Video game nerds discuss “artistic integrity”

1  2019-11-10 by colormebadorange


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That game seems like an overly edgy, shitty doom.

The devs have to be trolling. I mean the main character's name is essentially Vidya (Vydija).

Vidya means education in a lot of Indian languages

Vidya Games doesn't mean educational software.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Video game nerds discuss “artistic ... -,

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They sure did snappy they sure did....

That game is probably banned off YT. You literally beat a woman and eat her baby lmao.


It looks like video games haven't changed at all in the 15-20 years it's been since I last played one.

God forbid any of these nerds stumble across a Francis Bacon painting or -gasp- a Goya