The Virigin Plebbitors vs. The Chad Veteran in r/unpopularopinion

1  2019-11-11 by AlohaWarrior35


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  1. The Virigin Plebbitors vs. The Chad... -,

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When even the bots are woq on the Mayo Question.

Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

who said that?


Who's the slimy little Communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here, who just signed his own death warrant?

Nobody huh? The fairy fucking godmother said it! Out fucking standing! I will PT you all until you fucking DIE! I will PT you until your assholes are sucking buttermilk!

The top reply is about incels since when did incels care about vets

Damn draft-dodgercels.

You have mention incels at least once in any critique of anything on Reddit. It’s the rules.

Find some link between volunteering for the army and Brin involuntarilycel

Oh boy they sure burned through that insults value, didn't they...

It's still a stretch but they some would probably see it as a form of cuckery, that and add fear of accusations of being cucked by civilian Chads when they are not home.

Umm ok.

How about getting 100% of your health care for free.

Disability pay for that knee that's been bothering you since jump school.

Lmao this absolute faggot has no idea how much of a horrible shitfuck mess the VA is

I mean he's right on paper. He just fails to realize that real life isn't what's on paper

The VA isn’t that bad. Media loves to shit on it tho

I unironically don't give a shit about the military. I don't really beef them or anything, but I couldn't care less about them.

Shooting some brown tards in the desert doesn't make you special nor does it mean you protected anything.

The only veterans who deserve adulation are the poor sods who got drafted against their will to fight in Vietnam

And gamers of course.

When you really think about it did any of us choose to live in a society

If there’s one thing Reddit is known for, its pogs and 1 year washouts claiming veteran status posting how much they hated their service and how much they hate being thanked so chapos can point at them and use them as a statistic for hating the military

The OP of that post didn’t even serve tard.

Retarded people fight against a jingoistic retarded person.

The American public isn't the enemy of veterans, the American government is.

Veterans are unironically annoying as shit. They go to the desert to shoot some brown people for a few years and then they come back and expect you to worship them while they leech off of welfare.

Maybe i should join up that sounds like a good gig

lmao I fuckin love this guy. That boomer millennial needs to come here. Fuck this ping cock block.

The unpopular opinion OP is a boot.