does but justifies it when they do it. Like MGTOW idiots will go on about how women are vain and shallow then throw out some 2/10 pointy knees shit.

Inversely this broad is talking about how poor and unfair the world is to ugly women while making fun of guys for things like their height, chins, or being bullied as a child.

Can you take the space out between the β€œ]” and the β€œ(β€œ so you don’t look like such a fucking retard?

πŸ™„ It looks fine on my phone πŸ˜’

Stacy Thundercunt is hot. I have a new waifu.

Goddamit, I'm too much of a bleeding heart. :/ This shit is legitimately sad, and I wish more people sympathized with incels and femcels.

Although I suppose it's true that people don't bully femcels in the way that they do incels. They still get ignored though