Eugenia Cooney losing weight, relapsing. November 10,2019

1  2019-11-11 by Yunnie101


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Eugenia Cooney losing weight, relap... -,

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In this stream, she is denied that she is relapsing

In this stream, she is denied

Who is denying her?

I am


Hehe "cooney"

There's a video out there where she 'accidentally' shows her cooney on stream

Maybe I could help her. My coom is very calorie dense due to my strict diet of hot pockets and mountain dew. It also has a slight yellow tint from the mountain dew. She wouldn't be able to resist eating it up and gaining weight. Truly, my coom is revitalizing.

literally whu

the sexiest woman on earth

You just wanna give her a bath in the sink and gently feed her a diet coke

Jannies is there anyway we can find out anyone that’s donated to her and ban them 🤔

Man you gotta trigger warning spoopy skellies after Halloween. ✖️🙅✖️

I used to think about what it would be like to be her boyfriend. You know, getting her to trust you and eventually fall in love. Then just drop little hints, saying things like "Are you gaining weight?" or "Wow, you feel really heavy today."

Then, you know, she'd react by going on a half-a-grape a day diet but you act like you don't notice. I wonder how long you could keep that up before she wasted away.

Is that illegal? I feel like that's not illegal.


I thought this was going into an entirely different direction but I seem to have forgotten what sub I was on.

Holy fuck, kill it with fire! What in the fuck even is that?

still has a fat pussy

Well dude. You have also got some big balls to write so much impudence. Get lost.

bro I'm just tryna see her tits before she drops

What tits?

Dude, I know this is supposed to be fun, but I'm just seeing here comments laughing at her ilness which is not cool. Like seriously, could this people get a life or something? You clearly don't know what this girl is passing for-