The latest installment of Nazi zoomer drama: TP USA's Charlie Kirk and Donald Trump Jr. are booed offstage after cancelling the event's Q&A

1  2019-11-10 by GARBAGE_MACHINE

Yet another TP USA was raped by groypers today.

Some footage of the gamers rising up:

And I thought left infighting was juicy.


tradcath zoomers are disrupting the Republican party

I could not picture myself saying these words a year ago

2019 is wild.

If you told me the zoomer equivalent of the crazy guy who yells at people in the free speech area of a college campus that all faggots will burn in hell and sodomy is Satan would be rising up in the republican party I wouldn't believe you but I'm so glad I was wrong

I don’t get why tradcath scum are so anti immigration? Surely all those immigrants from Central America are Catholic. Doesn't that aid their papist plot to ruin America even more by taking it away from god’s natural aristocracy (WASPs)?

While certainly most of the immigrants from Central America are Catholic the fact is 70% of Hispanics vote Democrats. They believe that unlimited immigration from the global south is partially what caused traditionally red states like Virginia to flip blue.

It's all fun and games until your state changes color 😠😠😠

Are they actually tradcath though?

edit: take the papist pill

They’re full on “Vatican II was the worst event in modern civilization” tradcath.

Go look them up twiddling rosaries in the Q&As they’ve been trolling

Vatican II was the worst event in modern civilization

This but sincerely and honestly.

No way, the Reformation bro

Reformation was pre-modern. 😑

Everything after His birth is modern imo 🙏🙏🙏

Yeah but I’m pretty sure they still live degenerate 21st century lives is what I’m saying. Like beyond LARPing about going to Latin Mass they probably still have premarital sex (if they can), don’t observe all 7,500 saints days, don’t go to confession, don’t follow all of the weird or actually difficult rules etc...


Are they shouting “America first” as in not Israel first?

Yes, that's also the same of the ringleader's show.

It's the name of zoomer Nick Fuentes' show.

Cant we all just get along? 🥺

2016: The left and right battle each other

2019: The left and right battle themselves

I like all of it.

When /r/drama makes me feel sad, I go to /r/collapse for a quick pick-me-up 🤗

What an uplifting sub. Subscribed


2016: we fight each other

2019: we fight our feelings

I saw that they apparently disrupted some Republican representative's Q&A last week too, then I watched the video and the entire audience was literally like 20 dudes on a field somewhere.

The reason this happens is because just like under Dubya the entire rightoid establishment (other than Evangelicals, who keep going to Church) implodes under the reality of an actual conservative president - same happened for liberals under Obama.

Leftoids aren't going to go since they're not gonna buy tickets to hear Donald Trump Jr (lmao) speak. So the only people who are diehard Trumpoids and these geeks.

They've been doing it for about a month now.

Used to be able to follow it from their sub /r/AFwithNJF but AHS got it banned.

Yeah, the thing is that since these events are overwhelmingly in major liberal cities, aren't massively attended (they could never do this at a Trump midwestern rally since they'd be outnumbered by like 10,000 boomer evangelicals) and don't register as interesting for left-wing movements or protesters, a few hundred of his fans can mobilize effectively like this. They're more willing to do it, too, since unlike showing up to a Richard Spencer rally circa 2017 your life won't be ruined by being caught on camera chanting 'America first' at a Don Jr speech.

I'm impressed his shtick has lasted so long, though - it's a damning indictment against /pol/iticians that an annoying kid the alt right used to mock incessantly now commands actual attention from the same people.

It’s not an indictment of anything!!! Other than Americans are racist!

It happened at OSU and ASU as well, not liberal strongholds

To be fair, isn’t the whole concept of evangelicalism heresy for tradcaths?



Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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These guys didn't get the memo that modern conservatism is leftism from 5 years ago with trannies and a slightly lower tax rate

The mexicans are taking over

Now if Soros funded some meme Nazi candidate that all these retards like he could possibly help a Democrat get elected. Nazi zoomers always talk about this murdock dood, maybe get him to run.

That's a cartoon character.

Lmao really? Next you’re going to tell me the culture of critique is actually a nursery rhyme

It's hard to tell if people are completely retarded on here or not.

I don’t really follow this alt right nonsense tbh, I only know the memes