Happens more often then you'd think, but if they already transitioned they just decide to join the 41% after realising they've ruined their bodies and lives.
So unbelievably based. I would accept troons if the majority were like this. I would even use the play pretend pronouns, as long as it was understood that I'm doing it for the sake of their mental health and not because they've bludgeoned me into believing that a biological man can literally become a woman.
By 1949, Cauldwell is using the term transexual to refer to "individuals who wish to be members of the sex to which they do not properly belong" and who desired surgery to alter their physical characteristics to resemble those of the opposite sex. On other occasions he used different terms, such as "sex transmutationist" to refer to the same individuals. Interestingly, as late as 1957, the "Sex Glossary" published in "Sexology" has entries for Eonism, gynecomastia, hermaphrodite, intersexual, transvestite
Cauldwell warns strongly against 'sex change surgery' on a mixture of ethical and practical grounds – it cannot, he argues, make a 'real' member of the opposite sex.
The fact that mtf’s are the only troons that exhibit this level of self awareness only further proves that they are not actual foids. Quite the paradox 🤔
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1 forseti911 2019-11-11
Even if this is bait it's pretty much completely right.
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2019-11-11
Cutting of your dick is weakling shit. And foids are weaklings.
Get over it, transfoids are women.
1 transgirltradwife 2019-11-11
Looking for attention. You’ll always be one of us no matter how much you cope
1 unrulyfarmhand 2019-11-11
If it’s actually a trans he’s basically saying “I’m never gonna pass and I want to go back.”
1 Platycel 2019-11-11
Happens more often then you'd think, but if they already transitioned they just decide to join the 41% after realising they've ruined their bodies and lives.
1 Ubertroon 2019-11-11
Most of the people who get bottom surgery regret it sooner or later because they realize they no longer get boners from wearing women's clothing
And instead all they're left with is a rotting hole that grows hair on the inside
Big yikes
1 Fascisteen 2019-11-11
Send me a pic of u
1 Pinksister 2019-11-11
So unbelievably based. I would accept troons if the majority were like this. I would even use the play pretend pronouns, as long as it was understood that I'm doing it for the sake of their mental health and not because they've bludgeoned me into believing that a biological man can literally become a woman.
1 Ubertroon 2019-11-11
Most of the right wing troons seem to fall into the same camp, not willfully ignoring reality, but presenting as women as that makes them happy
But of course they have to, if not it would be straigth to a different sort of camp
1 Ubertroon 2019-11-11
Fuck, I was hoping the Troon term would stay under the radar for a while longer to slide under the radar more easily
1 Fortizen 2019-11-11
Based and Cauldwell-pilled
1 dramasexual 2019-11-11
This is either a TERF LARP or a trann that spends all his time on /r/gendercritical because the lingo is 100% spot on.
1 colormebadorange 2019-11-11
The fact that mtf’s are the only troons that exhibit this level of self awareness only further proves that they are not actual foids. Quite the paradox 🤔